Insane Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True

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Conspiracy theories have been around for ages, and most of the time they are laughed about and pushed to the side. But in today's mind-blowing video, we explore some of the most unbelievable conspiracy theories that turned out to be true!


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All videos are based on publicly available information unless otherwise noted.

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This turned into “horror stories that reveal how evil our government is” really fast


Wow finally a video that’s not war related.


I always found it interesting that Snowdin was called a traitor for exposing the government's overreach. How strange...


At this point Conspiracy Theories should be called Spoiler Alerts.


Mass surveillance via smartphone cameras should be flat-out illegal


The truth comes out and yet no one is ever held accountable.


Imagine how the people who tried to convince people about their theories feel when they are revealed to be true


I went to high school with Clayton Hartwig. He was a year ahead of me and all he ever wanted to do was going the Navy!! As a person who knew him I was angry at the Navy for lying and smearing his name. He was my friend and he didn't deserve what the Navy did to him!!


I swear we’re so used to being lied to that when we find out stuff is true it’s almost, powerful


There is no such thing as privacy online.


You covered prohibition but failed to cover the biggest reason it came about. It had nothing to do with people drinking alcohol, it had to do with people using homemade alcohol as gas for their vehicle. It would have crushed the oil industry which had just started getting their pockets fat with cash. The alcohol burnt much cleaner than gas so you can blame the government for all the pollution given off by gas vehicles. They are trying to push EV's at this very moment when it was the same government that made the problem so bad. If people could still make their homemade alcohol to power their vehicle the atmosphere would be much cleaner than it is today. Technically you can still make it but after they removed an entire generation from the ability to do it after prohibition ended people didn't start doing it again as gas was convenient, cheap, and required zero work from the people. And, all those nasty methane emissions from pumping out oil would be greatly reduced. I'm sure we would still use oil but not nearly at the levels required by today's market. And, billions of dollars would stay in the hands of the people instead of going to fund terrorism around the world.


I enjoyed your intentionally ironic animation, showing people getting upset about being spied on and they get caught by being spied on…for being upset about being spied on lol


I can't help but think "Thank God JFK was sane" because if he wasn't so level headed, we'd probably be living in Fallout world.


While in the 50's tobacco companies lied about the health effects of cigarettes,
nowadays companies are doing that with literally everything.
I don't think thats too far off.

Thousands of years in the future, some intelligent beings are going to look through soil samples, and find layers of microplastics and all sorts of chemical residue, and they're going to spend so much time figuring out how on earth that could've happened.
(like, why did they just keep making stuff)


Did the Iraqi soldiers killing newborn in incubators sounds a little familiar to anyone ? I swear they were jus saying the hamas or Israel was doing the same thing


I've always struggled not to hate everyone involved with covering up the link between smoking & cancer (Christian, we're not supposed to hate). I lost my dad to lung cancer when I was 16 in '04. He was just 51. Cancer IRL isn't like it's usually portrayed on TV, no, everything that made him himself rotted away, with VERY rare periods where his mind would be clear. He'd lost a ton of weight, leading to me carrying him in my arms when he'd fall.
Also... He was a chain smoker, which means I've had a LOT of second hand smoke. Sure hope cancer isn't the way I go out.

Had those people not done what they did, I may still have a dad instead of living over half my life without him. I can't let hate consume me as it once did back then, so I've forgiven them. It's just crazy to me how people put money before lives.


"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening. Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." - Alan Moore


And they all said I was paranoid! 😤

They’re right but it still hurt


Operation Snow White made me laugh so loud 😂 Guys in suit, but dressed as Snow White...


This is why I fully disabled my web cam on my laptop
