Why You’re Being Undermined at Work (And How to Stop It)

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You may be feeling like your work is never appreciated and that you're always being undermined. It doesn't have to be this way!

In this video, I'll share why you're being undermined, how to identify an underminer, and what to do about it.

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It's so exhausting dealing with people who do this smh


I stay confident, focussed, complete my tasks, be professional


Always cover your ass in everything! No matter what it is. I been thru hell with one manager, and they replaces him with someone worse


It's especially frustrating when you're undermined by males in a male dominated field, while other men that do exactly what you do, don't get any negative attention whatsoever. It's extremely toxic, and it makes it seem like you're not wanted or respected in the organization. All the while, the organization is "inclusive to women" on paper but the men undermine you consistently. You can't necessarily prove it - but you feel it!


if my work is so bad why do they keep me


I have lost promotions because managers have made up lies. Even tho alls I ever did was help them without over stepping


My colleague has a habit of working overtime and working weekends, totally unpaid. With the recent waves of layoffs, she did her agreed tasks and went over and did mine too, over a weekend. She keeps butting into my share of workload, and it’s not even funny. She promotes herself aggressively in front of managers and keeps me out of meetings, things just fly on top of my head, discussions about important projects are being held without me, we are only 2 ppl in this team, so she is excluding me on purpose. We don’t really have a manager, not directly anyway.

I’ve decided to pursue a senior position in a different department, whilst asking for a pay rise. I lost faith in my current dept., there is no transparency nor fairplay. And we are not in sales. We work with internal ppl.

We always have a choice, to move or stay in a toxic environment. I’ll go where I am needed and people respect and acknowledge my expertise. Not where I do a whole bunch of “shadow work” and my colleague collects all the prizes and recognition as if she did it all by herself.


You're a great communicator. Thank you.


I think I have a blocker/saboteur. He says no to all my ideas, when I complete my task he says "oh we got rid of that feature" knowing damn well they did not remove it. I'm just not allowed to do anything! He will tell me the project is changing directions, then complain i'm not doing relevant work anymore. I am roughly the project manager, I have tried to redirect us several times, to which he just says no. Like, i'm sorry? Or I suggest a great idea, he says no, and then next week he brings it up and team loves it. It's crazy making.


Leave. It's clear the company has become a clown show and is not interested in making money, just bullshitting.


I found it helpful to strip away emotion with these toxic coworkers and go pure grey rock logic. Internally wish them well and remain grounded.

Some of them are a lost cause in such an incompatible fit - that's fine, move on. Life isn't permanent, nor is the toxic situation, so don't stress it. I think many often tolerate horrible things forgetting we actually don't live forever and it's simply a poor investment of our limited lifetime and energy to settle with these things with no alternative paths in mind. When it's really bad disrupting sleep, change is the top priority and way more natural and realistic than modern societal thinking tends to shy away from.

We assert our boundaries, clarify the situation, speak our authentic peace - but we can't manage someone else's emotions and if they have a failure to do their part of being mature most of the time, then it's their problem no matter how much they try to deny their lack of self-control as if it is in the hands of everyone else.


The owner is 100% behind the underminer. Even though I have done nothing different the whole powerplay has swung out of control. Got to the point where nobody at the company will even listen to me let alone obey my orders. My work has been outsourced or thrown away. Every boundary I have tried to set has been blasted out of existence.


So why are they even a manager if they are being taught by employees or depending on them? “FAKE IT UNTIL YOU MAKE IT.” 😁🤨🤥🙄


I’m having issues in my job where I feel uncomfortable and deflated for all the hard work I do or make


This is why people need to be put in check at work for not working with people rather than working against them. I have found myself dealing with these types of people and these situations. Especially when you know that an organization is suppose to be operating like a fine tuned machine. But when people for some reason stop doing their job and you wind up getting caught up in it because of it, that’s a problem. A problem that needs to be dealt with right away. Do not overlook this situation and find out as soon as possible as to who is
ultimately responsible for the upkeep and availability of the equipment. And if keys are involved make sure they are available for the equipment and to the drivers involved. No one
should be held up because of missing keys or equipment. Clearly the drivers are not responsible as they do not work in the office. So stop blaming them and setting them up for failure.


Mines is my boss and he got others involved even HR… It’s no win for me


Ben, what is the difference between "to undermine someone" and "to sabotage someone" ?


When it comes to underminers do they target a specific co worker or many colleagues?


Hi Ben, what is the difference between undermine someone and sabotage someone?


See this is too much!!!! I would just go to HR. I don’t have time for all of this!!
