The BEST CREDIT FARMS in Warframe... (1 Million in 5 min.)

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In this Warframe Guide I'll show you the BEST Credit Farms in 2023.
We're going to look at what these different ways to farm Credits are and how to optimize them as much as possible.
Also I'll give you an easy step by step guide on how to get decent amounts of Credits even very early on in your Warframe Playthrough.

This Warframe Guide is inspired by the works of TheKengineer, WarframeFlo, KnightmareFrame, Grind Hard Squad and many more...

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Remember to sell the 20 billion Harrow chassis that you have been collecting as your cracking relics their like dust bunny’s they get everywhere and you will be surprised how quickly they build up.


Today is my first day of warframe and i have so many questions. Seeing your vids really do help me out really appreciate it 🙏❤


I know some people don't like the index, so as an alternative mid game farm, I'd recommend the disruption mission Laomedeia located on Neptune. Unlike other disruptions that general grant relics, the only drop (aside from Universal Medallions) is credits. On top of that, since you can get rotation C every round past the first two, that is 50, 000 credits every round. Solo it'll take you around 5 minutes a round so while it seems like it would be much less profit compared to the index, one very important thing to note is the double credits for the first mission after tribute does not apply to the index. So if it is your first mission, Laomedeia is pretty comparable.


This is a decent guide, i didn't even know about index, but there's a major problem with Warframe content in general, and it's that creators tend to assume their veiwers are long term vets. They should be taking the exact opposite approach and assuming all their viewers are blind, deaf, MR 0 newborns, because honestly if you're watching a guide for this game you're still a noob


0:25 Video Start
1:13 Boost credit gain (Optimization)
2:36 Underrated Credit Farm (Dark sector)
4:00 Popular Credit Farm (The index)
7:10 Fortuna Credit Farm (The Profit Taker)


*Table of Contents*
2:50 Dark Sector Missions
3:34 First mission of the day = 2x credits
4:05 The Index on Neptune (250k, 5min)
-> (Turning in 15 points gives you the most effective points to bonus ratio +53%)
4:42 Good map, and bad map
-> Go to a relay, then use the navigation in relay to go to the index
6:00 Rhino Build for index
6:30 Use radiation build to kill enemies in index
7:25 Profit Taker (125k credit drop)
-> Can use resource 2x booster + chroma
8:40 How to unlock profit taker
9:20 How to kill profit taker


i recomend all beginer level players do semini on ceres that gives you 25k pretty much each time for just the first five ways the mobs are really easy to deal with and you get pretty decent xp for your weapons/warframes i farmed that 4 times every day and achieved 100k credits daily was really handy until i got better options


5:27 small correction, having 10 points only gives you an extra 4. Bonus tip, it's most efficient to bank at 15 points rather than 20.


For some reason, I find survival missions (especially high level ones) as a good source of easy-to-get credits. Though not as profitable as the profits taker, a survival mission 30+ can net you a LOT of credits once you reach the point where it's constantly spawning Elites and Eximus (15+ min). If you can clear those and move between areas fast enough, they spawn fast and drop 5K-20K each. With Vacuum on a sentinel, you get around 10K-50K per dispatched groups. If you move fast enough, you can cross a new group every 10s. You can make around 1M-3M every 5 min (not counting the bonus).

The CONS of this method is the 15 min to reach the point of high profits. Also, it's much more efficient to be in a team of 4, but barely anyone remains after 10 min. There also the risk of DCed for any players who aren't hosts. (Getting DCed can force you to restart from the beginning.)

But even a low level survival can net you around 200K after 15 min in a survival mission if you focus on killing and moving fast.


Lol as someone who was hording ayatan treasures on my ship like a dragon hords gold i dont need endo once i switched to plushies. i had no room on my ship left and still had 500 full tresures in my inventory. Once i removed all my ayatans i had around 1, 376 full ayatan treasures.


Bonus method: Railjack missions. In particular, Grineer Skirmish missions on Earth Proxima. They are very quick to do and each run yields 30k credits at base. The reason why I specify Skirmish on Earth Proxima is because these missions (or at least one of them, don't remember the name of the exact node right now) do not have any away Crew objectives. What this means is that all objectives can be completed without ever setting foot outside your Railjack, just using your armaments and frontal artillery (it's just destroying Fighters and Crew Ships). This makes the mission very quick to complete, you can basically breeze through it if your Railjack is at all upgraded, and it also means that new players won't have to fight the rather tough Railjack Grineer foot units.


hey Blacky im following since your german Yt channel and I have to say thank you for this content you gave to us in this many years. So Thanky you


watching this in a rush since baro ki'teer spawned


For newer players: Save your Junction missions for the "First Mission of the Day" Credit doubler. They're usually worth more than anything else on the planet. Also remember they only give the award once so when everything's unlocked it's back to Dark Sectors for you.


“PvP mode against AI”

………who’s gonna tell him?


i love titania on index, she retains her vacuum in razorwing form so you can suck up all the green shards and fly around pulling all the energy orbs towards you lmao. not to mention her small size makes her harder to hit!


Not gunna lie I’ve been playing this game forever and I never knew that about the double credits for the first mission of the game lol


Just started getting back into WF and your videos are fantastic help


I really, really need people to stop promoting the Profit Taker fight for credits. You need so much time and treasure to do that consistently and well, that it pales in comparison to The Index. Sure, you can bring your 8 forma Chroma, primary, secondary, and zaw, but good lord is it an annoying fight. You can take a 0 forma Titania/Rhino/Revenant/Mesa into The Index and easily make 1m credits in a half hour.


I recently came back after a few years and I think i'll stick to index if I need credits but I have around 22 million so I'm okay for now. I haven't gone up a single rank in solaris united so I could make millions in the index by the time it would take me to rank up in solaris united to even be able to take on the profit taker.
