Organizing Tips and Ideas for Crickets

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Let's get organized!
The final organizing style in our series is Cricket! In this video I explain the cricket organizing style and some tips ands ideas just for their home.

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I'm a cricket!!
NEVER understood why I can be soooo neat an organized... yet other times be such a slob! It drove my mom CRAZY! I COULD NEVER DO HALF A JOB! HAD TO RIP IT ALL APART then I could put it together....
Thank you so much!! I love Nikki- she's just too perfect for
She sets off my OCD!


Aaaah! I'm a cricket!

I could never understand how I'm both messy, yet crave the perfect system, re-organizing the things I've already organized lol! Thank you for explaining this! 😄


Cas- you are going to love this! I went to my 19 year old daughter and said "I just figured out why you have such a hard time putting away everything in my organizational systems, you are a butterfly and I am a cricket!" She was drinking and spit it out everywhere laughing. "What, Mom are you watching youtube again?!!!" I have struggled with my three kids and husband by constantly changing the systems and not understanding why it is so hard for them to use and I end up putting away everything. I am going to try to make the community area simple and visual and see if that helps. Love your videos!!


I’m definitely a cricket. Either it’s perfect or it’s a cluttered disaster 🤦🏻‍♀️ this is such a helpful video! And I LOVE Nikki!


Omg I’m a cricket.. I never understood why I had to wait until I had enough time to clean or organize perfectly. It’s so bad that I don’t want anyone helping me either because they won’t do it “perfectly”.


Girl, the end where she's like, "I'm organized in theory, but in reality oh look something shiny!"
You are so funny and relatable. Just love you all the way.


Magnesium? have finished "stuff". This amazing series. Tons of videos. You wrote books and they're on shelves being sold. You have all this amazing wisdom, talent, and skill. A huge compassionate heart that has a passion to share. You just need to take a second to look and you will see how accomplished you are. I am sure I am one of many who wish they could be you.


"I'm thinking about all the cool crap I could be doing in my life, while doing none of it".
That's exactly how I feel so often! Lol : )


Ok Cass I totally understand your situation, and I have a suggestion. Its called (drum roll please) A BRAIN DUMP LOG OR JOURNAL. It's when you get all these ideas you quickly write them down, getting it all out on paper. And then walk away for a few. When you come back to it there will be no panic or fear of losing the idea. and you can plan what is really sticking out for you to actually do. I know it helps me, I get the mind racing all the time. I hope that helps some Love ya


You absolutely SHOULD be a public speaker!! You would be awesome❤❤


You are so adorable! I am so happy I found your channel. I recently was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 44, what a journey! I used to be so organized, and juggled 2 businesses (as a dayhome provider and a creative maker), and 3 of my own kids in 3 different schools... and lately... man. I just can not keep up on anything. So in the past few years the 'piles' have grown' and I became paralyzed. Now I am uncovering things about my ADHD mind that so make sense. It explains why I love all the shiny things, but can't follow through with half of them. This video organizing series is helping me through a HUGE transition phase as I work to use my new adhd tools AND deal with my craft business that ran wild and eventually stalled out. I really appreciate your humour and honest in sharing your journey. I really needed to hear it today, especially seeing where you are 'today' as you have polished and accomplished those shiny ideas!


I have your diagnosis. It's CBS. Creative Brain Syndrome. I have it too, and I TOTALLY feel your pain! I always say that a person's greatest strength is often also one's greatest weakness. So there you go. We're filled with great ideas!!! But.... we're filled with great ideas. One after the other. Usually taking time away from implementing the previous idea. What is amazing to me is how much you do manage to accomplish, and I hope that I can follow your example and do the same! I cannot tell you how much I enjoy your videos, your organizing, your creativity, and of course, your rants. Keep up the good work, and let me know if you find the key to managing our CBS.


OMG! I laughed so hard, at your "rant", at the end of the video! I was literally crying! "something shiny! a squirrel"!... I totally needed that today! Thanks for your "rants"!


#1 - Thank you for elaborating more on 'Clutterbug Cricket'. I didn't realize the extent of "finding the perfect way" has basically turned me into a mini-hoarder! 😬
It does make sense because a lot of ADHDers have the all-or-nothing mentality...and when you mentioned the stacks of papers---that's a classic sign of ADHD! 😱😂
So thank you much for this vid! I just thought I was being lazy and stupid at home, but now I will bring out my ADHD texts to review in dealing with the all-or-nothing mentality. Thanks again! 😊


I'm a cricket!! Who knew? I love to organize my organization😁😁😁
Thank you for your great videos!


Thank you so much Cas! I am a cricket! I love filing cabinets. I am not organized and have piles of clutter.
Paralyzing is so true!


I am a cricket but after years of mental illness where i some weeks can't deal with more than waking up and maby eat something, i have realized that ladybug is more of a long term system for me. Otherwise the angsiety builds up when i am down and unable to follow through with my organizing systems. Macro organizing FTW!
And thanks for a great channel! 😘


Don't call it "crazy": call it "Motivated" because then they will give you the white jacket that makes you hug yourself all nice and cozy! I like your energy no matter what you call it. Thank you for keeping me positive and for making me smile.


You are such a joy to watch! I can be in a blah mood and watch one of your videos and it perks me up! Thanks for being you!!


Squirrel! Shiny volvo! Wind blowing...wait what was i going ti say?
Dont despair Cas, there are so many of us 😁😜🤓👍🏻👍🏻🌻🌻💫💫💫
