*New* Organizing Ideas and Tips for Butterflies!

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Are you a Butterfly Organizer? In this video, I share the best tips and ideas for Butterflies!
A Butterfly is a Visual and Macro (non-detailed) home organizer. You need to see your everyday things and have them stored in simple, broad categories. For you, it's all about fast and easy clean up!

#organize #clutterbug

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I’ve just bursted in tears. I’m 29 years old, diagnosed with adhd 2 years ago. All my life with strictly organised parents made me believe that I’m just messy and being organised in home is just tough. And now you have told me that I can be organised in a way which isn’t hell for me and it’s okay to do it differently. Big thank you, it’s a big change


I am 54 and have been messy/cluttered ALL MY LIFE. For you to explain it so matter of factly like, “Hey, you just are, ” brings me to tears. I’ve hired organizers and while they were a help, they never mentioned visual vs. hidden or macro vs. micro. Maybe they didn’t know?

It is so liberating to hear this information. I am currently organizing my kitchen in a way that appeals to me. I have always had trouble putting away groceries. I don’t like hiding food away in the cupboards…after all, they are on display in the grocery store on open shelves. I have a rental, though, so I don’t want to take the doors off. And the cupboards are in weird places, anyway, and in different sizes.

I travel for work, and I’ve stayed at places that have the cupboards crammed with dishes and whatnot. So, I would just put my groceries on the counter, arranged in a neat way. I realized that I absolutely LOVED looking at what food I had. It comforted me. So, I am thinking why not do that at home? Why should food go in the cupboard? There are no organizing police. I can do what I want. So, I’m currently moving all my countertop things, like coffee grinder, toaster, etc. to the cupboards, and I’m taking all my food out of the cupboards and putting them on the counter. The only appliances that will stay out will be the microwave and the electric kettle. Everything else is used infrequently enough that I can put those things away. I think having on display what I REALLY want to display will enable me to put away the other things.

Thank you so much for making me feel like it’s OK to be me. Some of the things you mention I had already figured out, but I didn’t really have the information about why. It was just easier to hang my keys on a hook so I didn’t lose them. In fact, when I travel, I take command hooks with me in case the rental doesn’t have them.

But now that I know I’m a butterfly, it won’t take me years to stumble across things that work for me. I can make a plan.

Oh, and when I was a kid and would be forced to clean my room, I would feel angsty when everything was put away. Now I know why. Oh, and I have literally forgotten to take my medication b/c it wasn’t out in view. So, organizing in a way to works for an individual can make a difference in their health.

Sorry for the long comment, but stumbling across this information has profoundly moved me. It hurts to think you’re broken and wrong for decades and decades. What this information did to my sense of self is incalculable. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


My husband is a Butterfly (I'm a Bee) and I just couldn't deal with his messiness until I found you. His closet was such a disaster I coulldn't set a single step inside it for the shoes that covered the entire floor. It took a full day to reorganize, but after decluttering (in FIVE large black trash bags in 'quarantine' in the attic (for now), I can now get in there to hang his clothes. He now has everything he needs and wears right in front of him and I purchased a large wire 4-shelf rack at Walmart for his boots and shoes. He's actually using it and I can proudly say that it's been two months and there's NOTHING on the floor of his closet and I can run the vacuum in there! Your system has brought so much peace to our home and I can't thank you enough!


My daughter is 1, 000% butterfly and I'll admit I did call her "messy". Her room is completely trashed most of the time. We watched this video together and I apologized to her and told her I'll help her clean and organize HER way. I've watched your other video on helping a preteen clean and it's worked!!! We started with her drawers and she got to decide what to get rid of. She did amazing. She didn't want to do anymore that day so we stopped and I didn't push her. Your videos have helped me and my adhd so much and she's seeing how the rest of the house has been more peaceful, decluttered and organized. I simply took care of my own spaces to set a good example just like you said. All of this to say today when I went into her room she had cleaned her vanity off and organized it all by herself 😭😭😭. I could have cried but I just played it cool and gave her the praise she deserved! Thank you SO much!!!


You’re saving my relationship with my parents.We’re all adult diagnosed ADHDers(I’m more severe compared to them). My dad’s a cricket and he has the dysregulated anger about my stufff being out and will just dump it on the floor in my room while I’m already drowning in my room clutter. My mom’s a lady bug with rage cleaning tendencies and shoves my items around the house in my bags or junk drawers and then I won’t know where my things are and I used to get “well if you would’ve put it away…” but now we’ve watched your videos and took the quizzes and we’re finally getting to understand each other and stop fighting about all the stuff which had really messed with my mental health. I’m a college student commuting and living at home and so I’m the one most home during the day and I freely organize my stuff my way and studying in the living room during the day. But then they’d get home from work and immediately “why is this out? Why didn’t you put this away? Come get your crap!” It’s been the biggest thing I’ve been talking about in therapy for months, and I’ve found you and there’s peace in our house now. My new phrase in the house is “I’m a butterfly, you gotta let me fly.” And my mom now calls me her beautiful butterfly and it feels so good to hear that she still loves my wings, I’ve felt like such a disappointment with all the failed attempts of organizing and she’s constantly talking about decluttering and it felt like I was the source of the clutter and stress in the house


I am a ladybug and have spent 15 years not understanding why my husband struggles so much with putting things away. Now I totally recognize it's because he is a butterfly and worried about losing things, and I know how to compromise and make a system that can work for both of us. Game changer! Thank you so much.


