THE Beginner's Guide to Rowing: 5 Tips to START

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The rowing machine is a great tool to get healthy, build strength and endurance, and with little impact. Learn to use the rowing machine with these 5 Tips to start.


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Actually, the first thing you do is setup your playlist before you start or else you gotta stop and fumble with your phone Midway through


Rowing apparently is making people positive, cheerful and enthusiastic. Every channel on YT on rowing seems to be made by a very cheerful and positive person. Thanks, it is nice to watch your films!


I love your videos, your positive attitude rings true. I'm just starting rowing, because it is "low impact" on my knees, and because it engages quite a few muscle groups. Going to go at it slowly, pay attention to form, and to my body. I'm going to reclaim my life, one moment at a time. Thanks, have an awesome week.


You have no idea how you're about to change my life. My first rower arrived Wednesday and I've watched 8 million videos and you are so thorough and enthusiastic that you've created that same feeling as well. Can't wait to update you on my progress. Thank you!


Thank you, well explained im returning back to rowing after 40 years


I'm trying to save my career in the Army Guard and get my life back after 5 spine surgeries with hardware. Running is too jarring, I'm very encouraged by the row. Did a first workout this am, disappointed how winded I was but glad to have done it. Thank you for breaking down the mechanics!


Really appreciate all the recent resets!! Getting me out of bad & lazy habits


I’m new to rowing but watched my Dad row into the record books. His machine has gone through 2 other family members until landing at my house this Xmas. I’m following your suggestion of learning technique for the first couple months. I’m super excited to get started at age 75!! Dad rowed till he was 97. I want to ‘Be Like Paul’! And I’m pretty sure he never saw a YouTube video. 😁


Thank you for putting a lot of emphasis on #5 Mechanics. I'm very new to rowing so it truly does make a lot of sense to take my time to learn, practice and understand better how it works. Much appreciate


Used to row novice crew in college for a year and just started getting back in it. This is great video.


I absolutely love your videos. I keep reviewing your beginner videos, especially to rehearse correct technique so it becomes ingrained. I've always been fascinated with rowing and Dark Horse and my gym's Concept2 Rower is my opportunity to learn it! (I saw the Concept2 Ski Erg behind you and I love that too!) I am a 5'1" nearly 71 year old lady that spent this Spring and Summer recovering from bilateral knee replacements, three months apart. My Orthopedic Surgeon was thrilled when he first met me because I had been going to a gym for two years after having gone to Physical Therapy. He predicted a very rapid recovery due to my preparation, and he was right. He cleared me three weeks ago for every activity in my gym, including treadmill, Ski Erg and Rower (except running). When I exercise, I don't exercise "like a 71 year old", I exercise like I would if I had no idea how old I am! The surgery has restored me as a human being and I am having more fun as a old person than I did as a young one! I am so enjoying rowing, that I look forward to each of my sessions to practice it. Thank you so much for your clear, highly descriptive, encouraging teaching style.


The hardest thing for me to learn has been the recovery part of the stroke. I started rowing last month and just finished rowing 160k meters today. The last 5k session I did today was the first time I've ever felt like I was getting any rest at all during the recovery. For some reason I just couldn't find the right rhythm so it always felt like I was pulling myself back to the catch with my hip flexors, which up until today were just constantly screaming at me. Up until today the only way I could do a long session was to row slow enough to actually pause for a second or two after each stroke to get that rest in between strokes. I'm not really even sure what fixed it for me. It just clicked today and now I can maintain 25 strokes per minute with less effort than it was taking to maintain 18 before.


Just got my rower, haven't done my first workout yet, hopefully later today I will take the plunge, great starter video thank you.


D1 rower 12’ish years ago. Great intro and workout!


I just started rowing at a new place down from work for me after 8.5 months post op spinal fusion and boy, is it a workout. Still sore the next few days, but a lot better than trying to figure out what is low impact for my back at a gym. But, love it after 2 sessions and the vibe at the studio is so positive and supportive. Love the community already!


Hello there from Shoreham England. I just chanced upon your programme, and I very much like your enthusiasm and your advice. For me, I've been a T1 diabetic since early teenage 50 years ago, have rowed crew in pairs, fours and eights up to Senior C level, and been a competitive cyclist and runner - 23 full marathons and loads of halves, 10 Ks and trail races. Now after half a century with the condition I have a lot of foot pain so my main exercise is an hour a day on my water rower, and I really find it enjoyable and theraputive! Keep encouraging people, thanks


Thank you. Buying my used concept 2 for my new place. Never rowed before. This is the kind of video I need.


I’m glad I watched this video. My doctor told me to start the rowing machine because of some injuries on my back and that I needed to strengthen my back so I’ve been rolling the last couple of weeks and I’m feeling really inspired to make this my new thing so I’m glad that I have an opportunity to maybe unload some of the mechanics. I’ve already set into place and apply the new mechanics proper mechanics that you’ve shown me in this video! Your energy is amazing thanks for the video. Definitely following you.


Very helpful - just focused on form today. Got a lot more out of the light workout - going deep with forward stretch at end of recovery, trying to time legs, middle, arms. Thanks for the great share.


Just got a rowing machine! Trying to change my life. Looking forward to being in the Dark horse rowing squad! ❤️
