Shame the Strong or Influence the Influencers?

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Kevin DeYoung asks Russell Moore and Tim Keller how they prioritize the gospel in their ministry to today’s creators of culture.

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That last illustration was really cool!


Trickle down does not touch your favorite group. It is like rain and can touch all who are in need. Thank God.


Yes it is wrong to put the focus and your efforts on the culture movers, the culture shakers, the elite of this world.  Throughout the New Covenant Christ Jesus says to leave the things of this world, that if you remain and give your allegiance to the world, worldly trappings, and the flesh;  you cannot follow Him,   that you cannot serve two masters - the things of this world -  money, position, prestige, influence, jobs, etc. - and serve Him and enter His Christ Jesus taught the love of money, and  its trappings, is the root of all evil. If these Pastors really wanted to influence those that are influencers, the culture movers and shakers, the wealthy elite of this world, then they would follow the Word of Christ Jesus, and tell them  what Christ Jesus told the rich man when he asked Him what he needed to do to enter GOD'S  - "Teacher, what good deed must I do,   to have Eternal Life?  Jesus said to him, "If you would be perfect,   go,   sell what you possess,   and give to the poor...and come follow Me."  When the young man heard this he went away  sorrowful,   for he had great possessions...Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of GOD."  -  Pastors should also tell the culture movers and shakers of this world that "Truly I say to you,   unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  Whoever humbles himself like this child,   he is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." - ....and the best illustration  these Pastors could tell the culture movers, the culture shakers, the elite of this world that live in places like NYC and Wash. D.C.,   can be found in LUKE Jesus told us what He really thought of the religious leadership of His time, and it applies to us today, as we listen to  'Pastors'  that give these unscriptural messages.  Christ Jesus says to lead the rich, influential, elite away from their present lifestyle, and into the Way of Christ Jesus,   otherwise you are fooling them into thinking they can enter GOD'S  Kingdom without fundamentally changing...many are called and few are chosen, for few stay on the straight and narrow Path, and fully accept the Way of Christ Jesus, which calls to crucify the flesh daily, die to self daily, and resurrect through the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus, living through the righteousness of Christ Jesus.  Beware brothers and sisters of the infiltration and deception swirling all around us in the Body of Christ.  Stay One in Christ Jesus...Grace, Faith, and Christ Jesus alone.
