Teaching for Virtue | K12 - An American Classical Education

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The liberal arts in particular and liberal education in general are the surest, most time-tested way to direct students toward a life that is truly free. The liberal arts develop foundational skills that free an individual to investigate the order in things, especially in human speech and in nature, while liberal education embodies the free pursuit and acquisition of more universal knowledge that involves historical, philosophical, and theological inquiries, which are exemplified in the great books.

Hillsdale College is an independent institution of higher learning founded in 1844 by men and women “grateful to God for the inestimable blessings” resulting from civil and religious liberty and “believing that the diffusion of learning is essential to the perpetuity of these blessings.” It pursues the stated object of the founders: “to furnish all persons who wish, irrespective of nation, color, or sex, a literary, scientific, [and] theological education” outstanding among American colleges “and to combine with this such moral and social instruction as will best develop the minds and improve the hearts of its pupils.” As a nonsectarian Christian institution, Hillsdale College maintains “by precept and example” the immemorial teachings and practices of the Christian faith.

The College also considers itself a trustee of our Western philosophical and theological inheritance tracing to Athens and Jerusalem, a heritage finding its clearest expression in the American experiment of self-government under law.

By training the young in the liberal arts, Hillsdale College prepares students to become leaders worthy of that legacy. By encouraging the scholarship of its faculty, it contributes to the preservation of that legacy for future generations. By publicly defending that legacy, it enlists the aid of other friends of free civilization and thus secures the conditions of its own survival and independence.
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As a highschool drop out, this is the kinda school i wish i knew existed. This is a better future of education. Teach our youth to teach themself and never stop growing an learning. Schools like these turn out self relient conscientious humans.
Education is the root of a functioning civilized society. This kind of classical education is the foundation we need.


“I didn’t want my kids to go through an education system. I wanted my students to be educated.” I love it.


My wife and I are going to take on the challenge of homeschooling our children. Not only teaching them their curriculum but also adding in the Constitution of United States of America in the history for which we were founded on . And we will also include a daily Bible class . We are curious to see where this will go and We have come to the conclusion that we must be willing to give up worldly possessions to keep our kids safe and secure a future for their them. I would give it all up for them... I know it will be worth it.


"a formation of the soul, not just a job training" - excellent, THX, God bless!


What we should have all been taught in school.


Wonderful. Can feel this so deep. My children are 11, 8 and 4. Really struggling with the public school situation... thank you for this hills dale. We do lots of virtue work on our own and throughout our summer adventures. Having that integrated into schools should be the “norm”


Taking America back one child at a time!


I teach high school art and leadership at a Charter School in Texas that is centered on LEADERSHIP. Although I believe at the inception of our school, the model utilized by Hillsdale was similar in theory and desired by the founders. However, we are no different than the garbage pumped out by public schools. Hillsdale is the benchmark from what I gather. I'm so discouraged and disgusted with my profession that I explained to my wife this very morning, that what I do is not teach...I manage...I babysit. With rare exception, I mainly see brain dead, phone-addicted, vape smoking, sex crazed, hydrocephalic, narcissistic, breathers. And that's just the teachers! Imagine the students. I'm kidding. Most teachers really care and we scratch our heads as we navigate impassable waters.
People... Send your children to Hillsdale quality schools...or better yet, Homeschool. The homeschool students we receive on occasion are eons ahead of the twits we try to teach. Unless God is the center of education, it's futile.


Study The Trivium, work hard and do right. The purpose of education is to pursue happiness.


Is this a re-upload of their older video? yes.
Will I up-vote EVERY SINGLE ONE that Hillsdale uploads of this video? Also yes.
This video encapsulates how I want to make a difference as a public school American Govt teacher.
Thankfully I am in a district that is virtue friendly. My students are still coming around to it.


Absolutely awsome! I will looking into this further. 👏👍💪🙏🇺🇸


Public schools operate with their hand tied by politics which is the reason I sent my son to private school. It was the best monetary investment for his future. This particular private school demanded the child's best effort which caused just about all of the kids to strive. It also demanded parent involvement.


I have been doing my research about Classic Education curriculum. My husband and I are going to homeschool our daughter when she is of age.


Outstanding. Please continue in full force Hillsdale College.


This is the college that God would make it into something better than an Ivy league!


This is very useful. Many good private schools have curriculum focused on critical thinking and basic moral principles. If you can afford it - it is a much better option than homeschooling and of course public schools. These schools generally do not put up with discipline issues on an ongoing basis. In these cases, the kid is invited to leave the school.


Cheers Hillsdale College, after the Marxist revolution at Berkeley Education has been in a free fall ever since


The arts have vanished from so many education system, and families have to supplement, but the more graduates who haven't had any of that kind of education can't give any of it to the kids. The kids are not learning to think or to read literature or write papers anymore. Back when my daughter was in college in the 1990, she needed not just math but writing help before she could get serious about her studies. Her daughter had even less, although schools still have band and theater.


The purpose of education is humanization, and not socialization.


Although it is not exclusive or elitist in content, it is exclusive and elitist in reach. This kind of education is still only available to the wealthy and those who are lucky enough to have the right opportunities in life. This is the kind of education I wish we could have in the prison systems, where I once lived and now I teach, but alas, society thinks they can only work with their hands.
