How Tim Keller & Russell Moore Became Grifters for Masks & Vaccines | Guest: Megan Basham | Ep 560

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Today we're talking with Megan Basham, a reporter for the Daily Wire who recently wrote an article exposing how Francis Collins and the NIH co-opted evangelical leaders like Tim Keller and Russell Moore, influencing them to support the establishment narrative on masks and the COVID vaccines. Interestingly, everything these people claimed was a "fringe conspiracy theory," like lab-leak theory or that masking isn't actually very effective at slowing the spread of COVID, turned out to be correct. So why were Francis Collins, the CDC, and others so adamant about their own unverified ideas and so dismissive of anything the Right had to say about having church in person or freedom to choose whether or not to be vaccinated?


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How Tim Keller & Russell Moore Became Grifters for Masks & Vaccines | Guest: Megan Basham | Ep 560
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52:45 - the lack of public support for John Mcarthur from these well-known pastors...yes, that stood out to me in 2020 and was really eye-opening. I have never been a follower of McArthur and don't subscribe to some of the doctrine he teaches, but his stand for the Scriptural and legal basis of assembling as a church was personally heartening and representative of my own conviction.


Amazing episode. I love Megan. I’m so happy you got her on the podcast and that the daily wire hired her. I hope that she continues to do such amazing Christian journalism because like You said Allie that there is a demand amongst Christians for it. I’ve seen a lot of this tendencies and trends in my own church when we have our young adult conference it’s very interesting to me how social issues are only OK from a left-wing perspective and never the right way. And how she had said as well that folk like brother John MacArthur are treated as if they are in embarrassment and a burden rather than inspiration.


In my own experience, when I questioned a pastor (of 14years)who he was listening to, he couldn’t answer but it was apparent that he was echoing SBC and the education model. Then he said from the pulpit, wear a mask out of respect or stay home and watch it on line. Also that our freedoms may just be an idol. I was blown away.
I still have a good relationship with him and the church but I couldn’t stay. I guess I was divisive. Out of character for me but I strongly desire to live by the Word and my convictions, not the misguided leaders.


Brilliant interview. Ronald Enroth's sociological study 'Churches that Abuse ' shows this manner of deceit has been going on for a VERY long time.


You'd think a scientist who mapped the human genome could teach us how to tell a woman from a man.


Writing from Australia, I left my Presbyterian church of more than 55 yrs in which I was involved in 2 prayer groups and bible study because they refused me entry for having no Vax passport as we had in Australia (had to have 2 jabs). My leadership went along with gospel coalition and would not listen to any scientific experts such as Peter McCullough etc. Very hurtful and only 1 person phoned me to talk things over .


Franklin Graham is someone who comes to mind when I think about evangelical grifters for Covid. He actually said Jesus would get a vaccine.


I was hoping you would cover this! Fantastic job!


Thank you Allie for tackling the current events that, at times, can feel crippling. I listen to other teachers on YouTube but they seem to avoid talking about current affairs or wanting to give their opinion. Your podcasts have encouraged me through some really dark moments and have moved me from the ledge of all the insanity going on. Your faithfulness to sound teaching is needed so much!


I thank God for both of you. I read the story on Daily Wire - excellent journalism. We, as Christians need honesty to prevail. I pray for you both, that you continue to shine in your callings. God bless you. 🙏💓


The fallout from some of these false “love thy neighbour” approaches is going to be huge. I just hope that these leaders will own up to their mistakes and repent of their lack of spiritual discernment on this issue.


This answers my question that I have contemplated for nearly two years and confirms my hypothesis! Thank you so much for talking about this and confirming I haven’t lost my mind.


Blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly (psalm 1:1) a man who advocateds for lgbtqi+2 and the murder of babies is in the ungodly category.


Tim Keller's position doesn't really surprise me that. As I understand it he has been sliding leftward for many years. Jon Harris did at least one episode on him and who have influenced him. He is a very good researcher, so, very informative.


💯% Agreeing with everything said. Great show! ❤


When she said that she is seeing tweets and articles written about divisiveness, I just cracked up. The left is so predictable! I just never expected the left’s voice to come from Evangelicals. Davos. Just wow. “Big Evangelical.”


Thank you, Allie! Great interview and great content. This needs to be discussed and exposed!


Megan Basham, thank you for excellent Biblical critical thinking and godly reporting. You are glorifying God and I will be praying for you. There is a Great Delusion moving across the land. God is separating the goats from the sheep. Satan knows his time is short...
"Come quickly, Lord Jesus!!"


I'm saddened by Timothy Keller. I've found some of his books extremely helpful but he's quickly moving towards progressivism. Rick Warren has always been left leaning but I'm still surprised at Davos. Seriously? Everything Davos stand for is anti-God.


You do a great job giving the benefit of the doubt, when pursuing the truth of these issues - clarity with charity. However, when citing overt contradictions in statements by those who persist in contradictions over time, one of the contradictory statements is false. Avoid saying: "misinformation." What about bearing false witness? Thank you for all you do! 😊🙏🙏🙏
