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Play Golf With No Pain, Use Less Energy, Lower Your Handicap, and Enjoy Your Golf.

Julian Mellor’s Proper Golfing membership gives you instant access to training, webinars, and events that allow you to master golf from anywhere in the world.

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A nice message from Marc

Hi Julian
I just wanted to drop you quick note following last weeks course.
It was one of the most enjoyable two days of golf I have had.
I am fully convinced by the methodology, so much so I just ordered the caddy and book from Brian.
The method is nothing without a good coach to help articulate it and get the students believing in it. This is where your personal style and approach made a huge difference.  I Played this morning, and had a game of new firsts for me...
Did not loose a ball,
Got out of every bunker
Hit the driver longer and straighter than I have for a very long while.

So a big thank you.
Hope your business continues to flourish. No doubt I will be back for top up in near future


Great drill. It is funny, but I was chipping around a green with a buddy. He was on one side and I was on the other. He was chili dipping every chip shot and getting frustrated. When he was out of balls, he went to his right to get more and I said to him..."do me a favor, can you whack about 5 or 6 balls from that bucket over to me, I am out." He simply went over and casually chipped 6 balls over to me while walking and didn't miss one of them. I then said "there endith the lesson"! He couldn't believe how easy it was when he wasn't thinking about the shot or freezing over the ball...he just hit them without thinking and didn't mishit one of them. I basically got that from YOU! This concept works for all shots. Thanks again Julian.


Great video Julian to drag me from the deep rabbit hole I was in👍👍👍


Hi Julian I am a 77 year old and love golf.However I have lately been trying various swing methods from You Tube instructors just to see if I could get something easier to help my golf. Have tried Channel Lock, Jim Venetos and other video swings BUT I always come back to the Easiest Golf Swing taught by you and Brian.I do like having fun with my sessions on the range especially but must admit that I only ever trust the EGS method. Am playing with my Seniors group tomorrow and will only be focusing on the "danse de golf" and keeping myself as loose as possible. I may not play as well as I hope but I will have a lot of fun trying.Thanks for all your videos of the past and keep them coming..


This has helped me with a big problem hitting driver, very negative thoughts, now the drill works all the time thanks nick from Ireland


I tried this drill and it worked. I was awed about how straight I hit the ball and I added about 20 yards. Absolutely amazing.


I saw a Canadian coach who gave similar advice which helped me tremendously as I was seriously overthinking every reason why I messed up shots. As I address the ball i have a mantra I say to my self out loud, “swing the club and hit the ball” and do just that. If I get “stuck” I walk away and start over. Also I have started to follow Brian’s advice and have stopped asking “why” when I get it wrong!


Hi Julian,
Great Video Tip! From my experience it works extremely well.
You asked for additional comments regarding this tip ...
Your tip is the last of three that I have seen from three different instructors that I have combined together to help my game.
The first was the concept of the "Think Box" (where you think about and visualize the shot that you desire behind the ball) then you step up and set up over the ball in the "Play Box" (where you make your swing without much thought) once you are set up - you should start your swing within about 5 seconds to avoid "freezing up" and "thinking too much".
The second instructor added a step in between - after the "Think Box" she added "The Rehearsal & Feel Box" [ my description ] Where you take 2 or 3 rehearsal swings that would be required to make your desired shot. That helped me a lot to engrain the visualization, feel and actual rehearsal swing to gain confidence to make the shot. In addition, it helps me to stretch and loosen the muscles involved in the swing. (Helpful on slow play days...)
Now your tip - of basically to just relax and do not over think it - and to begin the shot without delay. I've also added - and Don't Worry About It!... and to have FUN with the game. IF the worst thing that happens to me on any given day is a not so perfect golf shot, or a not so good round of golf - I can live with that... :)
I've incorporated all three of these tips into all of my golf shots [Driver to Putter] it has given me much more confidence, improved the quality and accuracy of my golf shots and have lowered my scores. Thank You!
(For those that may think that this process may slow play - it really does not. Once you engrain this as your new pre-shot routine - the entire process takes about 30-45 seconds.)


Julian, yes it does work, tryed it yesterday at the range and my concentration on swing mechanics went to the background.


