GENIUS Bathroom Organizing Ideas For EVERY Organizing Style 🐝 🦋 🐞 🦗

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Podcast Channel on Youtube: @ClutterbugPod

00:00 Start
00:12 Know Your Style
01:20 Visual Organizing Solutions
03:57 Hidden Organizing Solutions
06:06 Roborock Ad
07:04 Detailed Organizing Solutions
07:55 Non-Detailed Organizing Solutions
08:45 More Bathroom Organization Ideas
12:10 End Story

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Love the ending comments, I don’t think it is so much that you are changing your style, more that you really appreciate it when things look pretty! Decanting pantry items, organizing a closet colour coordinated just looks pretty and now that you have your home super organized, you have the time to make every corner not only function, but look pretty too! Cause you are the best! And an inspiration! And just spectacular!


Confuzzled! 😂 You are such a joy to listen to!


I think our organizing styles can change depending on what season of life we are in. Before kids, I was much more detailed - a micro organizer for sure! After having kids, I was a throw-my-crap-in-a-bin person LOL. But, my kids are getting older and I notice myself getting back to that micro-organization (a little) because I have more time to be detailed. So, it just depends on what my life is like as to what style I use I think.


Am I the only one on the brink of tears watching this? It makes me feel very hopeful…learned there are different types of organization and that my husband and I are different. Thank you for the advice - the hubs is going to be hanging stuff soon. My husband is neurodivergent and clutter/cleaning is still a struggle we have yet to figure out; again this makes me feel hopeful.


I just have to say I'm so appreciative that Cass defined these organizing styles the way she did, with no judgment or "fixing" the people who organize differently from her. As a neurodivergent young adult, a lot of my work is learning to accept myself as I am and understanding that needing to do things differently doesn't mean I'm doing them wrong or that I as a person am wrong. Understanding and accepting that my organizing style of "I need to be able to see everything in a category at once but it all has to be hidden when I don't need it or else I can't relax" is perfectly fine was a tiny, early step towards "my life will never look like that of someone who is neurotypical and that's okay."


Love how your hubby peeked out at you...turned and walked away!! LOL!! Love it! Great Video!!!


For me, the more out of sight, the better. I just function better w/less visual clutter. Thank you for these tips! Love it!


As a young working divorced mother, my home was often a mess until the weekend when I had time to clean. There were just a few precious hours after work to prepare dinner, play with my children and get them ready for bed. There were days I fell asleep with one of them in a business suit. As they got older, homework time was added and they had chores, so that helped a little, but my main focus was spending time with them at night and not worrying about the mess until they were asleep. I’d get a little done here and there, but the weekends were for cleaning and playing. It was stressful at times looking at clutter during the week, but I knew once the older teen years hit things would be different. And they were. I had more time to organize and keep the mess a little more minimal. When the kids went off to college, I suddenly had the cleanest house and I actually missed the mess and noise. Now I have grands and love the mess we make playing. I even love cleaning it up when they are gone. Make memories loving and enjoying time with family. The mess can be cleaned up later.


My “style” has definitely developed over time. I think I’m a bee as I always have numerous projects going all at once. But I’m pretty good at putting things “where they belong” if and when I have a system. I start with regular old boxes (shoe boxes or lids to boxes) to divide and conquer then eventually, if I see the organization works, I switch to pretty containers. I’d say I was a butterfly as I like to see my things or a cricket as when I do get organized, things are pretty detailed but maybe because I’m 63 and have been keeping house for 43 years, my natural style is hidden. Im not sure. Most of my house is neat and tidy and clean. But I have spaces of clutter so 2024 is my year of decluttering!


The get ready basket has been a game changer for me, I love having a clean countertop and not dealing with a bunch of clutter. I'd never convince my husband to go the basket route, but I did get him one of those ceramic trays to at least keep his stuff contained. It's working perfectly for him! No more toothpaste rings on the countertop from where he put his electric toothbrush is a win for me haha.


I am a cricket. My family is all butterflies. The spaces we share, I make the systems for them. I have come to appreciate fast and easy systems. I find myself sticking to easy butterfly systems. I still am a cricket in many ways (I still HAVE to organize my file cabinet in a cricket way), but for everyday stuff, I like the butterfly way of doing things. So I can totally see someone's organizing style changing or being different for different seasons of life.


Cas, I think it's that you've adjusted to your new home, which has segmented spaces for individual items. So you're staying in theme throughout your house. I think it shows that when you didn't have that, you created it for yourself, which to me is brilliant. Love you Cas!


You have been such a game changer for me. I have adhd and have struggled my entire life finding any system that works. Recently subscribed and at 35 years old I’m finally learning to not fight against my brain to use others methods but work with it to find solutions that actually work. Thank you for these videos!!!


True true true, when I am overwhelmed, my space is overwhelmed! When I have my life together, I have the mental space for my stuff and things just flow... especially as I minimize :)


Yes, my organizing style has changed. I think, the more we declutter and organize, we're just enhancing those skill sets. We're streamlining and managing our things in order to become more efficient and to have things visually pleasing. None wrong with that! That's top-tier level organizing...A+ styling! 🤗


Cassandra has been absolutely invaluable to me through my journey of organizing my home in a functional way that may not be to everyone's taste, but I think looks cohesive and in a system that works for me. Especially coming out of a major depressive episode, she's been an absolutely godsend. Thank you thank you Miss Clutterbug, you're amazing.


I have definitely morphed from a ladybug to a cricket since moving to a house with more space. I think you hit the nail on the head. Having more space in my closet makes me put things away nicely too!


I find that your space can dictate your organizing style you have to work with what you've got, and if it's really limiting on options then you can't really organize in a way that works best for you. So if your environment changes and you now have enough space to embrace your style needs, it makes a huge difference.


Yes, as we get older or move through different life stages, I think our "styles" change. For me, as my kids are growing up and more independent, I have more mental capacity to care about more detailed organizing. I'm sure your new house has an influence on you too. It's beautiful! 😍


For those using command strips in their bathroom, please remember to use the "Blue" strips. These are for moisture areas. If you use the regular ones, they will fall. I know this from experience. I knew better but forgot at that moment. A loud thud told me of my errors.
