Sugar Cravings, Red Meat, and Your Health | Max Lugavere | EP 456

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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with filmmaker and science author Max Lugavere. They discuss his upcoming film, “Little Empty Boxes,” that details his mother’s progression through dementia, which set Max on his life’s journey to understand and communicate the science behind health and nutrition. Dr. Peterson and Lugavere also discuss obesity, toxic exposure, hypertension, and elimination diets.

This episode was recorded on June 8th, 2024

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For Max Lugavere:

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(0:00) Coming up
(0:16) Intro
(2:43) Where psychology and nutrition meet
(3:53) The Genius Trilogy: how diet plays a role in mediating mental health
(6:51) Watching a degenerative neural disease take hold, “a profound call to action”
(9:32) The food pyramid is a scam, obesity rates and risks
(16:29) Parkinson’s disease is a mid-life condition that only shows symptoms in late life
(20:08) Bridging science and journalism to tell important stories
(27:16) Richard Isaacson: from learning to collaborating
(28:26) Most physicians are not scientists
(29:37) Forty percent of Dementia cases are attributable to modifiable risk factors
(32:24) Diabetes and age adjustment for diagnoses
(33:47) Hypertension, the SPRINT MIND trial
(35:52) Nutrition is not the only risk factor
(41:38) Toxic exposure
(44:30) Hearing loss is a newly identified risk factor
(46:00) The majority of cases are likely preventable — you have agency
(49:20) Where to shop in the supermarket, the incredible benefits of extra virgin olive oil
(51:16) Whole Foods, not ultra-processed food-like products
(53:16) Food deserts, ultra-processed foods impact behavior like a drug
(56:35) Are you training your gut microbiome to crave sugar?
(59:19) The 12-year-old-boy diet
(1:01:30) If it has an ad on TV, avoid it
(1:04:02) Red meat is a health food
(1:08:07) Fortified grains are not a whole food
(1:11:28) Food propaganda has a serious effect, correlational dietary studies are not plausible
(1:14:50) The carnivore diet: clear advantages and potential dangers
(1:27:12) Changes in cooking habits, environment, and food access
(1:30:31) Fraud in the field of Alzheimer’s drug research
(1:35:33) Slowing progression
(1:37:44) ‘Little Empty Boxes’ — a must-see film


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I'm just a nobody but I wanted you to know this.
Your daughter saved my life.
10 months ago I was 303 lbs.
In horrible health.
I did keto before but at 53 yrs old, it wasn't helping.
After carnivore, I'm now 191lbs. I'm a different person.
I can do exercises that I couldn't do before.
I don't feel my age.
Thank you. ❤


Over the last 15 years or so I have cut out sauces and gravies, fast foods and "instant" foods. My palate has grown simple, to the point where I actually don't like even salad dressings - other than olive oil and balsamic vinegar. You can chase me with sugary deserts or "treats". I have finally managed to drop bread. I very seldom eat out and most times I choose to cook from scratch, don't do frying, only steaming, poaching or grilling. This discussion has been eye-opening and has justified my simple foods choice. I'm 70 and not on any medication. I am blessed!


For everyone out there that want to change your mental health habits and keep living correctly I would recommend reading book called The 21 former doctor secrets by rachel morgan, she is talking behind industry


I cut out most carbs and sugars 2 years ago purely to lose weight and stuck to meats, fats and leafy vegetables. I'm also on a 16/8 intermittent fast. None of it takes any effort. I was 66 at the time. I quickly lost weight. I was always reasonably fit, but I was carrying too much timber. My fitness obviously improved, but what pleasantly shocked me was how my temperment and brain function changed for the better. It's as I've been possessed by a much nicer person.


I can't wait for the world to move on past "left versus right" so that we can focus on real problems like this.


3 months carnivore and have never felt better. Fat loss, toned up, Level headed, no stomach pain, no cravings, no crashing, no joint aches, the list goes on. I want to eat like this forever. It is the most liberating feeling ever not being a slave to my cravings.


My favorite quote which comes from Dr. Robert Lustig.
“ Any food that is linked to a television commercial should not be consumed.” When you feel confused over what to eat just recite this quote. It works for me!


I was recently diagnosed with Endometriosis. The OBGYN said "surgery or birth control pills" was my only option. I asked what about diet, herbs, exercise? She said "no, those won't help your pain." Left her office and will never return. Going to try gluten free to see if that helps. Wish me luck.


