How Tim Keller & Russell Moore Got Evangelicals To Vote Democrat

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After back-to-back terms of president Barack Obama the Republican party looked poised to turn in a new direction with the nomination of Donald Trump. However, many evangelical elites such as Russell Moore, Timothy Keller, Francis Collins, and others balked and began to exert substantial effort over the coming years to convince evangelicals that voting for democrats was acceptable, and even necessary to stop Trump. Now, new details reveal that this effort was not just an organic, conscientious objection to Trump’s bombastic style but a coordinated and well-funded effort among some of evangelical’s most influential figures to propagandize millions of conservative Christians. Tune in now as we discuss how Rusell Moore and Tim Keller got evangelicals to vote democrat.

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So glad to hear believers not afraid to talk about politics ty


Piper should not get a pass on this, thank you for bringing that up Joel.


I spent time doing research study at a conservative, independent, Calvinist seminary in London, England, back in 2012. I was shocked when the faculty expressed overwhelming relief at news of Obama's re-election. I tried to engage the faculty about the problem of Obama's support for various positions antithetical to the seminary's taught Christian ethics. The only answer I got was, 'Anything is better than the Republicans, ' followed by, 'Obama is who America needs'. To this day, I am somewhat baffled, but I do recall Tim Keller's writings being popular at the seminary.


This is literally our family dinner conversations daily. It’s nice to not be the only ones who think this way!


God bless Pastor Joel for bringing such topics to light. These are realities effecting all of us and need to be brought under the Light of Scripture.


Keller has gone south long ago. How any Christian could vote Dem is beyond me. #MAGA2024


Late boomer here. I was raised in an environment of extreme patriotic rigor. When Nixon ran in 1968, my 7-8yo friends and I would march jovially arm in arm to school chanting "Nixon, Nixon, he's our man! Humphrey, McGovern into the can!" I do NOT recall anything like "fear of the strongman" in my world. And in the youthful hippie communist counterculture, everyone there was also looking for a hero - Mao, Che, and Fidel were de rigour at the time.

The strongman hero is part of a modernist mindset; the advances of postmodernism are what put an end to the search for a strongman hero type.

This may not be my only comment here. I know there's disdain for us boomers, but maybe you should run some of your assertions past one (like me - I'm volunteering!) before telling how it was "back in the day."


A lot of famous Christian celebrities and influential pastors have been compromised. The bigger someone's ministry is, the less I trust them. If you are truly serving God and preaching the Gospel, you will be hated by the world.


This was so so good!! Please keep it up. You are the one of the few!


Praying for Christians to wake up and vote Trump! Thanks for talking about this now, keep it up !!!❤


The Piper article really hurt. I had non-Calvinists who I don't know if they have ever followed Piper much coming to me, wanting to discuss the article. And they were arguing in favor of Piper's article. It was a strange position to be arguing with non-Calvinists about Piper, and I was the one who was arguing against something he wrote.


And before anyone say that scripture can reflect Trump, the man. Those policies by the democrats are far more misaligned with the bible.


Oklahoma stays red rurally speaking, Tulsa and OKC are getting bluer everyday, starting to see the same amount of homelessness and police reforms that would be standard in San Francisco.


Would to God we had more leaders like you.


Gregory Alan Thornbury is an interesting example. His “orange man bad” meltdown transformed him from a respected administrator within evangelical education to a full blown John Lennon cosplayer and appears to have apostatized altogether. Wild.


As a guy who has defended Trump to many liberals, can we admit that there are some serious flaws with Trump. I much would rather have preferred someone who wasn't him getting the nomination this time around too. But for some reason people want the same thing that happened in 2020 and another 4 years of hiring and firing. He claims that he can hire the right person, but then ends up firing them.

He attacks allies. McEnany was an excellent press secretary, he attacked her. Vivek Ramaswamey, who very much wants to be VP, was viciously attacked as well by Trump. Let's not pretend Trump is a great candidate.

I'm not saying any Democrat is the best candidate either. But if the Democrats hadn't gone so hard against him, he probably would have been milquetoast on everything but the border.


Anybody who could tell others to give up power had considerable power to even say that.


If you are focused on Truml as a person or thr way he talks or how he was in the past then as a Christian, biblically you need to reassess your actions; Trump is beyond perfect as am I, but the policies put forward by Democrats are far beyond anything biblical:
" Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."


I like what John MacArthur can't be a Christian and vote for a democrat.


What is the source material for these meetings involving Tim Keller, Francis Collins, and Russell Moore?
