Spanish-American War | 3 Minute History

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"What should we blame on Spain?"*Boom*"Let's blame the Maine on Spain!"


Spain: (Blinks)
US: So you have chosen, *death*


In case anyone is interested there was a Company of men who became legendary during the war in the Philipines. They were entrenched in the church of a small town against heavy guerrillas; however, after a few months the fighting stopped and they were told by their opponents that Spain had surrendered and was no need to keep fighting. They, of course, thought it was a trick and kept fighting. Months went by and starvation took a heavy toll on them, and yet they fought on. As time went by the Philipinos kept desperately trying to convince the Spanish that the war was over, at a certain point even bringing a Spanish Colonel to order surrender, but the troops sent them off believing him an imposter. Spanish military culture placed a lot of value on never surrendering, and it was simply impossible for them to believe. The Saint of Spanish infantry is the Virgin of the Inmaculada Concepción; the story tells that when the Spanish Tercios were dug down, surrounded, fighting in the Netherlands during winter, and about to die of starvation and cold, one of the soldiers found an image of the Virgin Mary buried in the ground, during that night the water surrounding them froze, and the soldiers were able to march over the ice and assault the ships on foot. So inspired by many stories like that one, the soldiers fighting in the Philipines held out believing God would eventually intercede on their behalf or they would perish fighting. In was when the commanding officer was reading through the news bulletins that the Philippinos kept bringing them, that he found a small mention that one of his personal friends had been appointed to a post that he had many times said to want, and he finally concluded that it could not be fake. Finally, after over a year of siege, feeling betrayed by their country and their God, the Last of the Philippines capitulated and were escorted to Manila with honors, and without giving up their weapons.
Truly, a legendary end to one of the greatest empires in World History.


Amazing how he talks at an understandable pace and also achieves to give more than enough info in 3 minutes


The major historical example of kicking someone while he is on the floor.


The background music makes me want to trip on hardcore drugs lol


“The American Scramble for Spain’s Colonies”


love the illustration on the uss maine sinking lol


Puerto Rico, Cuba y Filipinas eran provincias españolas, nunca colonias al estilo anglosajón. Cuando España ayudó a los USA a independizarse de GB, en represalia por las ayudas de GB a la independencia (más bien secesión) de las provincias españolas, debió de considerar que seguían siendo anglosajones y más tarde o temprano los apuñalarían. Trataron de comprar Cuba y Puerto Rico a los españoles, igual que hicieron con la Florida en el lapso de tiempo que cayó en manos francesas, y al final optaron por hacer lo mismo que con Mexico (cuya independencia les valió para perder la mitad de su territorio en manos de los yankees al poco de no formar parte de la Corona Española). Los cubanos y los filipinos, pasaron de formar parte del Reino de España a ser unas colonias norteamericanas y sus medios de producción a manos de los empresarios de dicho país. La causa directa de la guerra un montaje bien secundado por la prensa USA, bien engrasada por empresarios rapaces.


Filipinos, remember Emilio Aguinaldo's anti-US speech of "God Almighty (Holy Lord) knows how unjust is the war (Filipino-American War) which the Imperial arms (United States) have provoked and are maintaining against our unfortunate country! (Philippines)"


I wish this was taught in history classes in US, what covered it over was just references to yellow journalism and then goes straight to ww1.


A former Confederate general, Joseph Wheeler, fought for the US in this war during which he accidentally called the Spanish Yankees in the heat of battle.


You check the build up for the war at least from the sinking of the Maine to the beginning of the war. How the US claimed to desire peace while a special commission tried to figure out what happened with the sank ship and at the same time expanded its army from a handful thousand to over one hundred thousand and its navy doubled its size. It should also be noted how relevant the delay forcefully imposed on the special commission by the US government affected its timely arrival in Washington to inform the explosion that provoked the sinking of the ship was internal and thus likely due to a malfunction or human error and not due to a Spanish attack, they just missed Congress's approval of the war for a handful of days but were forcefully kept in the Mississippi for over two weeks. Go figure.


Llegasteis, nos disteis dos tortazos y os quedasteis con nuestro menguado imperio, eso fue todo




McKinley: "Roosevelt, I'm afraid we're going to war."
Roosevelt: "One step ahead of you, chief." "Also, I quit."
McKinley: "WHAT?!"
Roosevelt: "Can't waste an opportunity to fight on the front lines!"


The one thing I hate about videos with the US in it is that everyone talks shit about the US in the comment section, where as if it were a video with Hitler and Nazi Germany in it people wouldn't be as harsh still. No one wants to talk facts, or be chill even when we recognize our mistakes we still get shit.


I find this a tad bit interesting. I'm Puerto Rican. Born and raised in America. I recently have had an abundance of zeal to investigate the Taino Indians. And found out way more than I could have expected. And its just mind blowing what true cold history has to offer. Puerto Rico is a wild place full of wild history.


Yo bro we watched this in US History. Love your history videos


So sad after Spain helped the U.S defeat the British.
