Tim Keller | What a Minor Prophet Teaches Us About Nationalism and Race, Grace, and Mission

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Many know the first part of Jonah's story, when the rebellious prophet who defies God is swallowed by a whale. Yet in the second part we find one of the most powerful and important lessons of the Bible. Jonah shows how, if we would understand the mercy of God, it will always take us in directions we would rather not go, toward people we would rather not care about, and ultimately into the deepest counsels of God.
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Tim Keller thank you for sharing so much of yourself when you speak. You have opened my eyes to the beauty of the Bible. I am not a Christian but I love listening to you. Thank God there is a person with sense sharing their knowledge in today’s world. It is very easy to be an armchair critic. I hope you will continue for many years. 🙏🏻


Thanks for the insightful sermon from Seoul


Beautiful message you are greatly .missed in the body of Christ


I believe Ninevites were saved by Matthew 12:41 and Luke 11:32 The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here.
However I love your teaching, and have learned so much Thank you


This man of God will be greatly miss 😪 💔My condolences to his family, friends, and church members. Thank God for him and for his teachings which are part of his great legacy 🙏💝


I had the same question as the lady in the front. It’s very difficult to do missions or even share the gospel in places where people have no real felt needs & think that being a moral person & showing up to church on holidays or Sundays makes them a Christian. That are more than satisfied w/their religion. They literally are so indifferent to the gospel bc their life in sin is fun & w/o any felt consequences. I think the hardest soil to penetrate, is that of an affluent suburb. What else can we do really besides pray for God to intervene & for their hearts to be softened. That any seeds planted may be given increase fm Jesus? It’s so hard & discouraging some days. So glad she asked this question!


Your honesty, your humility, truly honours God! May God continue to bless both you and Kathy as you long to glorify God thru your lives.


Tim Keller's book "The Prodigal Prophet" about Jonah is excellent reading.


It is our own Personal responsibility to love others but the government should protect our freedom. I think that is why these are two different issues. To love your neighbors doesn't mean you bring everyone into your own house without questioning them. Let us be realistic too.


Great message! I’m having a bit of trouble listening, could you guys turn it up next time? Thanks! :)


Wonderful presentation, love and respect Pastor Tim K. But confused by one of the questions. Gentleman stated he was an ex-SDA pastor and asked about future of hispanic churches. A fine question. However, what does it have to do w/ being an ex-SDA pastor? As a Christian by faith, and an SDA by denomination, I often hear these types of question w/o understanding the relationships; explicit or implicit.

Or, should I just say 'huh' and move on?


Regarding immigration: The Bible says laws will apply EQUALLY to the native and the foreigner. So we are not be harsher to the immigrant, but they are not exempt from our laws either! They do not get to bring in Sharia law. They do not get to go to the front of the line for help. They need to assimilate. To me that also means that they need to learn to speak English . They don't have to give up their native language, but they should be able to deal with schools and other government officials in English.


Same with Habakkuk! Why does God not eliminate the sinful? So he could save YOU!


What about? What Jesus Teaches Us! "Let's Be Considerate of each Other!". It not that Hard! Folks!


What is the exact location of the Calvin quote from the Institutes???


Why did Calvin and the other reformers kill the AnaBaptist’s? How did they justify that? How is that loving their neighbors? Apparently they thought they were doing God’s will. My Protestant friends just deny that this even happened.


That is no social justice for god sake!!! Is the word of GOD, social justice is the hipocresy of modern society.


How does this guy get off preaching for over an hour?


It’s not obvious they didn’t convert at all, Tim is making the scripture say what he thinks not what it says at all. It actually says they believed God.


What a contradiction, all men are born totally depraved and his god hates the majority of unborn babies, and has predestined them to go to the lake of fire before they were born, using ROMAN;S CHAPTER 9, yet they are capable of going very good deeds because they are made I in the image of God
