How To Eat Meat Again After 10 Years Vegan

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I'm back with another video following up on our journey back to eating animal products. I really struggled in the beginning, to eat meat again so I wanted to make a list of top tips that really worked for me.

If you want to skip straight to the tips head to minute 5:30.
0-5:30: How the transition is going + my history with meat.
5:30: Tips to reintroduce meat.

How did you transition back to eating meat? Share your tips below!

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Ola by Abiline:
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I’m vegetarian, I’ve been veggie for 4 years. For the last 4 years I have been fatigue, dizzy irritable all the time, ever since I stopped eating meat. I don’t remember the last time I had energy, I’ve had cardiology appointments and neurology appointments. I’m on vitamins but the doctors and I are unsure of what could make me be feeling this way. I became veggie because I physically couldn’t eat meat anymore the guilt was just way to much for me so I’m thinking of trying to go back to eating meat but the guilt is stopping me but I feel like I need to do it for my health so I just needed to know there were other people out there who has done this transition due to health and how changing back has made them feel better so thank you


I’ve been struggling with this feeling, and knowing, for a few weeks that I need to return to eating meat. I never had any plans of returning to eat meat, I’ve been vegetarian for well over 10 years. More like 15. But I’m just not at my best health wise. And I tend to be a heavy carb eater because of the lack of meat, Which has worsened my health. I can feel that it’s definitely time to return to eating meat, I’m just so scared of it. The thought of chewing an animal is a lot.


Its amazing how fast you feel the difference. Vegan diets are dangerous! I was living with so many issues. I went from 11 years vegan to eating a steak and felt incredible, Woke up the next day and felt alive for the first time in years. Leaving veganism was the best decision I have ever made.


I was vegan for 7 years and just transitioned back to eating animal products again too. My teeth were decaying, I was always anxious and irritable, my digestion was terrible, fatigue, achy bones, and SO much brain fog. All of the symptoms creeped on so slowly that I didn't even realize how bad I felt. My tooth pain became so bad and I didn't want to the dentist to just drill out more of my teeth.
So, I decided to research how to remineralize my teeth naturally. This is when I dicovered that I was lacking so many fat soluble vitamins so the calcium couldn't get to my bones/ teeth, etc.
I really thought that I was going to be vegan forever. It hit me out of nowhere. But once I started eating egg and salmon I felt so much better. The tooth pain was gone in 3 days. I have much better digestion, I have mental clarity, I have energy.
I resonate with you so much on this and I feel like I am part of the earth again. I feel grounded and primal. I feel like part of the circle of life again. Which is a scary but beautiful process all at once. 💕


I’ve been on high raw vegan diet to try and get my colon working again but after a year my brain function and mood is struggling. So tomorrow Lord willing I’m going to try some cod. I pray in Jesus name that it works for my health.
I had been keto x6yrs prior to getting the virus and then my digestion was shutting down with loads of food allergies & histamine issues.
I still have colon motility issues with the vegan diet but now my brain is being affected. Thy will be done.


My body says no. I have tried to go back to eating meat for low iron but I just can’t do it. I either get sick or the smell gets to me. Can’t even do it in soups or anything. I can do eggs, sushi and dairy with no problem so I figured I’ll just eat more of those to compensate and higher protein plant foods. I was raised a vegetarian, my body doesn’t recognize it as food at this point so I just accept it.


i’m pescatarian, i’ve started by taking bites of my families meals of chicken, it’s hard because it’s gross the texture is super chewy, and the taste is eh, still haven’t had a meal yet maybe soon. Maybe over time it will taste good. I’m also scared of eating red meats tho cause I feel like i’d be officially leaving that non meat lifestyle, but i’ve seen stuff that red meats have the most nutrients


That’s funny you mention that about salmon because I had the same craving and it was really weird because I did not grow up eating salmon ever, I probably had salmon 2 to 4 times in my entire life but I got these really intense cravings for it. I was vegan for five years and then I was kind of in an out of veganism for the past 8 years (just kept trying to go back 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) and I’m still struggling to eat meat on a daily basis but I honor my body and eat it when I get a craving for it. I’m really trying to just get more consistent because I feel like when I get the craving, it’s like my body is at its lowest energy… I get really stressed, anxiety and then when I eat meat or eggs I seem to be perfectly fine within a couple days.


