When You Feel Like You Don’t Fit in at Church Pt. 3: The Not so Secret “Secret Sauce” to Plugging in

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Part 3 of our video series on “When You Feel Like You Don’t Fit in at Church”. In this video we look at the not so secret “Secret Sauce” of plugging in and finding other believers to connect with.

I would encourage to share in the comments ways you’ve served the Church and met other believers in doing so. Perhaps sharing how you’ve served will encourage others to find ways they can use their God-given gifts and skills to serve and connect.

Part 1 can be found here:

Part 2 can be found here:

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I’ve discovered that truly born again Christians as a result have some strong commonalities with
other born again believers through the Holy Spirit. It’s completely different than sitting down with complete strangers.


What if people feel wary because of trauma, spiritual abuse?


I feel like I don't fit in at church because I don't. And that's a real problem because there is no authentically christian life outside of the community Jesus created. As you say, we are created for community.

Churches like the one you speak for and I go together about as well as turnips and watermelon. You just can't combine them into anything palatable. I've served at all levels from sweeping floors and cleaning toilets to the pastorate. I've been loved and celebrated. I've been loved and cast out. I've been told I'm the most christian man someone has ever met. I've been called an enemy of the gospel by people whose opinion mattered to me. My testimony reads like a bad christian melodrama. After a lifetime of interaction I've finally accepted that there's no place for me, at least not in the kind of christianity you embody.

This last part is hard for me to say because I don't want to hurt you. I watched all three videos in the series so far and never heard anything I've not heard multiple times before. Why is that? Does it trouble you? It would trouble me, and that's why I don't fit in at church.


What’s really sad Is some of these American pastors of these mega churches should be ashamed of themselves. If they knew who the meek and the humble out of the 8 billion people in this world are they would change their tune.


I'm sorry but this simply does not work when you are an older (over 30) single adult. Churches (especially Baptist) dislike, yes dislike singles. why? i don't know. First of all they will prevent you from serving in the first place (they will make up some excuse why you can't do it, and no I am not making this up) I have a masters degree from a seminary and it is basically worthless, since I am still single (not my choice, God just has not blessed me with a wife yet) Churches WILL not consider you at all for any position when you are single (from my experience) that is not speculation I have been told that many times to my face that I would not be considered because I was single. (I guess they whited out the first half of I Tim 3:2 out of their bibles) Now getting to fellowship, that simply does not happen either. a single person goes to a new church and they get ignored, singles have had it they are leaving in droves don't believe me? look it up! we singles 30 and over now account for nearly 1 in ever 3 people in the U.S. the Church better get it head out of the ground before its too late! or its in for a very rude awakening. (closed doors)


I have an idea, how about we use the gifts of the spirit. This way we can let God use us to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ. Use it in ways to change their lives, without talking about buying gifts or anything from a material building. Truly serving God comes in many forms.


I grew up in a Church of Christ, but now have membership with a Baptist congregation. There's not a lot of difference in the two, mainly minor differences in worship/belief.
I think the Catholics are possibly in error regarding some practices, but I sometimes use those testimonies (Fatima, Guadalupe, etc.) in a jail ministry I participate in. I see the hand of God in those events and thus I do not subscribe to the idea that such evidences should not be shared, particularly if they might enhance someone else's faith.


U have a beautiful servant heart. Bless u


You should do a video about pastors that merchandise the word of God. You seem intelligible.


Yes, I love serving so much, I end up serving at multiple churches over the last 18 years- mainly in childrens ministries- Sunday school, VBS, Youth rallies, summer camps, etc. other areas too. Really- one can not serve enough. Another thing one may not realize- when and after serving, you realize how rewarding it can be. Still, as stated below, I am not able to use all my gifts at the church I am attending and it is stalling my membership. going to have to worship at other churches in the area.


While I'm all for service I don't think you understand just how bad it is in the churches.

As you are a woman you apparently haven't suffered the violence and hatred of the hired hands and worthless shepherds.

Things in my area at least are so bad. I have been no more able to persist in a church than the early Church could have served the sanhedrin.

This is not just speculation, this is personal experience.

It's a special blessing you have received to not yet be exiled from the institutions of men.


it is a great subject- serving. and using your gifts. agreed. However, what does one do when one tries to use/offer their gifts and are either shrugged or ignored? It seems, Scripturally, it would be wise to seek another church where ones gifts can be used.


I believe in Jesus Christ, but I disagree so much with Christians that it's getting to a point where I just have to exit the Christian religion. I'm speaking a totally different language than these other Christians. I don't think Christians are studying and thinking the New Testament closely enough.


The Church is your whole Community! God Prompts me to help others anywhere everywhere. 😊❤


Great video, I just watched all three parts and found them all to be quite engaging and uplifting. God bless you, and I hope you continue to build this channel so that you are able to reach as many people with this message as possible.


Great wisdom and advise. The best way to get to know people in your church is to serve the body of Christ.


My Husband is a Pastor of a small Baptist church. So many come and don't plug in....those are the most unhappiest at church. Those who come and serve and get involved with ministries are the happiest. Some want to just come and hear the sermon, but they never help.


Also, you are a missionary wherever you are. God will speak through you.


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