Anti-Gravity Physicist Exposes the Truth About Bob Lazar | Jack Sarfatti

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This guys ego is too much too handle . Does he really need to belittle people to make himself seem smarter ? .


People like this are so egotistical and think they are so far superior in intelligence yet do not know the difference between theory and fact.


"trust me bro, I'm a genius"


Bob won’t have a discussion with an actual physicist because it would prove he’s full of mess.


Bob Lazar at age 27 came before the world and spoke for over an hour in a very clear and concise way. He was intelligent enough to explain the things that he knew and saw in a way that the normal person could understand. He came across as highly intelligent, logical, humble, kind.

This other guy comes forward out of absolute left field. Says Lazar is an idiot. Calls himself a genius. Meanwhile, he can't put one full sentence together. He spoke for 2 and a half hours and i'm struggling trying to find one thing novel or useful to take away from it. I trust Lazar far more than i would trust this guy, whatever it is he's trying to say. A complete waste of time listening to him.


lazar gave a different educational background under oath for his court cases, some junior college. he's a fraud.


It's funny cuz Bob Lazar doesn't sound like a hustler like this dude. Anybody who can't explain it to you but continuously says "Trust me" is somebody you shouldn't


He can't explain anything or else he would explain it. Instead he rants about how smart he is and how he understands antigravity but never demonstrates that he actually does.


Wait and see how essential Element 115 (aka Ununpentium or Moscovium), in a stable isotope version, really is. Dude says it is unnecessary, but same dude does not account for warp drive energy issues (or possible antimatter antigravitic properties, for that "matter")…


Lazar made an observation, and he tried to give his interpretation/explanation, he never said this is exactly how it works...


All this disproves to me, that the people at the top of their field don't deserve it...


This guy tells a story like Grampa Simpson....


“Lazar is an idiot! Let me tell you what really happened..”

Then proceeds to say that people traveled from the future with the tech that Lazar explained.. 😂

Damn I hate that ego on italians


„It can’t be done“ always great to hear that from academia


Everyone thinks they’re so sure about everything given their own limited understanding within a framework. It’s sad to see this guy stuck in such an old thought pattern. Anyone who says they know all the answers and it’s simple or elementary is grossly misrepresenting their own knowledge. If they really understood and had something of real substance to contribute, they would be building the technology itself.. not calling everyone an idiot and claiming they’re so smart.


This guy spins so fast he the only lonely in his centrifical force


Lazar did not explain it well and this guy enjoys his right to explain nothing and insist you bow to his “expertise”?
Got it.


His story is rubbish:

1. If he really attended MIT and Cal Tech, he would be able to show some proof. Prestigious schools like that he would save copies of his transcripts and diplomas so he could use them to build his career. He would also have textbooks, a student ID, a library card, or something. He was doing graduate work. Did he do a thesis? He would have saved it. And if none of those, he would have his own records of tuition payments, rent payments, a utility bill, something to prove he even lived in Boston.
2. Not a single person vouches for the fact that he went to MIT or CalTech. He claimed to name two professors, but no one with those names ever taught at either school. Instead, he named an old high school teacher and an instructor from a local community college. Why couldn't he even name his teachers? I could give you a dozen names 20 years after graduation. He claims to have other witnesses but then says they won't step forward out of fear. 11, 000 students at MIT, 2200 at CalTech, and the government intimidated and silenced them all? No classmates, no girlfriend, no drinking buddies? Science is very collaborative. No lab partners? What about roommates? Grad school is expensive. No job? Coworkers? A favourite bartender? Work out, buddy? If you went to school with someone who had a highly publicized Netflix movie about aliens, wouldn't you tell everyone, "Hey, I went to grad school with that nutter!"
3. Lazar's story is that he got the job at area 51 because he bumped into a famous physicist (Ed Teller) one day, and they got to bullshitting about cars. Teller then liked Lazar so much that he hooked him up with the job. Just like that. Reverse engineering alien propulsion systems would be the most advanced technology project in human history, but they gave the job to some guy they met on the street? No intensive FBI / State Department or Navy background check? No multiple rounds of interviews? No aptitude tests? Just "eh, he seems cool. Put him on the spaceship thing."
4. All of his documented work history is in fairly non technical work. He currently runs a chemical supply company and used to have some kind of photo processing business. Why isn't this guy still working in his field? If he figured out how the aliens induce and control gravity waves for interstellar flight, don't you think he'd be doing something technical and advanced now? Wouldn't he be hanging out with Elon Musk conspiring to take over space?
5. I'm not a physicist, so I'm not going to try to unpack what's wrong with gravity wave propulsion. If it sounds legit to you, then go nuts with it.

