Helldivers 2: The Ultimate Super Credit Farm Guide (Still Works/Outdated)

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This is a outdated video but the method still works. new one out now!

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less than one minute, straight to the point, great video, thank you for your help helldiver


I recommend taking the supply pack so you can keep stimming yourself in order to run.


Simple, to the point, and no BS. Great video fam


I do this on the major order planets and actually complete the mission to help a bit.


this is an excellent way to relax after automaton missions!
highly recommend playing music while doing this.


Straightforward and honest, i like it. Have a sub!


Another tip from your not very democratic bro onboard of Halo of Truth: You can use the map to look for the points too. If you hover your cursor above one it will pop up with a text "Minor point of Interest". You can mark it and go for your loot. it's the easiest with things like buildings but if you're zoomed in and just do that all over the map it will show you anything

Go and get your money divers


Pro tip. Use light scout armour, it makes it much easier to find POVs. for the booster I use experimental infusion paired with the supply pack for unlimited fast running and stamina.


1. Nothing about this changed since release, kinda weird making videos about it now
2. Use a planet with high visibility and little difficult terrain. Something without trees and whatnot. Yes, even a desert despite the stamina disadvantage.
3. Use light armor. The stim light armor, if you have. Use the jetpack, or, if you dont have the stim armor, a supply pack, if you regularly run out of stims. Stim booster > stamina booster.
4. Do spend the 10 seconds to look at the other maps on that planet, until you find a somewhat round / full one.
5. Either the object or extract is usually on the outer border. Start next to it, then run around the map clockwise or anticlockwise until you reach the other side.
This is the most efficient way, since no questionmarks can spawn in or right next to extraction or main objectives. So it saves you distance to cover.
6. Run your circle in roughly in the middle between map-center and map-border to spot most questionmarks. You really dont need extra range (like from the scout armor).
7. If you spot trash questionmarks, like graves, hellbombs and such, dont bother going there. This adds up over time.
8. Same for picking up trash. Dont pick up weapons and R. So dont just spamm loot until everything was picked up. Get the SC and medals, then get out there. Get everything in bad visibility.
9. Dont backtrack "just in case". If you are basically done with your map but there is this one corner where you didnt look.. ignore it and just start a new map. Unless you see a building there.
10. Your out-of-mission time efficiency counts aswell. Nothing you can do about loading screens, but optimize the time it takes you to start missions, including picking random stratagems.

This is an estimation, i dont pay attention to the clock that much, but everything included (loading screens, loadout, ..) you should take ~4 minutes per run, so ~15 runs an hour. You should be done with the map in ~3 minutes, give or take a couple seconds depending on the terrain. Which leads us to the last advice.

Bring a second player who knows the drill. Most maps have at least one, some have 2-3++ bunkers. That is 3-9 extra opportunities to loot super credits per map. If each map contains, on average, just an extra 10 super credits, that alone is ~150 super credits more an hour, IF the second player does not slow you down. We've had bunkers with 2-3 super credit rewards in them. Regularly.

Most maps are kinda meh, but sometimes you have really good maps with 40+ super credits in them. Rarely something like 80 in a single map, excluding the super rare 100 super credit single-drop, with which we got up to 130 super credits in a single map.. but yeah that doesnt really happen all that often.

Edit: Should consistantly yield about 100sc/10min in coop, with bad'ish luck. Can be way more or a bit less depending on rng, obviously. We had 1000 in an hour once, for example.


Wait I’m confused. Is this video still working or is it outdated? The title is throwing me off lol


Straight to the point, you got my subscribe and like. We need more like you.


Don't forget to set your game to private, so you don't get randoms joining while you try to farm.


Lowkey fire J.R wasn’t at all what I was expecting when I clicked on the video😂❤


This just feels like work lol imo I’d rather just pay real money or earn them over time having fun than grinding.


It’s rare but sometimes you can find super credits at 100+


the medals you get on top of the credits is fire! 🔥🔥🔥


Cool. straight to the point and no self-advertising or additional fluff.


I use the light medic armor for those extra stims and doing some testing in MENKENT and CHOOHE i get a bit extra of super credits in the map where you have to destroy a signal tower (i noticed it spawns a lot of intetest points) i swear i get up to 40/70 super credits (sometimes per run) and i even got 3 times 100 super credits (in different runs in those planets) even screenshoted it to show it to a friend


I hate having to do this for every warbond but it's definitely better than having to pay with real money


I HAVE BEEN TRYING THIS FOR 2 DAYS I GOT DEMOCRATIC DETONATION THX (also this strats great for getting medals, requisuitions slips, ect. also, mech is good for this to get around quick
