This Is NOT Worship... - Voddie Baucham

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This is not worship, Voddie Baucham.

In this video we explore the popular worship styles and music of worship bands, from elevation, Bethel music, Hillsong, and transformation worship. Commentary from Voddie Baucham, John MacArthur, John Henry with the gospel of Christ.

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He sent His Son Jesus Christ...
To die for you and I at the cross...
He carried our sins so that we might be saved...
From the wrath of God and have eternal life...
If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...

With love in Christ
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God Loves you...


























He sent His Son Jesus Christ...






























To die for you and I at the cross...
































He carried our sins so that we might be saved...




















































From the wrath of God and have eternal life...




















If you don't know Jesus then what are you waiting for...




With love in Christ


My momma told me to sit down and shut up when you go to church. We are there to worship our Lord. And not to draw attention to ourselves. It's not about us. It's about the one who saved us. Thank you for all you do. Say the name that soothes the soul. Jesus .


My pastor used to say Emotion without devotion is just commotion.


Romans 1:16
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”


My worship is being in obedience to Christ. My life is to worship Him


”Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.“
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭100‬:‭2‬ ‭


Pray for all those who are deceived. It is so sad because many in these congregations are truly searching for the Lord but they are searching in the wrong place and being led astray. Ask our Lord to shine His light and lead them to truth!


I remember watching a movie in the nineties right after I got saved about persecution in China. It was a dramatic movie for sure based on true stories. In one scene some friends who were part of the underground church there were meeting secretly and after reading some of the Bible together and talking about the passage they began to worship. They didn’t sing out loud because if they had they might have been heard by some people walking by the place where they were and could have been arrested. But even though they were “silent” they were heard by God. I remember thinking “Wow, that’s worship.” Because it was truly from the heart. That’s what God desires and deserves.


As a independent Christian artist. I don't want to be anywhere near the CCM "hype" trying to imitate the world. I use to think all that "hoopla" was worship, but it isn't, especially with the false heretic teachers. I play, i sing, i write to glorify God/Jesus to help assist people to get saved and encourage the saints... Nothing more, nothing less. Keep your grammys and million selling records, and millions of dollars and all that. I just want to bring God glory and truth and get rewards against my Bema seat, which ive sinned so much against. Gold? Silver? Bronze? Or wood, hay, and stubble?


You're right that both singing/music and private, spiritual acts of worship and obedience are found throughout the Bible as valid expressions of worshiping God. Some key points:

- In the Old Testament, singing, dancing, and musical instruments were regularly incorporated into worshiping God at the tabernacle/temple. Examples include King David dancing before the ark.

- In the New Testament, singing hymns and spiritual songs is specifically mentioned as a God-pleasing act in places like Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:19.

- However, true worship is not limited to just the external, communal acts. As the text mentions, worship also includes private, internal acts like denying oneself temptations and obeying God secretly without recognition from others.

- Both the public, communal expressions (singing, prayer, etc.) and private acts of obedience and sacrifice seem to be recognized in Scripture as valid forms of worship.

- The danger comes when people rely only on one form (like the emotional musical experience) and neglect other important biblical elements of worship like obedience, truth, prayer, repentance, etc.

- Or when they view the external, emotive expressions as the whole of worship rather than just one part of a multifaceted relationship with God.

So in summary, while music and emotional expressions have their place, true biblical worship encompasses both our private devotion to God through obedience as well as communal praise through singing, prayer and other approved means. Both private and corporate elements, guided by Scripture, are important.


I was at an actual Church like this because of my mom who brought me. The moment I saw the laser lights and fog machines I walked out


Wow, just wow! Praise the Lord for Biblical teaching!


I’ve watched hundreds of Christian videos in the last few weeks and this may be THE MOST IMPORTANT one!
Praise Jesus!


Singing = worship

Praying = worship

Reading = worship

Serving = worship

Eating = worship

Working = worship

Creating = worship

Resting = worship

Worship isn't only singing. (1 Cor 10:31; Col 3:17)


When it looks and sounds like a rock concert. It is


Yahweh has shown us what His desire is in worship having humbled Himself on a tree for the sin of the world: "He hath shewed thee, O man,  what is good; and what does the LORD require of thee, but to do justly,  and to love mercy,  and to walk humbly with thy God"?


I used to love this type of worship when I was a teenager/early 20’s. Then I started growing in my faith and learning more. The Lord started convicting me. I noticed the lights were bright, the band was loud and the people were standing still. Afraid to lift their hands up. Then, the church started having camera men running around on stage during worship. I realized, this isn’t worship. It’s pretend, outward projection that the Pharisees were doing in Jesus’s day.


Someone who I was building a friendship with within my church decided to purchase tickets to Elevation Church's concert for my birthday in February 2024… I wanted to decline the offer and suggest something else, but I felt terrible when I learned she already paid for the tickets and her husband was already watching the boys. I felt stuck.

The concert was lively and “entertaining” and some people were actually crying and worshipping, but deep inside it felt all wrong. I didn't feel like the Lord was getting ALL the praise. What I witnessed was some people overcome with everything in the concert—- lights, emotions, the crowd, etc. I even cried, but I focused on praising the Lord… I'm sure some people did that as well. I was also sad because someone cared to make my birthday special when most of my family had forgotten.


If I'm not weeping for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I don't want it! Thank you God, for all, for everything. Amen!


I walked in a hillsong church just once. I immediately heard the opening riff to spirit in the sky by Dr. And the medics. I got up told them all to find a proper church and not a disco and walked out. Can you believe that? My dear lord.
