I Smoked a Brisket in THREE HOURS & the Results Were AMAZING
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Can you cook a GOOD brisket in three hours? Look, we all know that big briskets, and low and slow and stay up all night used to be the thing, and I know, I know, some cooks still really enjoy doing it that way. But come on folks, we got AI! We got Chat GPT! Well, not in BBQ yet…but I did cook a hot and fast brisket in three hours! And you know what…it was incredible!
Of course, it wasn’t an 18 pounder either. This was a little seven pound choice brisket I picked up mainly to do one more test one with my OFFICIAL APC BRISKET Rub which is now available online and in stores. But MAINLY I got this brisket because we hadn’t cooked and enjoyed one in a while. We’ve been crunched for time lately and I thought this would be the best brisket to cook for dinner in a short amount of time. I figured four hours, but man, I was done in three instead! OMG was it good!
For this cook I’m using HASTY-BAKE ROUGHNECK BARREL SMOKER and some lump charcoal with a little bit of post oak and mesquite chunks for South TX flavor. I love the set-it and forget-it of this particular cooker and that’s why I chose it for this cook.
And who says you can’t cook meat side down on a direct cooker? I’m running fat side up on this cook.
Let me tell y’all…this brisket was WOW! The results were super impressive and yall definitely wanna stick around and check it out. Now let’s get fired it up and cook a THREE HOUR BRISKET!