Autoimmune diseases, arthritis, diabetes and certain types of dementia are adverse side of effects of vaccines and certain medicines (as noted in pub med). Working In dentistry I love to spend hours talking to the 100 year olds. One amazing lady who just turned a 100 years old this month, grew up on her parents cattle ranch and is a retired teacher. She has consumed a lot of fresh red meat, eggs (made in a variety dishes) and homemade fruit pies over her life time. One day she brought me a homemade berry pie to thank me for walking her out to her SUV which she drives by herself to the dentist office. She wears a fit band daily and walks with friends from her neighborhood and church. This lady does not suffer from any chronic disease, doesn't need daily medicine and still has a crystal clear short and long term memory. There is so much to learn from these 100 year olds who still have their memories.


This was such an interesting discussion. I'm 80, & so far I don't have any memory problems. One thing I had as a young person, was piano lessons for about 20 years total. I memorized pages of music. I grew up on a farm. My Mom always cooked real food, either grown by my parents or my grandparents. No pesticides, only real food-dairy cows, chickens, gardens, fruit trees, venison. Mom made meals with color, like green veggies. I also believe that staying curious about life, learning something new every day also helps keep the mind working. What do you think about my experiences?


I was diagnosed with MS in 2014. By then I was pretty fucked up already (I was 29).

In 2019, when I was getting closer to wheelchair and cognitive malfunction and after doing a ton of research, I met someone who got me introduced to the role of nutrition, vaccines and heavy metals in neurological disorders.

Not too make it long, not only I can now workout and think with full clarity, but I feel better than ever. I’m still not completely out of the woods since this type of toxicity and the damage it has caused over the years is tough and long to recover from, but it can be done.

Had I followed the advise of “reputable, internationally awarded neurologists” I would be bed ridden or even dead.

This is the reality of modern medicine, unfortunately. People, generally speaking, look at you as a lunatic when you tell them this story, but those same ones start listening to you when they find imposible to fix chronic issues via the system. Obviously, when they start working using true medicine, their brain explodes. Finding out the modern medicine is there to get you sick instead of to get you healthy is not something easy to digest.


I suffered badly from an aggressive disease of the gut and I did elimination diet and found that a paleo diet was showing me progress, now I am doing amazing, I don’t get fevers and flare ups anywhere like I used to and I have been cusuming high amounts of beef and improved even more these last 5 months and more pasture raised eggs and goats milk. I discovered that inflammatory oils and ultra processed foods were inhibiting my health above all else. I eat no grains. This is the healthiest I have been since my diagnosis. Faith and prayer was a big role and being willing to take the tools God revealed to me over time.


Thank you for educating the public on the Food Pyramid. We need a brave lawyer who will start a Class Action Lawsuit against the Food Authority and the Canadian and American Diabetes Association. It's criminal how they have lied to the vulnerable masses, especially the CHILDREN.


“It’s not controversial it’s just anti-propagandistic” Love it!


I eat meat and drink water, only
It's that simple
No more arthritis pain
Clear mental acuity
I am at a healthy weight
I'm strong
And I have all the energy I need to play and be active!
People simplify your way of eating and live long and healthy!!


Three months into carnivore and it's been a life changer. Dropped 10 pounds while adding muscle, no crash after lunch, indigestion gone, sleep is better, mood is better, and I don't even want sugar. I've also eliminated alcohol, even though I didn't drink much, along with juices and soft drinks.

I followed you and your daughter Mikhaila, Dr. Peterson, and it's been great. Thank you!


"The only ultra processed food you should eat is red meat (beef), cows go to a lot of bother to make it." JP was rightfully pretty proud of that line! 😂🤣

Someone needs to distill that into a t-shirt one liner.


My eldest son died at age 32 in 2009 from diet-related diseases. His cause of death on his death certificate is "mixed prescription drug toxicity" which were the 12+ prescriptions his family doctor prescribed to him to treat diabetes, depression, anxiety, pain. He was a strong, handsome, intelligent young man 😢 I miss you Tom!


I’m on day 9 off sugar!! I was addicted to candy and sugar quite intensely and I am going thru withdrawal from it :/ when will I feel better


“I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.”
― Carl Gustav Jung
