Will Red States Secede from The Union?

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Will Red States Secede from The Union?

#Shorts #Secession #Politics #AndrewKlavan #DailyWire
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Why should the rural secede when they can just cut the supply lines for the city states?


Who cares how many of them there are when they hold the power?

The Polish people cried out “We want God!” around John Paul II, but did this change the Communist government’s approach? No, they remained the same as ever and if Soviet leaders had handled things differently, the Evil Empire might still be in power.

So unless there is going to be the uprising of this silent majority we’re always told about, who seem to like staying silent, there is no point appealing to them since every civil war has been a conflict between two small factions, with everyone else forced to pick a side or die.


I’m in a blue state and this shit is insane.
We need to get rid of them. Breaking apart isn’t what’s necessary. We need to stand up and tell them no. United we stand. This is insane. I can’t be the only one seeing how scary it is to live here now…


The problem isn't that there is a lot of people with those views...the problem is that the people who have those views are largely in control of the media. When 75% of the country is constantly being told they are in the minority, it is hard for people to believe otherwise. A few years ago, they crossed the line where over 50% of Californians didn't pay any taxes and most of that 50% was receiving some sort of welfare benefit from the government. If they are told 1) your social views don't match ours, but you are in the minority, and 2) you need to vote for us to keep getting your hand outs, then it really doesn't matter that those who hold messed up social views are in the minority because they are going to be controlling the majority.

What we need is for people who don't have skin in the game to not be allowed to vote. This isn't about voter suppression because these people are voting for their personal interests and not what is good in general for the country. It is about taking the power away from the politician to be able to buy votes. It was Franklin who said that "democracy is two wolves and a chicken discussing what's for dinner" (I'm paraphrasing) and we've gone him one better because the wolves are providing the chicken's food to fatten them up first so it's 2 wolves and 15 chickens, but it doesn't matter because 7 of the chickens are voting with the wolves.


We told yall The South will rise again!


I’m ready! I’ll start packing now if I have too! Lol!


I hate the idea of succession. It’s the lazy way out, honestly. Let’s just throw our hands up and leave… really. You believe so little on this country and it’s founding, in its proud history? You’re just willing to leave and destroy it so easily. Give me a break. This is the United States of America. Fight for it, or you didn’t deserve it to begin with.


I’ve been thinking that for awhile now. It’s starting to seem like the divide is just too great between the two sides. That things are being put in jeopardy that just mean to much to ignore. Including our children, our 2nd amendment, our right to medical freedom, etc. If we can close that gap and quickly our country will either succeed or there will be another civil war. Which would be tragic for both parties.


You are nicer than I am. You see, my version of this is: I am done with being so polite I won't tell people - who REALLY need to hear it - to go (censored) themselves.


When will they talk about the groups driving the divide? Such as the Talpiot program and the bankers funding both sides driving the divide


Hopefully they, or any state for that matter, secede


Well, you may not think its that big a group but 80, 000, 000 voted for the leader of that group, and thats a significant


Please leave. I'm tired of paying your share of taxes.


Are we really not going to talk about Fauxcohauntus standing silent vigil behind Ben?


Generally the rulers are a small group.


Is that a statue of senator Pocahontas Warren?


Even better will be seeing individuals seceding from the state.


The red states will not secede from the country. But we might allow, or force, the blue states to leave.


Disaffected Youth. They flounder, and need to find some sense of control. That's why.


National divorce ends with us losing everything. If we're in the right, why would we give them any ground?