I love when you tell us Butterflies that we aren't wrong for being who we are. You have helped me (and my husband) so much. Thank you! 🥰


I have never heard of “organizing styles” and I’m 44….pretty sure you’ve just changed my Lol!
I’ve learned I’m a cross over butterfly/bee, being more of a butterfly probably. Thank you x a MILLION for


I feel like… I’ve never felt so seen. Seriously, I searched “organization with ADHD” and came across this. I watched one of your videos and immediately discovered I’m definitely a butterfly and organization has never made more sense to me than after watching this video.


I know you hear this all the time but you have changed my life! I have my house organized for the first time in 8 years. I'm so happy. It's almost addictive now organizing and I've realized me and my husband are both butterflies. He's just worse than me and since I've started decuttering and organizing in a visual control way, he loves it too. He's so happy to he able to see and grab. He walks around the house smiling sometimes. Thank you for everything!


I feel like Cas is the first person who actually 'gets' me. I've been embracing my butterfly-ness for the last few years. Life changing! Thank you Cas <3


I'm primarily a Butterfly, and I remember what an epiphany it was for me when I realized you don't have to use organization objects for their "intended" purposes. I was just walking down the aisle at Walmart thinking about organizing something, when it struck me that a clear-pocket, over-door shoe organizer would be PERFECT for sorting my crafting fabric squares and remnants (which come rolled up into "tubes"). I bought one, and it worked great! I sorted the fabrics by color, which lets me know what I do and don't have at a glance, and looks really pretty, if I do say so myself).

Once that mental barrier was broken, I used those organizers (and the similar ones that come with larger pockets) for just about everything. There is one of these on nearly every one of "my" doors in the house (closet, pantry, bedroom, etc.), and they work perfectly for me. No lids or labels needed - I just toss things into whichever pocket they came from, and I can tell at a glance which pocket that is. Bonus: when the doors are open/closed (depending on the door) the organizer isn't visible, which cuts down on the "visual clutter" aspect.


Whole family of 4 that are butterflies here 🙋🏼‍♀️ No one has closet doors, all toys go in big toy boxes and our kitchen is all open shelves. Has changed my life!


Thank you for this series! I'm a bee and until now, I didn't realize that I should be organizing shared spaces as a butterfly or ladybug because no one else will stick to my minute organizing. I've been reorganizing our house for over a week and the living room and kitchen finally feel like the kids help out without me going back to do it again :D


Thank you for this video! I am so so butterfly. This video describes me exactly. Out of sight out of mind. But when everything is visual then nothing is visual. Awesome information.


These are the kind of your videos that I really love, especially when you give us information, examples and encouragement to identify our organizational style and how to make it work FOR, not against, us. You've been such a help for so many of us to realize we need different approaches to make chaos into order. Thank you for all you do and the great after the end stories! 😆 XXOO ❤


I am a ladybug in a house with 4 butterflies. So I'm accepting my fate and learning how to organize for them. Thanks for another great video!


I am definitely a butterfly. I’ve been a disorganized mess my whole life. I kept trying and failed every time. I need broad categories. Also I need it to be easy to put it away. I really don’t have a place to hang my coat on a hook inside my front door. So I put a hook on the inside of my closet door and I find it easy to hang my coat there. I need a balance of visual and hidden storage. I don’t want everything visual. Of course the other key is to declutter. I have been decluttering but have more to do. I have too much inventory to manage.


I was never able to utilize binders when I was in school. No matter how I tried to be "normal" . I'm glad I know that I am a butterfly. Now I can go start organizing the way that will work for me.


I am not a butterfly. I LIKE things put away unseen and detailed categories. But it honestly does not work for me anymore. Maybe it is my meds? I dont know. I didn't always use to be this way but if it is out of sight I can't remember it anymore. My home is more functional now because I have changed some aspects like including see thru containers. I have also been able to make broader categories because small categories are too hard to keep organized for me now even though I really like them. My suntan lotion, Aloe, calamine lotion, bug spray etc are no longer separate. It is labeled "summer" in one see thru container. Just one example It has been much easier to keep my things organized. Thank you so much for your videos! It has helped so much!
