r/AmITheA$$hole {9}

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Story one I think a lot of people miss the point. OPs parents LIED to OP ( or at least the mom did). She was told the kids and sister weren’t going…. How could she give her Dad a heads up if she had no idea she would be ducking out of the trip. In my opinion her parents totally got what they deserved and at least they will have hopefully learned a lesson.


It took them a LAWSUIT to apologize. No peta, you're not sorry for killing the dog, you're sorry for the CONSEQUENCES of killing that dog.


The first OP is not at fault for the tickets. As far as they knew, it was them and their parents. If their parents had been honest, then the dad could’ve had a heads up about it. Op’s sister showing up was a surprise ONLY to OP, the dad is at fault for losing the money if he knew they were going. However if he did not know the only ones at fault are OP’s mom and sister


I think you missed in the first story that the OP was previously told that the sister and her kids weren’t coming so seeing them at the airport was a surprise


Not-so-fun fact: PETA’s “putting down” rate is 13x higher than the average shelter.


With the last story, the second I heard that OP was ordered to give up her favorite stuffed rabbit I thought "So does op resent this miscarried sibling for being the golden child her entire life, or did she realize through this long dead, half rotted, golden child of a half formed fetus that her mom is a narcissist, and began to thank that fetus for the gift of foresight regarding her mom's insanity?" At the end of the day, that woman NEEDS councilling to get over this grief to the point where it stops affecting op and their living family. Miscarriage is rough, yes. But using and adopted child as an emotional punching bag and turning into the abusive force in that child's life because of a miscarriage is unacceptable for a single year, nevermind the absurd 30 years that op has to endure it.


Imagine your own family excluding you from a momentous occasion because they’re worried what someone else would think of you simply existing. Just vile.

Edit: To any brain dead stain that’s about to comment “well she had the right to…”, just because you have the *right* to do something doesn’t make it *right*. She’s an asshole for discriminating against her own family.


Dude, the first guy never would have gotten to enjoy Disney at all.

The mom and sister were planning to force him to watch the kids the entire time, and he never would have gotten to do anything.

Notice how they screamed and cried that the trip was ruined for them. Wtf is that about since the trip *was about OP’s graduation.*

Means the mom didn’t plan the trip at all for him. She lied to get him to come along.

The mom and sister are repulsive human beings. They remind me of the set who ditched a few month old baby on the steps of the not favorite scapegoat sibling. The dad sucks too for not declaring if she was going, she was watching her own kids, or he’d have them leave the park.

That first poster was innocent. Parentification is major abuse.


Speaking on the first story, considering the mother said "just the three of us" how was OP supposed to let the dad know ahead of time when OP thought the kids were not going to be there in the first place lol. Y'all tried to trick her. Dad was in on it for sure.


first story isn't even op's fault, hiw was she supposed to let the dad know IF SHE DIDNT KNOW THE KIDS WOULD BE THERE, no the Moms were the one that wasted the money


If the dad understand why Op did it why would he enable those 2 to treat Op as a free babysitter instead of standing up for Op and saying no as like Op said it happened multiple times before.


De-clawing a cat and clipping the ears of dogs should be a jailable crime and heavily fined for all involved.


"It looks polish" got me dying, reminds me of trying to pronounce Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz


Story 1 sounds like the "I don't want to be a free babysitter" conversation happened multiple times and was never cared about.


Story 3: He's sixteen. He's too old to act like a toddler and for his mother to defend him over his poor behavior.
Story 4: People who declaw cats and then surrender them to a shelter should have the tips of their fingers cut off. She needed the public shaming, for attempting to put that mess on him.
Story 5: Its been 30 frickin years. The fact that she's ignoring the living is vile, especially since she ruined OP's childhood.


There’s something about the first story that tells me they’ve already tried to talk it out with their mom💀People that act like this aren’t swayed by civil discussion unfortunately.


To the first person in their defence they didn't know if the sister was coming whenever they asked the mom, who most likely lied so they'd be stuck last minute


The Declawed cat story: That one REALLY pisses me off. I have a few cats in the house and I would go off on anyone who would dare suggest declawing. OP's sister should stay away from adopting ANY pet. She's not the responsible type.


Story 5: Will the son eventually learn and fully understand the whole story of that miscarriage baby? Most likely yes. Is 5 years old too early? Also yes. No child that young should be exposed to the concept of miscarriage and death, that would be traumatizing
