6 Traits to Tell if You Are Lazy, Have Burnout or Depression

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#Lazy #burnedout #depression
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NOTE: ALL VIDEOS are for educational purposes only and are NOT a replacement for medical advice or counseling from a licensed professional.

Video by Dr. Dawn Elise Snipes on integrative behavioral health approaches including counseling techniques and skills for improving mental health and reducing mental illness.

AllCEUs provides multimedia counselor education and CEUs for LPCs, LMHCs, LMFTs and LCSWs as well as addiction counselor precertification training and continuing education.
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Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes teaches adults how to use cognitive behavioral therapy tools for building resilience at work, among staff and in children.

Many of the skills in the videos are the same ones that are taought in a basic counselling course and can be used as a CBT therapist aid. CBT techniques are helpful tools for self counseling for major depressive disorder, anger management, confidence, self esteem, anxiety, abandonment issues, self improvement

Dr. Snipes' videos have been used by thousands for developing clinical skills for substance abuse counseling, cbt interventions for substance abuse, and skills needed for mental health counselor
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Thank you. This video releases me from the guilt I feel for not doing things. I am depleted, not lazy.


A sigh of relief in my body when I heard you explain what lazy is and isn’t. I’m highly motivated to get stuff done and help others get stuff done as well.

I guess I am getting trapped in these burnout patterns more and more. I’m in another one (burnout) right now. My attitude is “whatever”. I have no energy left to do anything but just survive until my capacity replenishes. And thinking back into the past several decades, although not as common as now (parenting 3 ages 9-17), I only remember hearing myself or others use the word lazy. And when I take time to replenish, all I hear are my mothers words, “stop feeling sorry for yourself”, or “are you having a pity party?” I don’t know what she had to deal with growing up but I was born in ‘70’s and those words laced my childhood and youth and I never recall a time where somebody tried to find out what was happening or help me process whatever was happening.

Now I’m having to do this work by myself - with the aid of several YT’ers such as yourself. I come here for my self care to get wisdom from those who understand and care. It truly does help when seeing somebody in person isn’t feasible.

I’m going to share this with my husband. He asked how he could help me and I shrugged my shoulders. I hope and pray that he will be able to hear and understand this so he can understand me a bit better. We’ve been married for almost 19 years and gone through some hard times, but there’s always more to learn.

Thank you Doc Snipes🥰


My problem is I must still work, I'm studying because I want to change career, and I want to keep exercising. And I'm still giving out myself for I'm lazy and I'm not productive and effective enough.But I can't afford to be depressed or burnt out. I'm a single foreign abroad. Love to everybody.


Feeling burned out, can manifest in various ways like not being able to honour commitments, making plans and then breaking them because you don’t have the energy to follow through. This has happened to me quite often.


This is so helpul. A friend has been begging me to go to therapy, we've known each other since grade school and knows this is not me but I've been hesitant for being judged to be lazy. Lazy is so far from who I am but the last many years I have been losing it somehow.


I have lived with high functioning depression for over 25 years. The judgement that people put on me and think I'm lazy puts me in a death spiral and simply keep me down. I already kick myself around enough as it is having people talked down to me doesn't help at all. I am very withdrawn and have been for over 4 years. I live in almost complete isolation now.


Thanks Doc,
I've been through emotional burnout and coming from a majorly dysfunctional family. I've been known to hide all of my anger, in a way keep it in a cage to starve it. I got burned out after my senior year of high school.


This 15 minute video gave me so much insight into what I am going through right now. The pandemic and isolation hasn't helped. This video was like a therapy session or several therapy sessions for me. You are an excellent therapist. Keep up the good work.


I’m so impressed with the quality and breadth of your content! Thank you for this and all that you do. ♥️ your videos help me so much.


Omg this is so true! This is what is happening to me, everyday my stress, burnout and depression just progressing. Thank God for protecting my mental health. Thank God for the grace of strength and faith


I giggled when you gave us the best advice Alfred ever gave Bruce Wayne. He said . "endure master Wayne...they'll hate you for it but endure" ...its really great advice whether you are trying to recover from a global pandemic or rescue Gotham from the joker. Hopefully we are all able to endure through this and start manage to have fun again in the spring and summer. 🙏❤🙏


Dr. Snipes;
Thank you for your thoughts.
I am recovering from years of abuse.
It is surprising to me how cruel people can be that are supposed to be on your side. I think i developed my psychological myopia in childhood.
Now I can see.
You are a help- keep doing good work.


For the first time in two years, I started looking for help online for my burnout and depression. I cried just from hearing the validation from you because I used to be one of those overachievers at work who always got top rated, but now I can't even do basic tasks anymore and I hate myself for negatively impacting my team


Excellent video. You hit on every single point!

I find myself saying a lot "There aren't enough hours in the day." "I'll sleep when I am dead." (the opposite is true. I find I am sleeping too much). Disconnection, irritability, feeling depleted, lack of dopamine, difficulty prioritizing....yep.

Even though I may not have been a Tyoe A, highly driven person before, I can sense the difference. I have never had this feeling of being crushed under. Feeling like I have all of these responsibilities, but I don't have the luxury of being able to delegate.

There are definite stressors I can identify. My mother is quite ill and immobile (in and out of the hospital, but mostly in for the past 6 months), my husband has limited mobility due to his long term condition, and his condition is affected by lack of dopamine. I have an auto immune condition. These are a part of it for sure.

I have also identified information burnout. Which information at what time should I be attending to? I have all of these paid subscriptions to further my education, but I can never seem to get to them. I can't even get to basic paperwork things, let alone taxes. Ugh!

It's not like I don't have awareness about tools. I don't have consistency in applying them or I don’t find they are accessible to me right now, other than one thing, breathing.

I think what makes it especially hard is if you are going through life changes internally, like peri-menopausal or menopausal, and I am also trying to get off of prednisone for my auto-immune condition, and so my adrenal function is busy trying to rebuild itself, so there are physical causes too. All of these things together contribute to exhaustion.

I have bought different workbooks to compartmentalize my life, like a chore journal, a financial journal, a food journal, and a productivity journal, rather than putting everything into a giant to do list. From there, I can then schedule things in my agenda. This way I don’t have to write so many details, as the details have already been listed elsewhere. This system helps with brain fog too.


Another gem. You continue to post excellent videos.


The furthest from lazy. Working through depression and coping with Anxiety from PTSD. My career is in health care and am so totally burnt out. I believe there are many people going through similar events. Thank you for all your informative presentations.


Your videos are helping me make sense of some things in my life and I'm grateful for your existence. Thank you ❤️


Great topic. Heading into work right now. Gonna watch when I get home tonight.


Thank you doctor.i have been stuck in a Vicious cycle of childhood traumas, perfectionism, its congnitive distortions, and burnout. Finally understanding what is going on.
