Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - Is God Temporal or Timeless?

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Is God temporal, existing in time as we humans do? Or is God outside of time, eternal, and living a radically different kind of existence? Does God experience everything simultaneously in no time? Does God experience what is for us every event, every moment, in one ineffable moment?

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I dont get why those theologians are all about the perfection of god that must be kept all costs. Even if we were to grant the existence of such being, judging by the creation itself (the universe) which far from being perfect, how one can take the logical step "imperfect creation => perfect creator"?


I saw 3 theists debate and atheist. The theists couldn't agree on a definition of God. So how can you defend something when you're not sure what you are taking about?


As a subscriber to the "Closer to Truth" series, I find the interviews on pedantic topics like this one, akin to discussing "angels on the head of a pin, " to be a waste of time. (As background, I have both a Ph.D. and an M.A. in analytic philosophy from Ohio State.) The concept of "God" can be defined in any way you want, so what's the point of somehow attempting to identify the "correct" or "true" one? Definitions are neither true nor false -- they are suppositions, and so, they are either useful or not. One might as well attempt to determine which of the many FONTS and styles of the English alphabet is the "correct" one. It makes no sense -- just pick one, and if it doesn't suit your purposes, then pick another one. (Frankly, I'd rather hear a more meaningful discussion, such as whether The Incredible Hulk could beat Thor, The Thunder God in a fair fight. I'm betting on Hulk.)


This is rooted in a very ancient discussion. It's the old BEING vs BECOMING dialogue found in Plato, Aristotle, Judaism, Buddhism, etc... and no Julian, it's not akin to the Easter Bunny or Santa.


You may not know all of the dimensions of time. Time is process, it can have different qualities or dimensions. It would be wiser to with-hold judgement until you have all the facts.


All creatures seek value and look for it in their environment. If the universe is consciousness then, it may be harvesting the meaningful information that lies in the region between static truth and chaotic randomness.


"Closer to Truth" is moving "Away from Truth." How about being honest (truthful) and calling it: "I Believe in God"?


Assuming "God" exists, where is it mandated that "God" always and forever has to act logically according to human understandings? Couldn't "God" even choose to logically act illogically?


More people should read Palamas and his outline of God's essence and energies.


Only in America does the Science channel show 1 hr documentaries entitled The Hunt for Bigfoot " and "The search for Noahs Ark " We also stand alone in our denial of Scientific facts like Climate Change and Evolution. Then we ask ourselves "How did Trump win the election?"


God is the name of the AI and Voice system that's built into the computer generated simulation program we're involved in. I have known the Voice of the intelligent source for over 37 years and it's how I learned how we're created. The system we're in is timeless and it's created as nothing but invisible information.


God dwells above the circle of the Earth, to where Jesus ascends bodily.

Isaiah 40:22
"He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth"

Acts 1
"9 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. 10 They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.11 “Men of Galilee, ” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven"


Does the Easter Bunny eat chocolate or is he made of chocolate himself?


It is my prayer that God will open up their eyes to the truth of the Christian faith.


If there is a god it has no effect on our universe so no god unless the speeding up the universe is to kill it lol.
