Unchaining yourself from this heavy energy is freeing you to a higher timeline. [Collective Reading]

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Unchaining yourself from this heavy energy is freeing you to a higher timeline... This is a collective tarot reading for a specific group of people. It may also resonate as a Divine Feminine reading / Divine Masculine reading, or twin flame reading for some. Please use your intuition and only take what resonates. Sending love, - Infinity ∞

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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I cut things off with my twin and felt so light afterwards although I was sad about it, I was sadder holding on to someone that wasn’t treating me or giving me what I deserve. I finally broke the triangle chain and let him handle his situation while loving him from a distance. Choosing me 🧿🙏🏻 ❤️‍🩹


I let go of my twin flame. Let him handle his limiting beliefs and choices. I am back in control of my life and my energy investments and being a priestess. I also let go of many toxic family members that were draining me. It feels great to be in touch with my core power.



"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink." 🤠


I never thought that choosing me would be like this. My TF moved to my town. He is here. I drive past his work every day. So close to me. I can just stop by and see him. I realised that this was not what I needed right now. I would step into his world, his timeline. I just cannot do it. I cannot reject myself. I've worked so hard to get myself emotionally and spiritually healthy. I'm in such a thriving, loving and peaceful place in my life. Here I am 46 and for the first time, I am choosing ME! Because SHE IS WORTH IT. Yes it is lonely. Yes I long to be with him. Thank you Infinity for giving me clarity about my feelings and journey thus far. I'm at peace.


It happened exactly on Aug 8. I stopped seeing this connection for what it could be and started to finally accept it for what it is - I was over giving and receiving breadcrumbs. I manifested him to leave the country and as soon as he was gone, there was a massive relief in my body, like a ton of weight had been lifted from my shoulders. It’s painful to feel such love for someone, really understanding them and seeing what the root cause of their issues is…and yes, I wanted to save them from themselves. It’s difficult to accept it’s over, but I need to honor my energy.


Love y'all. I know how hard it is. I was homeless for a year dealing with addiction and my twin flame and family issues and everything in between. No matter what keep going.


Wow! About an hour before listening to this channeling I finally broke off a relationship because I was noticeably more emotionally involved than he was. I realize that I have had a lifelong pattern of being the one most invested in the connection and am so tired of the dynamic. I am 77 now, and still holding out for a mutually loving partner. Call me crazy! Thank you Infiniti for your steady presence and clear insights - I look forward to all your posts!


Dear Infinity, you are twin flame to all of us, you empowerd us, you make us whole, you are sacared giver to nourish & nurture, and put our soul out from every dark night ❤, I don't aspire to wait for any musculine, I have you and thats enough for my soul mission & twin flame journey 💚🪷✨


The title gave me goosebumps, I have been struggling to break out of programs and patterns that revolve around guilt and shame for self prioritizing and self confidence.


SURRENDERED! Time for new beginnings! Ready for the new path and the adventures that are to come! Lots of traveling, perhaps! May this bring us all wonderful things 🙏 ✨️ 🙌 🎉!


This has been spot on for me. Every. Single. Word. You've. Said.
I was in tears. Bc I know exactly what and who you're speaking to. And it's the confirmation I've needed. It's been a really rough year. And I'm exhausted. From trying to save this person I've loved, who actually pleaded for me to save him when I first met him. And he is the reason I've made the exceptions...bc I did/do see straight through him to the heart of him and his trauma....but he truly does not think/feel that he is worthy of anything good. He's still carrying his trauma and pain around, regusing to unburden himself after so many years. And I can do or say nothing more, to convince him that HE IS WORTHY. WE ALL ARE.... it's to the point, like I said, that he doesn't see himself and everything I do is pushing him further down his rabbit hole right now. And SO FAR AWAY from me. 😢 I feel like I pushed to hard? And I've done him a disservice now!!?? And I can't change it, and I can't take any of it back? All I can do is walk away?? 😟😞 and work on healing myself from all of this. And moving to my next time-line. Bc ur right. I'm here to lead them down the path. I can't take my light and go with them or make them choose the path....? I have to let them go and be OK with that.


Omg how do you even know before we even know?? this is unreal and amazing. Truly gifted soul you are 😮🤍🙏🏼🦋


Wow....just wow. This is one of those extremely intense readings that is as if you are looking directly into my life! Thank you, as always infinity. Much love and light. You are always here when we need it most. Blessed be, and much love and appreciation! 💚💚💚


Thank you so much infinti you are always spot on! I jus put sum distance between myself and my DM i felt myself trying to assist him in his healing but honestly it started to drain me…I have faith in our relationship growing and becoming a relationship I dream & journal about, however I know I can not lower muself to get there. So i pulled back my energy, i keep getting signs to go back to school so im taking those steps, putting my focus back on me and what i need. I felt myself becoming to fixated on him..what he Is and Is Not doing, Anxiety thru the roof..I stop myself because i realize im moving backwards, back to a space i have healed from. Sending you so much love❤ & light infinity


I’m ready now to take a new path. Thank you so much for this message!!! 🙏🏻 Sending lots of Love and Light to you all!!! ♥️💫


It is connecting and my heart is heavy knowing that for the love of my life is not allowing himself to connect for he doesn’t introspect and I know I have left that past life, much love thanks for your guidance.


This resonates, as always. I know I must stay strong and keep my boundaries with him. I've grown from old timeliness. And I know this is for his good, as well. Thank you, Infinity. ❤❤


I just had enough of the repetitive cycle we were in even after months of not talking. I had a higher expectation & this wasn't it so I just let go. Only this time, it didn't hurt. I'm really okay. Don't get me wrong I still love him but over the drama & ready for a happy positive calm outlook lol


This really resonated! My angels are confirming the understanding that to allow growth in others is to lead through personal action and see the miracle unfold for all concerned. We are all walking our own journey and walking each other Home.


Infinity, so grateful for your channeling. You have been tapping into my energy and my twin flame journey for a long time. You have been such a important guide on my path and my guides have aligned me to your readings many times over the years. This particular reading connected on so many multidimensional levels. In so much gratitude for your service to the collective. All the love
