The Conspiracy Theory Behind Eyes Wide Shut #scary #conspiracy #paranormal

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Few filmmakers have had as much of a lasting legacy and influence on modern cinema as the American film director, producer, screenwriter, and photographer Stanley Kubrick. Born in 1928 and raised in the Bronx, New York City, over the course of his illustrious career he created such groundbreaking and often controversial films as Spartacus, 2001: A Space Odyssey, A Clockwork Orange, The Shining, Dr. Strangelove, and Full Metal Jacket, to name just a few, many of which have long had a reputation as being among some of the best movies ever made. Kubrick frequently pushed at the boundaries of filmmaking with innovative special effects, cinematography, the perfection of new filming methods such as the use of a Steadicam for stabilized and fluid tracking shots, realistic attention to detail, and extensive set designs. Perpetually holding a rank as one of the greatest film directors of the 20th century, he has continually influenced filmmakers and movies right up into the present, but he has also long been a magnet for dark, often very strange conspiracies, and one of these is the claim that he had dealings with a sinister secret society that may have led to his death.

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I just don't understand why so many people still fight the realities of conspiracy. Its like cognative dissonance is a form of brain damage.


Well, since Jeffery Epstein and the names of the people on the flight lists to his island - is this film really so out there? I think not.


Stanley Kubrick was killed over this film. He is a legend


It's not a conspiracy it's real stuff


It is based on reality. The first part of the ritual matches up with the satanic ritual writings of Anton Levay (who took from older texts) and blends it with the stylings and teachings of Crowley and many more black magic practices. The masks are usually of animals, grotesque animal masks but Kubrick added the aesthetics of French drama theatre which also aligns with black magic ritualistic practices in that region from many many years ago. He was calling them all out, exposed all the branches of Satanic worship, which is why it’s a blend.


Based on hollyweird come on with all the diddy stuff and stories from Hollywood, this is definitely based on them


Even if it’s all bs, the mere fact most of us would not be surprised in the slightest if it was all true is still a damning indictment on the 1%s reputation and how they’re viewed in society.


I mean, no wonder they killed him over this footage, he was gonna go all the way

“In the center of the circle of robed figures was an ornate wooden table. They stripped the child naked and she lay down in the table as if in a trance. A figure in a crimson robe and wearing a white mask with the twisted visage of a Leonardo caricature loomed over her. The piano note sounded again and the chanting stopped. The robed figure then spoke, his voice muffled by the mask. For a moment I thought it was another ancient tongue but soon realized it was english being spoken backwards. The girl lay pale and tiny in the giant hall, and the crimson robed figure produced a long, ornate curved dagger. The invocation grew in volume as he began cutting into the child’s flesh. She screamed, a high pitched cry of pain and fear but appeared to be paralysed. The camera glided closer as the tip of the knife made incisions on her legs, torso, wrists, and arms. Blood flowed freely like wine and the circle of figures moved in and caught the blood in chalices they produced from under their robes. Soon the child’s screams tapered to a whimper. All of this was shot in tight close ups, and looked completely real to me.

Then the masks came off.

The makeup was extraordinary. It was like watching a living wax museum of the most powerful people in the world. There were presidents, heads of state, religious leaders, actors, businessmen, the top elites of the twentieth century, all partaking of this blood ritual. They drank the child’s blood, discarded their robes and smeared the blood on their faces and bloated, old pale bodies. Some were having sex, writhing on the floor like snakes covered in the girls’ exsanguenated body’s effluence. The camera moved smoothly through the scene of debauchery, and back to the girls pale face.

The tip of the crimson man’s knife slid across her forehead, drawing a fresh line of blood. The girl woke and screamed as the knife continued to slide under her cheek, chin, up the other cheek, drawing a mask around her face. Then with one quick movement he ripped the girl’s face off and held it up to the writhing masses of supplicants covered in her blood, fornicating in the filth. The girl’s screams stopped as she died, her once beautiful innocent face now a pulp of blood bone and gristle.

The crimson man was the last to remove his mask, and I did not recognise his face. He brought the girls’ bloody skin mask up and rubbed it on his face, and it stuck, a sickening mockery of innocence. He spoke again, the girl’s mouth moving over his, and then raised the knife up. His tongue slipped out between the girl’s lips and licked her blood from the blade as the bloody orgy continues around him. The camera pulled back and back, up the stairs away from the horrible scene, and out a window, much like the famous scene from Hitchcock’s Frenzy. The last shot was the exterior of the mansion, then fade to black. No credits.“


Kubrick's wife said Stanley's views most closely aligned with a man named Yeshua.


They make Movies out of it so people Call you Crazy for believing a Movie


After what has been coming out recently with celebs, politicians, the corporate world and the agendas of entities such as WEF, I think we can now safely say EWS could very well be Kubrics public exposure to the underworld we have not seen until now.


No one does anything. That's what's so gross. No one. And those of us who have no reason to, could of been great. For either side. But we're just dismissed, ignored, and sacrificed. Everyone likes to think they controlled their fate. Truth is they were saved or doomed long ago. All you have is your response.


Before or after the credits it says it's based on one of Schnitzlers texts. But I wouldn't be surprised if it's also based on reality


Stop using the word "conspiracy" lol. Call it analysis.


Kubrick would never do a movie about something that he don't know or don't think that is interesting. He loves to search and went deep and deep in hole, the roles are not thinking in money, are the perfect roles for perfect characters doing the perfect scene. The movie wasn't finished, the minimum detail makes totally difference in Kubricks movie, cuz he put there to our mind see, even when our eyes don't. Kubrick knew about the end of Rainbow, this is show in movie, anyone who know a little bit about High Magic Ceremonial will know the kubricks reference. IDK if someone killed u Stanley, but nowadays u never will be able to do almost any movie sadly.


”And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭11‬-‭13‬ ‭KJV‬‬


Wait till they hear that it's based on a book written in 1925


Nobody is saying that is ''only available to those who think themselves
smart enough'' (btw I think you are taking this personally for any
reasonable reason). But say that Kubrick movies don't hidden meaning
behind is just don't understand Kubrick's movies or what Kubrick wish to
pass with their movie, he believes that even if eyes don't see the body
could feel (as progressive of emotional), there is a LOT of symbolism
in their movies, and w any connection to where screenplay came from,
this says more of how Kubrick saw a movie (more like a music than a
novel) so he rather to adapt than creating the screenplay by 0, and
always exploring deep the Theme of movie. If you don't know nothing
about Napoleon u will not take any reference from Napoleon movie that
Kubrick was creating in more deep sense, if you never read nothing about
ceremonial magic (cuz Kubrick did, and this is on Kurick Archive btw) u
will don't get Eyes Wide Shut reference as well. I'm not saying here
about Illuminati or any shit like that to gain likes lol, is just a
fact. People do this kinda of ritual for so so so long, there is people
who study this to rework the old Rituals, study to be able to do the
roles for ceremonial, decorated the dialogue, etc... These rituals
believe in transformation thru experience, this is reason why u can't
copy even if u have the manual, they always put tricks in middle of that
to repel curios people... even if u believe or not in that things. (i used these to reply someone else but I felt it could be good for someone else, isn't cuz we don't know yet that isn't true)


if you think about it it looks like Kubrick's pov, when the dude with the red outfit warned Tom cruise it's like it was also warning Kubrick but Kubrick break the deal and tell everyone what happened in the form of this movie and so he suffered the consequences then he died.


Ppl love to divide “movie” from reality— MOVIES GET STUFF FROM REALITY. If it’s in a movie—. turns out it might’ve and prolly HAS happened in REAL LIFE. Be it from a book or film— reality did it first and that’s hella scary.
