House & Cameron | What I am is what you need. [+8x22]

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"What I am is what you need. I'm damaged."

► fandom: house, m.d.
► character(s): gregory house + allison cameron
► song: opus 37 (dustin o'halloran)

Voice-overs are provided below. Hope you enjoy!

I own neither the footage nor music and make no profit.



"I was in love with you. I was an idiot, tried to be like you, tried to understand you because I thought I could heal you."
"But you are damaged, aren't you?"
"I was 21, and I watched my husband die."
"I'm sorry. But that's not the whole story."
"People dismiss me."
"They like you. Everyone likes you."
"Do you?"
"I have to know."
"You like me. Why?"
"That's kind of a sad question."
"Just trying to figure out what makes you tick."
"I don't think that's why you're asking."
"Why are you here? Did you buy me a pony?"
"I'm just waiting for the surgery."
"Do you like monster trucks?"
"I don't know what they are."
"This is pretty lame, right?"
"I think she likes lame."
"You're getting in touch with your feelings."
"So, there's absolutely nothing I can do to make you think that I don't like you?"
"Sorry, no."
"Knowing is always better than not knowing."
"Stop talking."
"Oh. You got me."
"Because you are extremely pretty."
"You have pretty hair."
"You look good."
"Do I look pleased?"
"I'm Allison Cameron. I work with your son."
"Greg's told us all about you."
"I'm twice your age, I'm not great looking, I'm not charming, I'm not even nice."
"Sometimes, the answers just aren't that simple."
"You just couldn't love me."
"There are only two ways that I can deal with things. One is in my control."
"What do you expect me to do?"
"I expect you to be just fine."
"You miss me."
"You miss me."
"No pickles, and it's cold now."
"If it's a Reuben, that's the way he likes it."
"What I am is what you need. I'm damaged."
"Stop this. Please."
"You're having more bad days lately, aren't you?"
"Stay in character. I'm so scared. Hold me."
"It's not about pain. It's about being open, and completely vulnerable to another person. If you can learn to be that deeply trusting, it changes you."
"Not your case."
"Nothing wrong with a consult."
"You've been sitting there the whole time?"
"I'd say you're lying."
"Ignorance is bliss."
"House has changed you. Do you think it's all been for the better?"
"You are not healthy."
"I'm not gonna crush you."
"Why did I fire you again?"
"You didn't. I quit."
"All change is bad. It's not true, you know?"


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Рекомендации по теме

They should have been endgame, I'll say this till my dying day. So much more between them, then who they ended up with.


Oh Gods, this is beautiful, and reignites so much from my teen years. I can't believe nearly 2 decades later, and this is still one of my most favourite pairings whenever I stumble upon it. There was a deep undercurrent of genuine, ineffable love between them that I'm sad was never explored, (though I'm uncertain if it could ever have been portrayed the way we felt it.) It transcended lust and a fantasy crush into the realm of mutual understanding of their own irreparable damage.


they deserved to be together, they deserved a real chance... I love what there was between them, something that lasts longer than life itself. HUGE THANKS FOR THIS


Fantastic moments. So deep, emotional, sad. I loved this couple and stop watching series when understand that they won't be together. Silly? Maybe. But I couldn't imagine anyone with House. Only her.


Now I have to watch House! I had no idea there was a love story I'd been missing! Beautifully done.


это просто великолепно, я готова пересматривать это снова и снова💔💔💔 пара хаус/кэмерон - мой личный канон, никого другого не вижу с ними рядом… жаль, что сценаристы решили по-другому


I'm in tears...this is superb!! Thank you for sharing your amazing work. House & Cam forever!


I love this video so much. I've always been a fan of Hameron, and I'm disappointed that they didn't end up together in the endgame. Thank you for continuing to keep this ship alive through YouTube edits. I'm not sure if you've stopped making videos about them, but if you ever post one, I'd be delighted to watch it.

English isn't my native language, so sorry for any mistakes.


El siempre la amo, solo que sabia que podia lastimarla y la cuido.La respeto mucho mas que a Cudy, siempre tuvo con ella trato diferencial.Ella era el final con el, lastima que los productores no le dieron mas oportunidad.❤❤


Hey, i am sorry if this is the wrong place but is their any chance you re-upload the video of the blacklist " Raymond Reddington | What is she to you really? [+5x22]" please ?


No entiendo porque House no le da la mano cuando ella se despide...
