The BEST Diet for Breast Cancer (EAT LIKE THIS!)

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Eating after cancer is stressful! Some people say to eat Keto and others insist on being vegetarian. But what is the truth? What is right for you?

So let me show you how it’s done.

Join the Cancer Freedom Program

#cancerfighter #cancersurvivor #breastcancer #breastcancersurvivors #cancerrecovery #cancernutrition #mastectomy #tamoxifen #anastrozole #letrozole #exemestane

***PS - Whenever you’re ready, here are the 2 best ways I can help you…
1) “15 Simple Cancer Recovery Recipes for Women"

2) Join the Cancer Freedom Program

***Let’s Connect:
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I recently found out that i have triple positive breast cancer. Im supposed to start chemo on May 22, 2023. The doctors are hoping that the chemo will shrink my 3 cm tumor so it can be removed instead of taking my whole breast !!!! Im very nervous and trying not to stress but its hard. Also, i want to live (of course) but i also really hate to loose my long black But, whatever i have to do to live !!! I have already changed my eating habits !!! I've also decided to use a cold cap to try to save my hair.... Which is not my most important goal. My most important goal is to LIVE !!!! Anyway, I'm believing that between Gods healing power, eating healthy, and science I will be healed 🙏🙏🙏


i was told that aqumus cells thrive on Glucose thus i asume that a low carbohydrate diet is needed


You are absolutely right, oncologists do not tell you anything. Many researchers say avoid white sugar and white flour


I love your suggestions and I am following almost all of them, it took me over a year to learn… (no alcohol, dairy only once a week, red meat only once a month, more fruits and veggies, more legumes but there is one thing I cannot take off of my diet yet 🙈 a hand made brownie and there I say it counts for my soul joy


I've already lost a lot of weight so I'm still gonna do my smoothies juicing and I'm also gonna be eating a lot of fruits and vegetables as well that's why I'm not trying to lose no more weight.


Thanks Dr.Amy I watch a video every morning


Hello, just discovered your channel. I had a double mastectomy 2 1/2 years ago and they think they got all the cancer. My numbers are so good that they've postponed my last appointment. I cannot tolerate gluten, dairy or legumes. Do you have a suggested video of yours that might address my dietary considerations? What would you suggest? I've gained 30 lbs on my estrogen blockers and it sucks. They also make every joint in my body hurt, but Tamoxifin seems to be the least painful. Thanks!


I've ovarian cancer, so my question is: Is this only for breast cancer?


I’m sorry but the constant skipping is so annoying. It’s so hard to watch. Please stop it.


What about whey protein isolate shakes in moderation if its hard to get enough protein in on a busy day? Specifically, zero carb whey protein isolate?


Unless you have following a proper diet & still get Cancer.


Wow!! I am surely confused on NOT consuming Smoothies and juicing. Too much of anything, is Not good. Rule of thumb for me😮😮😢😢😮😮


Hand gestures, music, skipping made this a terrible video.


What you say about keto sounds like a collection of cliché, sorry to be blunt...doesn't look like you've ever tried it yourself or simply talked to ppl who thrived on this diet, including cancer survivors. + You're suppose to include leafy greens and whole bunch of vegetables as a source of nutrients and make it seems as if you're suppose to plunge head first in bacon, cheese and grain fed beef for it to be called keto...
