PS5 vs XBOX in 2025... What Happened!?

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Is Xbox dying, or can we still save it? I review the new the Xbox hardware refresh, explore the best upcoming Xbox games - and try to figure out if anyone should buy an Xbox...

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What alot of people don't understand is that there are a lot of people who just want to plug a console, kick back and play. I got the Series S and game pass just makes sense.


Xbox doesn’t care if you buy their console. If you have a gaming PC you have an Xbox with gamepass. They care about the subscription. Majority of profit comes from subscription and games not selling consoles, even for Sony.


Idk, I have a series X and I have had a good experience with it. It plays games and I always find something to play either via game pass or the store


Xbox is the guy at work who knows they are leaving in a week.


It would be an absolutely disastrous if xbox go out of business


How can you call it next-gen when its been out YEARS!

Its current-gen at best.


This video feels like it tried to justify the PS5 Pro.

When PS5 dropped with 10TF of power and Series X had 12, 5TF, people were like: "Basicly no difference anyway"

Now PS5 Pro has 16TF and Series X 12, 5, so I guess history repeat itself while being "basicly no difference".

And Game Pass is truly a sales pitch when you look at how little PS Plus Platinum has of games.


I’m a huge Playstation fan, but this video reeks of Playstation fanboyism. You conveniently avoid talking about any of the grotesque mistakes Sony has made recently. I have a PS5 and an Xbox series X and game pass ultimate is one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had. I agree with Microsoft, skipping a mid general refresh, and going right to the next generation, which they are likely to do before Sony does.


Sony has dormant gigantic titles that the consumer have been asking. At least there’s Kill Zone, Socom, Bloodborne remake, resistance, bring MGS4 to PS5, and I’m sure there’s more.

I truly enjoyed my XSX while I had it, but all new Xbox titles are equally available for PC on Day One, so why bother?

Hell even PlayStation has Demon Souls exclusive to console and I wished it got released for Pc, but it is what it is lol.

Xbox needs more games as “Only on Xbox” from the old days to compete, but that’s my opinion.


What benefits do people get from owning a PlayStation other then 70 dollars single player game that nobody touch again after beating it


I was out of Xbox for 10 years, switched to Playstation. Have a PS5, but got a Series X with GP Ultimate, a year ago. Loving it to be honest. Best of both world's kinda thing.


My main console is PS5 but I am considering buying Xbox X for Flight Simulator 2024. Much more affordable than buying a full blown PC just for one game.


How can xbox be dead when they're working on next gen xbox right now...


Since PS3 I always had a powerful computer at home since I'm a 3D designer but for past 2 gens of consoles there's no advantage to buy an Xbox. I'd rather get an PS and play Microsoft exclusives on PC.


Game pass is the only thing going for them...i will stick to my steam deck.


The Xbox series x is literally more powerful than the ps5, has a better cooling solution, objectively higher build quality and costs less... So how exactly is it not competitive price wise with the ps5, it's literally the other way around.

Disclaimer, I own both and care for neither of the devices, but this argument seemed unreasonable to me.


Is the Xbox series x better than the ps5


I just really don’t understand what Xbox is doing right now. I was a big fan of the Xbox One X and completely bought into the Series X/S generation with the promise of power and tons of games that they were working on. They bought tons of studios and we were going to see games left and right - and 4 years later, we’ve seen next to nothing.

I’m not saying Sony is knocking it out of the park when it comes to games, but it just seems like they are keeping the ship steady, which is much better in contrast to Xbox.

I’ve sold my Xbox, built a PC, and bought a PS5 for console stuff. It’s just hard to see the Xbox as a console platform that’s very compelling for the future. Unless they start fulfilling the promise of releasing games, I think the Xbox has another generation left at best before it becomes a software publisher and all in on PC Microsoft gaming. The Xbox really does need someone to come in there and kick some butt to turn things around.


I’ve always been an PlayStation fan, I remember my parents buying me the PlayStation 1 and final fantasy 7 when it first released, I remember it had about 3 or 4 disc’s. Brilliant game. I’ve always said PlayStation beats Xbox hands down with miles better exclusive’s. I play all my games on PS5 now. I only bought an Xbox Series X just for Microsoft Flight Simulator and Red Dead Redemption 2 that’s it.


I dig the white look. Just missing disc drive
