T-64 vs T-62 with Kontakt-5 explosive armor | Armor Penetration Simulation

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Simulation of T-64B projectile hitting the turret frontal armor of T-62 with Kontakt-5

125mm 3BM22 (4.5kg APFSDS, 44-30mm diameter steel penetrator + 20mm diameter tungsten carbide core + tungsten alloy cap)
at 1600 m/s


T-62 turret front max thickness 214mm, 220-230mm LOS thickness in the impact zone, taking into account ~12° side angle and fall angle.

+ Kontakt-5 (17mm HHA plate)

125mm 2A46 gun muzzle velocity (3BM22) - 1760 m/s. 1600 m/s refers to a distance of approximately 1.5 km.
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In theory, the 3BM22 has a penetration potential of 450 mm at 2 km


My prediction was wrong. A combination of 3BM22 being better than I expected from my experience playing War Thunder and not realizing how important spaced armor is to defeating a damaged APFSDS penetrator. Even relatively thick solid steel didn’t stop it.


I expected it to penetrate, but didn't expect it to go through that easily.


So even if the rod is ruined, without angle to divert them, a broken rod is still very potent?


Interesting, even though the ERA shattered and deflected the projectiles there wasn't enough space in between for it to stop penetration.


That's an interesting result. I really didn't know which way it would go. Could you do a test on the T-62M-1's Brezhnev's eyebrows? Bonus if you put ERA over them.


When I saw your poll I knew the answer must be yes, 3BM22 would have no problem at all against ~230 mm + K5. It's a relatively modern penetrator and while K5 can reduce the effectiveness of kinetic penetrators, at the end of the day it's only 230 mm of steel to punch through. T-72 (base variant) turret + K5 might be a closer competition.


armor needs spacing to break up the projectile more looks like. i wonder how it would do with kontakt 5 on the brow applique armor tho, might stop it then


Era in war thunder: 🗿
Era in simulations: I'm a water droplet smacking a shell that can destroy buildings!


Would be interesting to see a hypothetical scenario where the object 279 got kontakt-5 on its upper front plate, or even its side armor, nice simulation though as always!


Lots of people seem surprised by this result. People don't realize just how big of a generational gap there is between steel armor and solid shot, and composite arrays and dart rounds. Composites aren't "a little better." It's a totally new game.


Can you do 88mm vs RHA with Kontak-5?

Im curious if kontak 5 can stop world war 2 shell.

Or 105mm apds


Pretty much what I was thinking was going to happen. K-5 isn't bad ERA, but T-62 is regular RHA, even a damaged APFSDS is going to punch through with ease.


Can you do the 7, 7 cm K. Gr. 15 m.P against a British ww1 tank or so?
For anyone more interested, 2 main Field guns that where used as AT guns by the germans were the 7, 7 cm FK 96 n.A. L/27 and the 7, 7 cm FK 16 L/35 as well as all captured french, russian and british guns drilled out to 7, 7 cm (thats the whole reason, to be able to drill out captured guns, but at the same time deny the enemy to use your guns with their ammo) with also barrles of 7, 7 cm with L/27 and L/35 length. They both had 3 dedicated AT rounds (while the normal He rounds with right fuze setting will work as well) namely 1. K. Gr. 15 m.P (Kanonen Granate 15 mit Panzerkopf -> Cannon Grenade/Shell 15 with AP head) beeing a normal HE shell but instead of the normal impact fuze it has a big special hardened special steel head with an extra designed (AZ f. K. Gr. 15 m.P) Impact Fuze under it, going in at 6, 85 kg with 230g of cast or pressed filler beeing TNT, Amatol or something else more potent like PENT. Going at 465m/s with L/27 and 525-600m/s with L/35.
2. K. Gr. 15 m.P (Bo. Pr.) Beeing the same round but instead made of a different steel drilled out and beeing 7 kg.
3. K. Gr. 15 m.P m.L (meaning mit Leuchtspur -> with tracer) beeing also 7kg heavy and having a really big tracer pressed under it.


I think the thickness of BM22 helped resist the shear stress from the ERA.


Would it be possible to use a thin material to model the crew and in that way, show the internal spalling damage? Especially interesting for simulations where the projectile doesn't penetrate the armour.


ERA really fascinates me. You can:
Shoot it with a rifle without it exploding.
You can burn the tank down without it exploding.
If you can trigger one of the elements and it explodes, the explosion does not cause a chain reaction!

This all sounds like magic to me...
I do know that C4, TNT, and a few other explosives can burn without exploding and you can hit them with a hammer, or even shoot them and they won't explode. However, these ERA elements must have a primer, right? (primers are sensitive explosives used to detonate the above mentioned explosives which are otherwise reluctant to explode)


125mm HEAT would be interesting against this combination of armor


I always understood that eras was good against heat and marginally usefull against kinetick


Hi. Can you do simulation "Polish cavalryman charging Panzer III E front plate in 2000 km/h"? Thanks alot.
