* NEW* Organizing Ideas and Tips for Ladybugs

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Are you a Ladybug Organizer? In this video, I share the best tips and ideas for Ladybugs!
A Ladybug is a Hidden and Macro (non-detailed) home organizer. You want to hide away your everyday things and have them stored in simple, broad categories. For you, it's all about fast and easy clean up!

#organize #clutterbug #ladybug

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I love that you told the car wash story again. 😂😂😂 You had me in tears. I love that you are human.


4:31 The concept of "Which do you prioritize: finding it quickly, or putting it away quickly?" is a game-changer. It's a key thing to consider, regardless of organizing style. In my case, it's better to toss something in a bin, basket, or hanging door organizer pouch and dig it out later, than to make the time to micromanage the specific spot it needs to go. (Hello, ADHD!) For other people, the reverse may be true. There's no right or wrong answer, but if you're going to organize, you definitely need to know YOUR answer to that question.


Listening to the car wash story, laughing so hard that tears are running down my face- oh my goodness!! LOVE your stories, Cas!


Cas' personality is like a warm, inviting hug on a bleak day 🌞


Cass, I hear ya girl. I sustained a spinal cord injury about six years ago and after rehab I had to learn to drive my car with hand controls. Well I was still very new at it and had to drive myself to vote, it was the day before the last day of early voting. It was at the city hall on Main Street in a small town. So I go to park in the handicapped spot only to realize it wasn’t a spot with the striped areas to unload my wheelchair- so as I back out of it I run my back tires up on the curb that edged the spot - I heard my rims crunching against the curb and panicked. I accidentally hit the gas and my car jumped over the curb and ran into the city hall building and knocked down one of the front posts. (It wasn’t an old building or anything- it was fairly chintzy, but still). So I’m just stunned. It’s at exactly lunchtime and there are lines of people waiting to get in restaurants across the street watching my spectacular display. The Fire chief happened to be right there in the giant ladder truck so he comes running over then I hear a lady in line for a restaurant holler as she runs over that she’s a Doctor!! I lost it - I hollered back at her - no no I’m fine!! Go Away!! All the while I was wearing a new sample of mascara that Id received in the mail and then I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror….. HOLY SMOKES. I Looked like the crow!! Practically my whole face was black!! I couldn’t have been more mortified. Except that I had to come back the very next day because it was the last day to vote! As I quietly went through to vote, a little old lady working the polls grabbed my hand (I was in a wheelchair so there was no doubting who I was) and she told me I was very brave to come back and that it was all ok. 😊 it was, the city manager told me that happens a couple times a year - but it’s usually little old ladies not gals in their 30s!


My family’s a bunch of ladybugs and learning this has been GOLD for me, a cricket. Now all our spaces are organised ladybug style and it’s honestly made a big change in having everyone pick stuff up and put it away. I, too, actually enjoy the ladybug organisation in this season of life, with a baby and a bigger kid and a lot of things going on. It’s kind of nice throwing all gloves in the same drawer and be done with it. Works well as long as we’re keeping inventory low and helps me combat perfectionism.


I am dying 🤣 laughing here about the car wash story. I have not heard that before. I think this is why we all love you even though we've never met you. You're just such a real person. Not some big unreachable HGTV star. Keep doing YouTube. keep doing your TV show as long as they'll have you. But don't ever stop doing YouTube. You are a bright spot in my day. 😊 😎


Nearly skipped this as I'm not a ladybug. SO glad I stayed for your car wash story, that's hilarious!
Also the 'need to find it quick' vs 'need to put it in its correct spot' was a revelation.


I've always felt bad about my hidden closet clutter and not putting things away in the detailed homes I thought they "should" have. You sharing the clutterbug styles and also learning and embracing being a ladybug has help heal some of that shame. And, my home has never been more tidy (even the closets 😉)!


I spied Dawn's house! I think I'm mainly ladybug with a touch of cricket. My husband is so opposite. But we are really finding our in-between place in the spaces we share. He's so good about letting me organize most areas. Which is good because I'm the only one who needs to know anyway. Anyone else hear "mom! Where's my..." 20 times a day?


Dear dear Cass!! Please don’t let anyone make you feel bad ever again about your nose or anything insignificant like that!! No beauty specialist or tv producer has any business changing you! We watch and are encouraged by you and your crazy stories because we like you just the way you are! Real people with real struggles helping each other along the way is what gives life meaning! We love you! Take care!💓


Cass, you are sooo relatable to me. I've never gone to a car wash because I know me, I know I will mess it up, I just know it.


I had a similar car wash experience and to this day I have a fear of car washes. Listening to your story brought back anxiety over my experience. To this day, I do not go through automatic car washes, I have my hubby do it!


Okay...I've never gone through a car wash (my late husband always did it or I washed it in the driveway), and now I never will because I'm sure I'd get off the tracks! That story sounds like something out of an I Love Lucy episode-- total chaos 🤣🤣🤣🤣! You are a fantastic storyteller ❤


I just found your a few months ago. I'm actually not a clutterbug. But I love all your cleaning & organizing vids & now I'm following you. I absolutely love your your personality, your humor & your wit! Please, for the love of all things holy, don't stop doing what you do, exactly the way you are doing it because you are truly an inspiration!


❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love your carwash story! I needed a good laugh. I bet you aren't the only one to do that in one 😂😂


I’m a ladybug with strong cricket style left over from when I was single. I love the Elfa rolling cart drawers for papers and office supplies. We also have the pull out drawers in our bathroom dressing area upstairs. I have my organization within my drawer. My husband just throws everything in his drawer and he prefers not to sort it out. For the last 16 months I have been mobility impaired. So everything I need has to be near me in my chair. For a while I stacked things on an end table. But at the container store I found these amazingly beautiful deep teal plastic bins. Nirvana. Sometimes I do have to stack things because I can’t carry much to get them to the place where they go. But if you look around my family room you will see mostly empty flat surfaces and very organized content. It was very helpful to learn about the difference between ease of finding something versus ease of putting it away. The cricket in me sees the absolute logic of putting something away in the proper place and I would go crazy because my butterfly husband and son don’t need that level of sorting. I’m learning to view pantry shelves as containers and let me have my level of organization combined with their organization need. Periodically I go in there and “straighten things up“ but generally I enjoy just having things sorted in big categories. I concur with some of the other comments about wanting videos helping us live with other organizing styles.


OMG! Love the car wash story! I'm a ladybug first but a hybrid because I prefer clear containers so I can see what's in them. You and all those who recommend are such a blessing to me!


OMG That car wash story was TOO funny!!! "LOL" was made for that story!.. I listened to it at 1.75 speed which made it even more 'urgent'. Thank you for sharing!!! :)


I am a ladybug and I ❤baskets! Since I've decluttered even my cabinets, drawers and closets are organized. Almost everything I own is in a basket. I get teased about my love of baskets, but every time I open a cabinet or look in a closet my heart is happy.
