How I decided to become a veterinarian

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Yesterday, my son and I had the sad task to bury our tiny wonderful cat Musti. He has been the daily joy in our life for nearly 14 years. Sudden organ failure (kidney's and liver) had poisoned his blood untill his heart could take it no more. It was a very fast turn for the worst. I drove him to the vet not knowing how serious it was. He had eaten very little for two days. He drank more than usual. That is why I noticed something was wrong. Three hours later he was gone. We are both devastated. I cried untill I had no more tears. God knows I how much I loved him.


I had the reverse experience Dr. Uri had. I thought from a young age that I wanted to be a veterinarian for all the usual reasons. First job I ever had in my life was the summer I turned 14, working in an animal hospital. That summer, I also shadowed another vet for a few hours a week.

By the end of the summer, I came to realize *_working_* with animals was a lot different than playing with them. I also realized the work was demanding, difficult, often dirty, sometimes dangerous, with sometimes long hours late into the night and bites and scratches a frequent part of the job, plus being on call at times too. Most of all, I realized I had a harder time than most staying calm under pressure or when an animal was in pain. And on top of that, there were the inevitable clients who didn’t really care about their animals, who showed no interest or appreciation for your efforts to help them, who would then blame you when things went wrong, and who just generally felt entitled to disrespect and disparage your professionalism because you’re not a “real” doctor.

Admitting to myself that I wasn’t cut out to be the veterinarian I always envisioned myself becoming was the hardest but probably the most mature decision of my life to that point. And yet, for all these reasons and because I know how incredibly hard it is both to be and to become a veterinarian and all that they go through, I have an incredible amount of respect for those who, in spite of it all, dedicate their professional lives to enhancing the well-being of animals (and by extension, their human companions). For what they go through, it has to be much more than money that gives them the will to choose this noble line of work.


I have a rescue cat. She’s blind in one eye. I love her to pieces (even tho she rather I leave her alone most of the time lol). I very much hope my daughter becomes a veterinarian. She’s going to be graduating high school next year and loves “pet care” and “biology” classes. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’m grateful for all the good vets out there helping our fur babies and their parents. ❤🙏


Just found your videos after my Siamese got sick. Your videos are really helpful! Thanks so much!


i started this journey only 3 years ago, after working 2 of those years in a shelter. I've always wanted to work with and help animals- the shelter was the easy work. It gave me the very vital basics of working with animals in a stressful environment, the heartbreak of the rare euthanasia (it was a 98% kill free shelter- those put down were medical or extreme behavioral PTS), and an incredible understanding of animal behavior. I got very lucky to find a job in a teaching hospital that will provide a CVT degree as a benefit. Sometimes this job is very, very hard, but every life I help save makes me glad to do what I do. All these little guys need is compassion, understanding, patience and attention in any setting that is not home.


Always better late than never and glad you ended up a vet to share great advice with us. A couple of my high school teachers suggested I become a vet but I couldn't. Would have felt terrible if someone's pet died or continued to suffer. That most likely wouldn't have always been the case but negatives eat away at me more than the positives can help


Omg, I felt the exact same, but it was later in my career that I follow my gut. I'm a biologist, always loved animals and wanted to "work with my hands" (there's no better way to put it), and heal animals, not just watch from far. 10 years after I graduated, I am now half way vet school and loving it so far. I'm practicing in a clinic and hopefully when I finish school, I continue my journey to become a cardiologist. Thank you for this kind of videos, we all need word of experience in a journey like this.


The four years was worth it. Your a star!


Really GLAD YOU became a VET!!
Finished reading your DAD’s book and gifted another copy to my Vet :)
Thank YOU for ALL your CAT advice!!!


I'm sorry. I completely disagree. It was NOT a poorly thought out decision. I think you did it exactly right. And the results speak for themselves 🙂


Well, I'd say everyone is happy you went into your career! Yay!


I had a bit of the reverse experience in university. After shadowing and working for months at a hospital, I realized I like writing and being at home much better! Extremely grateful for what you and the veterinary profession in general do.


We're happy you made that choice. ^, ^ it made the world a bit better!


I think you made the perfect career choice for yourself! 🐱


Nice to know how you became a vet ! Thank you to you


clawdia is wonderful! she looks very polite.


What a great way to check out a career! I'm sure all your clients and their animals feel you made the right choice.


I believe in angels on earth thanks to you doc. You're the best example I've seen.


Thank you, you decided to become a veterinarian (obviously it was love at first sight :D ). But also thank you for making your youtube videos, I'm sure it helped many people... and they are very fun. Did you mention you studied acting? Did it in any way help you in youtube person career?


I hope Mr Pirate is ok!! We haven’t seen him in a while 😭
