🔥Top 13 Foods that Cause Inflammation | Anti Inflammatory Foods to Replace

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What is inflammation? It occurs when white blood cells release chemicals that increase blood flow to the site of infection or injury. This makes the area tender, swollen, and hot. In a healthy body, the extra blood promotes wound healing. However, when inflammation occurs in a healthy joint, cartilage slowly breaks down in response.

Although inflammation is part of your body’s natural healing system, too much of it isn’t great. In fact, systemic inflammation is the root cause of many health conditions, including Alzheimer’s, heart attacks, Type 2 diabetes, joint pain, and much more. Cytokines and C-reactive protein (CRP) are the two main compounds responsible for all this damage.

Other inflammatory diseases include:
Lung issues
Heart disease
Anger disorders

So what causes or triggers inflammation, you may ask. Well, lack of sleep, stress, dehydration, smoking, drinking alcohol and gut bacteria imbalance are all contributing factors. But the main cause - and the most easily reversible - is eating an inflammatory diet. In today's video, learn how you can avoid this list of foods at all cost.

00:00 Intro
02:04 GMO Corn
03:00 Common Cooking Oils
03:48 Sugar
04:38 Artificial Sweeteners
05:17 Trans Fats
06:11 Dairy Products
07:10 Non-Organic Meat
07:49 Processed Meat
08:25 Alcohol
08:55 Refined Grains
09:55 MSG (monosodium glutamate)
10:51 Refined Salts
11:43 Fill in the Blank

Which inflammatory foods will you remove from your diet? Leave your comment below!


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My own experience = NO sugar what so ever, NO weat, NO milk, NO margarine's, NO grains, NO flour. I ame 62 and diagnosed with Osteoarthritis, had a total hip replacement. I was inflamed and went over to 100% Keto. I ame using NO painkillers, NO medication for any diseases and are healthy and happy, thanks to the Mercy of our Lord Jesus.


The truth is, " listen to your body" if you're having stomach pain, diarrhea, heartburn, indigestion when you eat certain food, it's time to give it up. Pay attention ❤️ yourself


13. Corn GMO
12. Common cooking oils
11. Sugar
10. Artificial sweeteners
9. Trans fats
8. Dairy products
7. Non organic meats
6. Processed meat
5. Alcohol
4. Refined grains
3. MSG
2. Refined salt
1. "Fill in the blank" with food you react to


In a few words: the food industry is killing us!!!


About 4 decades ago my mom sent me to a nutritionist and was told I was allergic to wheat, dairy and a few other things I can't remember. I mean, this was 40+ years ago. I must have been one of countless others around the world who may never get to a nutritionist. If not for my particular mother, I wouldn't have. Take care everyone, stay safe and be well.✨🙌✨✌✨🙌✨


13 Corn
12. Cooking oils
11. Sugar
10. Artificial sweeteners
09. Transfats
08. Dairy products
07. Non-organic meat
06. Processed meat
05, Alcohol
04. Refined grains
03. MSG
02. Refined salts
01. Fill in the blank


I live in the USA and I did an “elimination diet” and I noticed that wheat was a culprit. So I started avoiding wheat as much as possible and then I tried some pasta made in Europe with no problem. I found out that the EU banned GMO food, so I am convinced that it is something in the GMO wheat or the glyphosate. The wheat problem started pretty much when they started putting GMO crops in our food supply.


#1 sugar, fructose (fruits), high carbs diet, after i removed them in my diet, my painful ankolysing spondylitis which my doctor says irreversible and part of my aging, now can hardly notice them. 3 years pain free already! 🙏


"2:07" -- Corn (particularly GMO)
"3:00" -- Common Cooking Oils
"3:48" -- Sugar
"4:38" -- Artificial Sweetners
"5:17" -- Trans Fats
"6:11" -- Dairy Products
"7:10" -- Non-Organic Meat
"7:49" -- Processed Meat
"8:25" -- Alcohol
"8:55" -- Refined Grains
"9:55" -- MSG (monosodium glutamate)
"10:51" -- Refined Salts
"11:44" -- "Fill In The Blank" (due to food intolerance, a.k.a. sensitivities)

Thanks, DailyHealthPost! )👍🏼


In other words, basically everything that in modern times we consume as humans.


#1 for me: nightshade family: tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, etc. No arthritis pain now that I avoid these religiously.


I'm convinced glyphosate gives me rumbly tummy. Certain foods started to bother me but stopped as soon as I switched to organic


Raisin bran, all fructose, sugars and salt. Will cheat sometimes but not on a schedule. I don't crave any foods just wasn't aware of those causing inflammation and my joint pain. Thank you for further educating today.


Thank you for this video. I'm 54 and feel like I'm on my last legs, but after watching it I feel that if I change certain things in my diet I can reset myself ✌🏻🇬🇧


Basically it's everything that we eat and buy . I think all food can be made healthy but it's cost more money and company's aren't going to do that because cut into their profits.


I have noticed that when I consume any of the following I get a gout attack; any canned food, ham, cheese, polony, salami, hot dog, any sauce, white bread. I have cut all these from my diet and I feel a lot better. This is my 3rd year since I stopped taking gout chronic medication


Real food for real people. I started with radishes, so easy to grow. When you pick and eat, you are eating living cells. So healthy!! Cherry tomatoes are really easy too! Any container will do even an old shoe!


Going to the grocery store it takes me longer
because I have to read the labels,
I’m allergic to 13 + so much chemicals
In the food’s we eat.
I cook every day to avoid as much as possible,
I hear more of stomach cancer in younger
People, the old days of eating in restaurants,
Are Over for me. Thank you for video.


Live in USA and it has took me 6 years to finally find doctors who will listen to me about my gut problems..i have to drive 3 hours to get to the city to see them but it has been well worth it..but my main problem was meat..not all my problem has to do with this one but by cutting out my favorite food...Meat...steak and pork..my gut is so much better...❤❤❤🦋🇺🇸


Thank you for the information.
I am only 53 in October and I have arthritis from my big toe and up to my fingers it's so bad I can no longer able to wear my wedding band of 28 years and my diamond of 36 years. My husband also is no longer able to wear his band.
We need to change our eating habits starting with your information. So thank you again
