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In other words: conservatives, stop running away!


I’m a Roman Catholic, and I love your vids. They’re great to listen to while I do housework or work at my job. They make me laugh and keep me posted about my Protestant brothers and sisters in Christ. Can’t wait for more from you!


In our church, we have a saying: Never give Satan the microphone. Whenever something like this happens, never give them and their father what they want, I mean, the attention, the voice. If they get it, it'll become greater than what it actually is and their goal will be reached. Just let evil suppress itself in the corner while you're focused on Jesus.


Zoomer Roman Catholic from Italy here! I'm a huge fan of yours and of all the efforts you're putting to bridge the gap between all of us Christians. Now more than ever is essencial to bond over what we have in common rather than divide over what we disagree on. This not to say that disagreement is negative, but that it should't stop from recognizing our common ground. Since I've been watching your videos I started reaching out to christians from all denominations and it's been a huge boon both as a Christian and as a Catholic. I also agreee on trying to change your churches from within rather than creating further division. I admire your advocacy for personal responsibility over the well being of the church rather than demanding it to the church as an institution itself. It may sound odd to you but this has a long history even among "insititutionalized" Catholics (see what St. Francis of Assisi did against the CC's excessive wordlyness, without even leaving the CC). Best regards and keeep on with this amazing work!


Honestly, this is why I'm tired of people telling conservatives to leave blue states. If you don't stand and fight for your home, then don't be surprised that nothing changes. Conservatives have to be more INVOLVED and ACTIVE if they want to change things for the better.


Absolutely love your work to restore Biblical Christianity in the church. Prayers and Greetings from Finland.❤✝️✝️


Makes a lot of sense, we just gotta live in righteousness, and don’t let this evil grow and effect us. May the LORD bless us all, and always guide us, in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen! ✝️✝️✝️


Official request for video(s) giving a history lesson on the good things the church has done to offset what I learned in public school. Sincerely, a questioning agnostic who was baptized PCUSA


By the way I am a gen z Christian, as well. I had a liberal phase, I thought I was gay for 3 years dated an atheist, for 3 months, I then realized my wrongs i n doing this. I went to the level of not listening to music or watching tv, for god. And I'm so glad that I got convicted for my sins so young because I'm going to be a freshman in high school next year and all I want to do this summer is focus on Jesus everything about it. I feel apart of something bigger than myself and want to share my testimony. Jesus loves you.


What is happening is so wrong, and I'm overjoyed that you are starting a movement to fix it. sadly, I'm not attending any of these churches, nor do I plan to, but I send my prayers =]


Great take. Be known by what we’re for.


Just found your videos yesterday and love your channel! ❤


I'm a Roman Catholic, and your videos have given me a better perspective on what Protestant denominations actually believe; growing up in Catholic education we were never taught exactly WHY different denominations exist or what they actually do differently than us, just that they are basically wrong. In your video on other denominations, I couldn't even tell which one you were because you seemed to have no bias, and that was really refreshing. I think animosity between different truly Christian sects is a luxury we can no longer afford. The way I see it is: if you don't even understand the part of your faith that differs from another, can you really claim to be more faithful than someone else?

I think that is something Catholics can work on, we get caught up in the history and reputation of our faith that some of us feel like we can just say we are Catholic and it's enough. My parish priest recently shared a statistic on Corpus Christi that something like only 30% of Catholics believe in transubstantiation, does that mean that 70% of Catholics are less faithful than a "true" Lutheran?

I believe I'll always be Catholic, but I am seeking the truth as hard as I can and I can only hope I find it, and I can't fault others for doing the same. What you're doing is very inspiring and I pray for your efforts.

One suggestion though, perhaps "Operation: Counter-Reformation" makes a bit more sense than Reconquista? The Reconquista will come later. ;) Great video, God bless all of you.


Roman Catholic here, this is incredible that there’s younger folks trying to go back to biblical tradition and ensure values of the past and the true message of our Savior. I especially love how you state at the end. Christ will win. He always does and may God bless you in your endeavors!


As someone who left a large church for multiple issues with the service, you have to also consider how much (if any) influence you actually have. There would be no way I could have gotten them away from the purpose driven style of preaching, the straight up heretical music that they played, them praising themselves on how much they raised, etc. I am just one in a thousand and even those who were reformed in that church (it was an EV Free church) didn't really have any issues with what was going on. I needed to focus on my kids and actually getting fed God's Word instead of moralisms so I ended up leaving.

I understand where you are coming from. One of the many issues is the whole "church shopping" mentality. However, sometimes you do need to leave for your sake and your kids sake.


as a Muslim, i absolutely respect this movement as well as everything that it is trying to bring.
Good for you trying to bring back your correct roots and fight heretics in your lines as well as corruption in the lands.
May God bless us all and guide our ways.


In my church (nondem evangelic) we received a bunch of turkish refugees and many were baptized. The pastor transformed from typical sermon about being a good person to straight up theology explained for the new people, it was wonderful


Amen to this video young brother in Christ!
It is equally annoying to hear ppl say “that’s why I left the church” when no such thing happened in our church


Good things conservatives are for:
-sound doctrine
-personal holiness
-high view of God
-high view of Scripture, particularly infallibility and inerrancy in all it affirms
-high view of the local church
-high view of ecclesial authority, whatever form that takes
-preservation of biblically based historic tradition (generally, except among general baptists for whatever reason)


Legend says when RZ posts a video, a demon loses its wings.
