The Secret To Real Happiness - Eye Opening Speech | Mohammed Hoblos

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In a world that often equates happiness with material wealth and external achievements, it's essential to understand that true happiness transcends the confines of materialism. It's not something you can purchase or acquire through external means, but rather, it's a state of being that originates from within. True happiness stems from an internal sense of contentment and gratitude for the blessings one already possesses. It's about appreciating the present moment and finding joy in the simple things that life has to offer. This profound concept of happiness extends beyond worldly pleasures and resonates deeply with the teachings of the Qur'an.

The Qur'an teaches that happiness, as described within its verses, encompasses both the well-being of this world and the eternal felicity of the hereafter. For believers, the ultimate goal is to attain everlasting happiness in the afterlife, a state of bliss that transcends any fleeting pleasures experienced in this world. Every moment of happiness in our earthly existence is seen as a means to attain this ultimate goal, a reminder of the blessings bestowed by a benevolent Creator. Thus, the pursuit of happiness, as understood in the Qur'an, is intertwined with gratitude and acknowledgment of God's grace, guiding believers on a path towards enduring and profound joy.

Video source: Lectures from Mohammed Hoblos

Noble Lessons
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I wish every human being on earth could listen to this and understand...


Only Allah can make you happy no one else


The most mind opening speech. I recommend all the people to once watch it


AlhamdouliAllah Rabb al'3alameen 🤲❤️


Ya salaaaam may Allah bless you ya sheikh this is Soo true 🥺


الحمدلله مشالله تبارك الله الهم صل على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم استغفرالله العظيم واتوب اليه


I completely agree with you. May Allah bless you Aameen


Bahagia Menurut Al-Qur'an:

Firman Allah SWT:"Ketika hari itu datang, tidak seorang pun yang berbicara, kecuali dengan izin-Nya, maka di antara mereka ada yang sengsara dan ada yang berbahagia".

"Maka adapun orang-orang yang sengsara, maka (tempatnya) di dalam neraka, di sana mereka mengeluarkan dan menarik nafas dengan merintih"

"Dan adapun orang-orang yang berbahagia, maka (tempatnya) di dalam surga".
(Qs. Huud 105, 106, 108).

Kata As-Sa'adah (Bahagia) hanya dibahas satu kali didalam Al-Qur'an, itupun berkaitan dengan surga. Seakan Allah ingin menjelaskan bahwa tidak ada kebahagiaan di dunia, kebahagiaan hanya ada di surga. Kehidupan dunia hanya bisa memberikan potongan kecil dari kebahagiaan, itupun hanya didapat oleh orang-orang yang berperangai surgawi.

Dalam bahasa arab, ada yang disebut "Mabni lil Ma'lum" dan "Mabni lil majhul". Dua ayat diatas berbicara tentang orang yang sengsara dan orang yang bahagia.

Dua ayat ini seakan ingin menjelaskan bahwa kesengsaraan itu dipilih sendiri oleh pelakunya sementara mereka yang bahagia itu sebenarnya "dibahagiakan" (dibimbing oleh Allah SWT untuk meraih kebahagiaan). Karena kebahagiaan tidak akan didapat tanpa dekat dengan-Nya.

Dalam kitab Mufrodat Al-Qur'an disebutkan bahwa arti dari kata As Sa'adah (kebahagiaan) adalah bantuan Allah SWT terhadap seseorang untuk melakukan kebaikan. Artinya, bahagia menurut Al-Qur'an adalah melakukan sesuatu sesuai dengan jalur yang di Ridhoi Allah SWT.

"Demi masa. Sungguh, manusia berada dalam kerugian. kecuali orang-orang yang beriman dan mengerjakan kebajikan serta saling menasihati untuk kebenaran dan saling menasihati untuk kesabaran".
(Qs. Al-Ashr 1-3).

Perkataan indah dari Habib Ali Al-Habsyi, pengarang Simtud Dhuror (Maulid Nabi). Dengan Simpel beliau berkata tentang makna kebahagiaan:
"Hanya denganmu (Ya Rasulullah) kami berbahagia".


.. The?
Current state specifically that we shouldn't speak of ugly things.We do not know about ourselves, so using examples of suicide sponsor more of that idea... Earth is a testing ground to get back to the After life with god, some people take their own lives and live again .. To try to choose better choices.. 12.35
You will be returned to us.. Only when the soul has evolved enough to Islam.Does it have the opportunity of going back from Which it came. That is something to celebrate...i am so close to Allah


My Muslim friends, I totally agree that you will not find peace and happiness in this world but only in God.

But now consider this, my argument is the Allah you think is the same God of Abraham is not He. Be patient and objective, as I list some of the reasons why this is so

1. His holy name is Yahweh or Jehovah or when Moses asked what name he should give when asked, God said "I AM".

You know it is blasphemy to change his name so the question is why is His name not mentioned in Quran? Why did you not follow His 10 commandments?

Who is your god Allah really and why is your symbol the crescent moon 🌙?

Your messenger's village of Qureish worshipped Lah, the Egyptian moon god is why. He was 40 when he claimed to be your messenger and spent all his life as a pagan like his parents. Alhamdu-li-Lah, to Lah, Al-Lah.

2. Which brings us to your messenger. Didn't he marry a 6-yr old? Didn't he commit adultery not just once but even created his own verse commanding his believers to divorce their wife if his eyes should be on her?

If this weren't enough didn't he take Zayd's wife? How many did he kill, and force to pay or else? Wasn't Bilal his Ethiopian slave whom he never freed?

I mean, he is the worst of mankind in any moral book.

This is my 2nd argument, Quran doesn't even give you his parents names and the name they gave your messenger because Yahweh, the true God never praises such an abomination, he was the worst of mankind and Satan used him to deceive many.

If these compelling arguments are still not enough to make you think, look at your own champion Ahmad Deedat. In his death bed, after being paralyzed from the neck down, unable to speak, where was your "almighty Allah"? Was he blessed to die such a miserable death or was he cursed?

Please do not simply dismiss these as hatred, no. On the contrary, I sincerely want all Muslims to be saved from certain hellfire.

Truth may be harsh but truth is truth. Repent, believe and follow the Good Shepherd our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

"No one comes to the Father but by me." (John 14:6)
