Who Would Win A Second American Civil War?

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Who Would Win A Second American Civil War?

When you think of a civil war, you most likely think of the American Civil War, in which the Northern and Southern states clashed over differences in more than just their views of slavery. Although many contribute that to be the driving force, as we know in war, there are multiple reasons, or factors, as to why things escalate to the point of no return. Although many thought the United States was heading that way again with this recent election, the people showed they were better than that. Kinda. Today on LBQ we’re asking Who Would Win A Second American Civil War?

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Missing one major aspect of the US military.... if a civil war did break out the military would be just as divided. So the government would only win if it could bring back order, and that would be an extremely difficult task.


It'll be very interesting to see what happens after the 24' election.


Why do people that make videos like this forget that military members are people with their own beliefs. They’re not gonna fight for something they don’t believe in. The government would not have control of its military


A large number of the military would fall apart and join right wing trust me. A larger number of recently retired military would most definitely be right-wing and still able to fight


Yeah but what if the members of the military are in favor of the side the government doesn’t support


This video poses an easy answer but refuses to acknowledge that for the last 70 years every single time our government has gone up against a foreign military of insurgents it has LOST. No amount of money and power (even that of the US government) can outwit the supreme will of the human spirit. If the civil war was between the American government and a group of American insurgents willing to give their lives for a cause the government would lose as it has for the last 70 years.
And remember this- the American revolution was a war between the established American government (England) and the insurgent homeland (patriots). And we all know how that went.
Why isn’t that mentioned in this video?


The military would split just like the people


One side grew up in woodlands trained to live off the land with a skill set of hunting, fishing, growing food and sport shooting while the other side can't figure out which men or women's bathroom to choose. Hmm, wonder who has the edge?


This gives way to much credit to the government.


The Second American Civil War will be a replay of the First American Civil War - which in turn was a replay of the American Revolution against the British Empire.


What if the legislative and executive branch are overthrown by the people by force


You haven’t paid attention. The Iraq and Afghanistan people showed the world how to defeat the US Government. Small pockets of guerrilla fighters kept the US Military in stalemate for 20 years. All the American soldiers and marines who fought there, who are mostly conservatives, took notes. They know how to win.


me. i would win. you all would lose. badly. fear me.


At least 2/3 of combat troops are conservative. Same for police. It would be cities vs rural. The thing that people miss is the whole world would burn. China would take Taiwan, Russia would take Ukraine, Iran would attack Israel. With the US in a civil war we would not be in a position to stabile the world. It would be long and bloody. We need to start finding common ground and working together. Our civil war could actually lead to the end of the world.


But the civil war would be against the government, not political sides. If it WAS left versus right, AND the government stayed out of it, I think that the right would have no problem winning. They have the most weapons, by far.


Prior to the American Civil War, there was an episode of violence commonly called the "Bleeding Kansas". (1855-1859) I wonder if this would be a good example of how a second American civil war might look.


Separating ourselves from each other and not finding common ground is what outside forces want. Just look at history.


I don't think the Second Civil War will be the same kind of war a the First, it will be rather like the Troubles in Ireland with insergency groups, America lost the war in Afghanistan and they had access to drone strikes which cause too many civilian casualites to be used.

In Ireland Sinn Féin was the public face of the IRA and this "Shake with one hand and hold a dagger in the other" strategy worked, if one side were to turn one of the two parties into another Sinn Féin with violent footsoldiers on the ground with the goal of establishing a new elite it would be difficult to stop them.

This would only happen if the following criteria is met

-Faith in Democracy is lost meaning only way to attain power is force

-Economy collape making people desperate so to desire change.

-Opposing side is seen as an evil to be destroyed due to polarisation making violence seem reasonable.

-Military or Government seen as weak and feckless making violent take over appear achievable

- There are dissident elites who support the rebels and helps or gives resources in hopes of achieving more power if they are successful.

If a civil war were to start today the rebels would most likely lose but social and economic decline of America continues it would suprise me if all of the conditions are not met in the next 20 years if not by 2024.


You're kidding, right? One side will be handing out rounds and the other will be sipping coffee wondering which end of the gun is the barrel.


No one would win a second civil war! There would just be killers and victims!! Any loss of life is irreplaceable but if it needs to happen let it be for a cause and or darn good reason for it! If it’s for the continuation of freedom, then bring on the fight!
