Auto Insurance Discounts That Will Help You Reduce Your Car Insurance Premium
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1. A multi-vehicle discount is a sure-fire and easy way to enjoy cheaper rates. All you have to do to qualify is insure one than one car with the same provider. You can only do otherwise if the sum of your premiums across different insurance carriers is less than what you'll be given with a multi-vehicle discount if you buy from one insurer.
You can find out which will serve you best by first doing a little research before making this decision. But even if you don't intennd to shop around, you can rest assured that you'll still save a bit with a multi-vehicle discount.
Nevertheless, bear in mind that you may be better off if you purchase your different policies from various providers that offer the cheapest rates for each policy. It's encouraged that you do thorough comparison shopping. That way you'll be able to say for sure if this will be bring more benefits.
3. Do your best to become eligible for the No Claims Bonus. This is usually offered to people who don't file any claims for a minimum number of years (Usually 3 years and above).
4. You can get the low mileage discount by keeping your mileage count down.
Walk when you have to cover short distances (It's good for your heart too). Join a carpool or take the mass transit more frequently if you want to position yourself for this discount.
5. For those who are less than 25 years, car insurance rates can be quite astronomical. But for drivers who fall within this age group, having good grades at school will go a long way to help you enjoy more affordable rates. They call it the good student discount.
To enjoy it, nevertheless, you must maintain at least a "B" grade. For students who make themselves eligible, you can expect discounts of about 5%. Experience has shown insurance carriers that what makes a student keep getting excellent grades is a level of responsibility which also shows behind wheels. It's difficult to find reckless young drivers who maintain wonderful grades.
6. Seniors, on the other hand, can get a discount by going for refresher courses designed by their insurers. Completing such courses could give you a discount of up to 10%
8. Insurers give give customers who have remained loyal a long term discount and accident forgiveness. Depending on the insurer, you'll be eligible for a discount of 5% once you've stayed with them for between three and five years.
Most insurers will also not raise the rates of a long standing policy holder if they make only just one claim. It makes sense for the insurer as it is cheaper to give discounts to existing policy holders than to acquire new ones. The longer you stay, the more you'll save.
However, what you may save by switching to another insurer might far outweigh all the incentives you'll get depending on what your rates are and how much another insurer is ready to offer.
Let us say, for example, that you will get a 5 percent (or $125) discount after your third year with an insurer where you current auto insurance premium is $2,500.
However, within the course of these three years you might get an insurer who will give you a similar auto insurance coverage or better for less than $2,000. In such a case, it will be pointless to stay put because you want to get a loyalty discount down the line when you can enjoy lower rates at the moment.
And, in nearly all cases, most folks will easily pay a lot less than they are presently on auto insurance if they shop right. To be sure you are not loosing better offers, obtain and compare auto insurance quotes from not less than five insurance quotes sites. You can easily do this online (It's a lot more convenient that calling different agents for their quotes).
To learn more about auto insurance discounts that you can take advantage of, go over to