His proof is bullshit:

1. **A Dept of Naval Intelligence ID badge with his name and picture on it**. It looks like the kind of badge you get at a lot of jobs. No job title listed. It shows that he had business at one of their facilities, but nothing more. It's not disputed that he was at the base. He was there as a subcontractor doing menial work, not as a physicist. I had a badge just like this when I did some work at the airport. That doesn't mean I had access to the flight tower or planes.
2. **A W-2 from 1989 from the Dept of Naval Intelligence**, showing a total annual income of $958.11. That's about $2, 000 in today's money. In 1989, a BA in engineering would get you a starting salary of $50K (in today's dollars). He claims to have 2 masters so he would be making more. So, for $2000 in an entire year, how much work did he really do for them?
3. He mentioned element 115 in an interview years ago before it was successfully created in a lab. But it was known at the time that you could theoretically construct higher atomic number elements, so it wasn't inconceivable at all. Currently, element 115 is unstable in all its forms and doesn't have any of the properties Lazar describes. He claims there is a stable isotope of the element and that it is the power source for the UFOs. He also claims to be in possession of it. So why doesn't he produce this revolutionary element with profound energy applications? And why wouldn't the military have taken it back by pretty much any means necessary? If you stole one of their guns, they'd come get it. If you stole this, you'd never see the light of day again.
4. He mentioned a hand scanner security device that identifies you based on the bones in your hand. It's later confirmed that the military used something like this in secure facilities. To me, this is not mind-blowing or convincing of anything. He may have seen or heard about it while at the base or from people off base talking. That doesn't mean he used it or that he actually had access to anything.

That's it. His physical evidence is 2 bits of minutiae from a short-term contracting job that doesn't indicate any special access or privileges. He also claims to be in possession of a revolutionary element but won't produce it.

His story is actually kind of boring. You can tell it's very rooted in the UFO imaginings of the 1960s, and in a lot of ways sounds outdated:

1. It's at area 51. It's pretty conventional, but I guess I have to give him this one because his job there is the strength of his story.
2. The UFOs are lame. They're the classic flying saucer from the 60s, like two hubcaps put back to back. But there's little chairs for the aliens to sit in! No word on bathroom facilities.
3. As Adam Frank put it, "Why do the UFOs have lights on them?" I mean, why?
4. The aliens are the typical greys.
5. The aliens are from Zeta Reticuli and have been secretly helping humanity for the last 10000 years. But for some reason, they suddenly killed 40 guys at the base, then up and bounced. But left 9 spaceships behind for the earthlings to fuck with.

The only thing interesting about Lazar is the success of his stories and the mental gymnastics of his defenders. They say the usual:

1. **The government erased all the evidence of his education in an attempt to discredit him**. The sheer logistics of this makes it improbable. You would have to believe that agents swarmed two elite universities and bullied dozens of professors and staff members into forever denying the existence of a student. Then they went through and altered all the financial records, all the administrative records, the old phone directories, and the academic records, as well as the personal records of his former professors, TAs, and lab assistants, and all with no outcry or opposition? Do you know how academics tend to respond to government coercion? You also have to believe that they reached out to all of his old classmates, friends, and associates - years after graduation - and not only intimidated them into silence, but confiscated any personal property they had confirming Lazar's presence at the schools. I really don't think this would be successful.
2. Lazar's withholding information to protect himself / others. Except that he didn't have any problems bringing friends out to the lake to show them UFOs in the first place. And when asked to name some of his professors he threw out two fake names instead. Why would it endanger someone to say he was enrolled in his physics class? And at this point, what else does he have to lose? He's already 'blown the whistle', how does proof endanger him?
3. **Lazar doesn't want the attention. He doesn't have a reason to lie**. He has a Netflix movie, another documentary on Amazon, an autobiography and an audiobook. He also does paid interviews and speaking engagements at UFO conferences and the like. He's not a recluse. He does it for fame and money, and probably because it's funny.


This guy's argument makes zero sense. I'm a mathematician and if I didn't know how a machine worked there is no way I could magically create equations that accurately explain how a flying saucer operates. It's probably not possible without 1st having a universal equation that fully explains gravity which even Einstein wasn't able to


So many defenders of Bob sad for the intellectual state of humanity.