Having been watching all your videos over the last week, Saturday was the first day I could get to the range. All I can say is wow. I knew that hitting easy would get me straighter and more consistent. What I did not realise was by how much. I have been plagued with a slice for years and knew I came over the top, what I did not know is that I was not turning properly. Having done the 'dance' I am now making a full turn, to the extent that I had to remove my glasses as my view of the ball in the back swing was blurred as I was looking through the join of my vari-focals. No problem as generally I can see the ball well enough.
I was blown away buy how straight and consistent and better my ball striking was.
I was playing into the wind so am not sure if any distance has been lost, but in my experience, when I swing smoother I don't loose much if any. Honestly if I lost 10-20 yds I would happily accept that for the straighter shots anyway.
All this from finding you on YouTube.
I cannot thank you enough.
As and when I am in a position, I will book a course with you. I cant at present as finances, working full time on nights and caring for my wife take presidents.

Yours Sincerely
Richard Greaves a Happy born again senior golfer (62yrs Arthritic knees, back, neck and hands)


I’m going to the range later this week. I will practice The Suggestions in today’s Video.
I will let you know how it works for me.
It’s funny I ran into this video today. Because yesterday I spent some time with some of the men I regularly play golf with.
And they all agreed that my main problem is overthinking the shot. They tell me I’m entirely too analytical.
They also pointed out I spend a lot more time over the shot than most other golfers they know.
I certainly hopeThis will help me to relax and hit more consistent Golf shots.
P. S. I love the “Positive impact golf book. It’s very good! I’ve read it once and I plan on reading it a second time.


Ron Owens, Julian, You're right on - once more! Relax, make a golf swing and LET the ball get in the way of the club. My young (middle school and high kids (young ladies especially) love it. Beginners especially love seeing the ball in the air and toward their target.


Another valuable tip.In other sports eg soccer you simply head the ball.You do not think about about how
you move all the different parts of your body.
I was taught golf struggling with different positions.It made learning how to play very difficult.
Golfers need to know what to do & then just do it. Many thanks Julian.
I hope your sore throat gets better soon.


Hi Julian I tried you little system and did what suggested and it worked . I used to play off a low single figure
But with age I am over eighty and injury my natural swing disappeared .
When I tried your tip let’s call it that I found I was once more going through the shot and not trying to hit at the ball
I know I will never again play golf to my best standard but I am beginning enjoy my golf again .
So many for your help


Hey Julian, still practicing the dance every day and I now have a beautiful swing but ball goes nowhere. I bought a swingrite five days ago and immediately found the problem also why I hit a short fade I never released the club. For five days I have practiced with swing rite and now it releases where it is supposed to even on 6. I played today and took swing rite and used it five or six times before every drive and the distance I gained was truly amazing talking 40-50 yards. I shot 79 and if I putted better would have been 74. Can’t say enough about your group and how much joy golf is again. Thanks and hope some day when you are in America I will get to meet you,


Nice message
Hi Julian,

I thought you’d like a progress report on my golf especially as its awesome!

I’m playing with the feelings and natural flow I used to have years ago, and of course with that my confidence is returning and the game including putting is becoming easy again.

Lots of people are now commenting on how well I’m playing and asking what’s different.
I am telling them to watch your videos and check the web site. When I tell them they shouldn’t be ‘keeping their head down’ or ‘watching the ball’ I think most of them think I’m crazy! never mind they’ll learn eventually.

Hope you are well, I’ll be up again soon.

Best Regards,



Thank you I seem to have the same problem as the golfer you were talking about
I will try your method and hopefully it will work
Thanks again!!


Hi Julian I'm one of Brian's students...the less i think and the more I keep in motion the better i hit's even got to the point now where when i go to see Brian its really just a case of him getting me back to a relaxed place...taking all the tension out of it...I don't think in the last few lessons there has been any technical advice at all ..he more works my mind back to where it needs to be...which in my case is nowhere!!! Brilliant I love this method ..I'm playing the best golf of my life at 52...I'm not hurting myself and I have a lesson about every 3 months not every week....can't thank you guys at easiest swing or recommend you enough....


hi Julian, you make it look so simple! If i can make 50% of my shots as relazed as you seem to make it, I'd be over the moon. Carry on with the videos they do help. Thanks


This is exactly what I need so I can stop over thinking over the ball. I will try this today.
My problem is that I can't "pull the trigger" to start my swing....I stand over the ball for what seems like an eternity, then the shot is ugly!!
Fred Piazza