STOP FOLLOWING VEGAN INFLUENCERS!! You almost have to retrain your brain, it’s amazing how easily we can be persuaded through a computer screen.


I went vegetarian in 2011 at 17, vegan in 2015. I never craved meat. But I did crave blueberry muffins A LOT. And egg sandwiches, cheese. But meat not so much. Then in 2022 I went back to meat. I have colour in my face, iron levels are better, more energy, I'm not always hungry, can lose weight easier, ppl have said I'm not as crazy, socially I can eat with everyone & be happy, its cheaper too! I can actually go to family dinners & not have to always bring my own food. I can eat the free food offered. I did go from 160lbs to 211lbs though lol. I just wanted to try so much food & it did make me gain. But when I eat keto/low carb, I lose the weight. In April I got down to 179lbs. But back up to 200 when I stopped keto.


I’m so glad I found this channel I’m seriously thinking of going back to SAD I’ve never really like red meat but other proteins I think I’ll start again. I cannot handle beans lentils or soy my stomach kills me and the gas is killer.


thank you for this video. i am vegan for 6 years now and im struggling so much with the mental battle. ive been having these thoughts about reintroducing things back into my diet and im so scared and i feel so guilty. When you said it's like a religion thats how i feel too. It's been so strict for 6 years im afraid of letting down the animals after i dedicated 6 years to them.


I’ve been plant-based/vegan for 13 years. I have to incorporate meat in my diet for health reasons as well and it’s been so hard for me. It’s overwhelming but this video has been extremely helpful knowing that I’m not alone in feeling this way.


Thank you!!! I’m the person you made this video for.


Thank you for your perspective! I am 7 years into no meat and I think I want to reintroduce meat into my diet. Definitely struggling with the mental struggle and guilt. It helps to hear other's stories. I love your comment on thanking the farmer for their dedication and hard work on raising and butchering the animal.


I had to learn to eat meat again, too. It was hard, I had nightmares and sleepless nights for weeks. But I Couldn’t deny it, i felt so goof after eating eggs for 4 days only. i study nutrition, i had a lot of high quality supplements and was a certified vegan nutritional coach. so i did it the right way, but my problems kept getting worse. i only eat meat which was hunted, and to have the most controlled killing i do my hunter license rn. i hope your vid helps some vegans, who have problems too


I’m the same way as you, never liked meat anyway and I was always picky. I’ve been a vegetarian for 10 years now and I’m really scared to start eating meat 🥺 I feel guilty too


I am transitioning to animal protein after 10 years myself. Thank you for your channel - it means a lot


I came to this video bc I am 25 years old and have been either Vegan/Vegetarian/Pescatarian for over 20 years of my life... And I am about to try eating meat again for 30 days to see how I feel.

I have been doing an extreme no sugar, no dairy, minimal gluten vegetarian "cleanse" for the last month and a half (been cutting out a lot bc of acne), and I thought that this would help me feel better/clear my skin up (I've been having really bad acne for the last couple of years), but contrary to what I thought... Everything got WORSE. My gut has been so bad, my bm's haven't been right (sorry), digestion has been painful, etc... And at the same time, I have been CRAVING meat. Like I have been thinking about eating a good grass fed burger for the last 2 years.. and I am finally ready to admit that I may have been wrong, and I am willing to try a new diet that will actually be healthy for me and make me feel good.


I also share the intuitive knowing to eat salmon also have craved deer as beautiful as they are and I love them so much. Vegan for 6.5 years and just made the commitment to no longer continue that diet. Thank you for your video and bless you and your family


Thank you for sharing this video! I had been vegetarian for the past 12-13 years... since I was a literal child. I recently (secretly) tried tuna and chicken again and am looking to try more meat.

I think one of the largest struggles I'm having is how wrapped up in my identity being a vegetarian is. So both reconciling the fact that I do care for critters a lot in addition to the task of almost "coming out" to the folks I know about eating meat again daunts me a little. That being said, I also am excited by the possibility of trying foods from different cultures that I had adapted to be vegetarian or just couldn't eat at all. I became a vegetarian so young that I've never cooked meat in my life (despite cooking almost all of my family's food), so that may be a little bit of a learning adventure. :)
