Final Fantasy VII Remake - Game Review

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Final Fantasy VII released in 1997, and instantly became one of the most legendary RPGs in the hearts & minds of gamers everywhere. Now, in 2020, Square Enix releases a remake telling the story of the Midgar segment of FF7. Here's my review of the FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE!

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“Final Fantasy 7 Remake....So final fantasy 7 remake is a remake of final fantasy 7”

Me writing an essay


“Point is if there is a Final Fantasy to get this remade overhaul treatment it is definitely Final Fantasy 6... and also 7.”

I feel ya Jeremy. I feel ya...


"Dude, you're embarrassing me in front of the Ancients ..."

I understood that reference!


So I've never played any Final Fantasy game before. The most I've ever interacted with it is whenever the characters popped up in Kingdom Hearts. Now I do know some of the bigger moments in the original game mostly from them showing up in every "Top 10" list ever created. So having some knowledge was useful coming into this game, but not knowing was also surprisingly a benefit. There were moments that shocked me, terrified me, made me laugh, made me cry. I found myself talking out loud in response to certain things that characters said or did, because I genuinely felt like these people were real and that I was with them on this adventure. So as a complete newcomer to the legacy that is FF 7...this is one of my favorite games that I have ever had the privilege to play


Guys can we have "F" in the chat for Reno VA Keiji Fujiwara who passed away at 12 April due to Cancer.

I'm happy that this game finished before he died

He also voice our beloved father of Shin Chan


Cloud and Aerith moving through the rooftops was arguably one of the best character scenes in the game.


“You’re embarrassing me in front of Ancients” lmao


Dude you’re embarrassing me in front of the Ancients 🤣😂


I didn’t mind the “bloated” parts. Especially the part with Aerith you showed. Just spending time with her felt really intimate and cinematic.


Damn, one of the few good things coming out of the Coronavirus is Jeremy basically becoming a video game review channel, it's awesome.


Actually felt the longer parts with Aerith allowed the build up of a relationship between her and Cloud which you don't get to explore as much in the original. But mechanically, it was pretty dull, even if I thought it worked thematically and for the storyline as a whole.

To be fair, anything that allows me to stay in that world, and explore it more, I appreciated, even if it was a bit clunky at times...


The Aerith rooftop section was some of the best dialogue between characters in the game and it was in the original game.


this game is beautiful. I enjoyed this much more than the original. I felt the characters were a bit more developed, I grew attached a lot more to the side characters. all the characters I find more likable. I never used Barret originally, but in here, I'd have him in everyone of my comps. even Cloud, I was never that much of a fan of his character, but I found him much more likable in this, more humanized.
would love to see Final Fantasy VI get this treatment


You know, I actually liked the side quests. They helped fleshed out the characters and the world. Having those sentimental quiet moments made me appreciate the action more. Overall great game.


'So petty." But you get that whole conversation with Aerith walking along those rooftops. Those were some of the best character moments between the two. I wouldn't call that padding, I would call that fleshing out the characters.


I loved the rooftops with Aerith portion. Gave me time to enjoy her presence lol


My doppelganger Sephiroth is not evil, take my word. He's actually a cool guy to go out and chill at the club.


I was unsure about the game when they said it was a remake but it's actually pretty solid. Obviously a big nostalgia trip but I had a really good time with it and I'm doing my hard playthrough rn. I think the character developments are a lot more fleshed out, the side quests are a welcome change, voice acting was surprisingly good (banter with wedge and barret are my favorites) this game has made me fall in love with the series all over again. That being said it is only the midgar section so I guess we'll see how that turns out but, so far 9/10.
12/10 jessie is best girl ;*

Bonus tip if you don't know, use all the weapons with every character, once you reach 100% proficiency with that weapons skill it's available with whatever weapon you choose.


i really did hate the part where you turn off the 3 lights. that felt like a ton of padding. on the other hand, I loved Cloud and Aerith's walk from the church. The music, the banter and chemistry of the two, and the scenery really drew me in. it was simple but one of my favorite moments in the game.


_"Barret is great at long range."_

Dude, strap that melee wrecking ball on him and get prepared to hit everything like a semi-truck barreling down the highway.
