Cassandra Syndrome: A Real Thing - or B.S.?

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A long, slow, painful, lonely, endless, empty....death.


He's undiagnosed, but he HAS AUTISM! My pain is REAL!


Double whammy. Sad incompatibility. Dismal scenario. It exists, I believe, and is the reason for a lot of failed relationships.


Fantastic Mark, you never fail to deliver. I love your no-nonsense approach to everything ASD related. Especially Casandra Syndrome, which I suffered terribly from and still carry the scars two year later. Thanks for the all work you continue to do, as you don't realise how much you are helping us. ❤


How do they try? I ask sincerely. Mine told me I had a roof over my head and clothing. He didn't understand that I needed more. I think he thought it was only providing for me which I did appreciate but I couldn't function anymore and was traumatised from neglect and being corrected all the time. I wish he was diagnosed as it would have helped me understand what it was and given me insight.


Your videos are so helpful. Married 25 years to (suspected) ASD husband. Thank you.


how come that an asd partner knows exaxtly what he or she needs but can't understand that the other needs it too.


Thank you for once again making it real.

If wive’s needs are constantly not being met, fight or flight comes, and at some point the wife may become antagonist against the husband. Cassandra Syndrome is real. I’ve caught myself becoming nasty like my husband is at times. I’m trying really hard to nip that in the bud.


Wow! How did you learn so much about the autistic brain and ASD/NT relationships? Because this content is truly a God send thankyou so much!!!!


I imagine that a lot of ASD mates would FAR rather just LEAVE the relationship, than have to put in the work, tho, don't you?!


This is a wise, wise man. I'm autistic and my husband is NT, but we've gone years without him hugging me or holding my hand. I am an emotional creature, and my needs are rarely met.


Wow intense. In reference to this.. learning eachothers love language totally helped. I have Recently experience this with my n t wife. It got really rocky I was also diagnosed with Ehler's danlos syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, And Anklyosing Spondylitis and last ASD 1. All within 2 years starting in 2020. Its almost like we had to mourn my death, celebrate a rebirth and start over. Things are going well and hope to continue to. She seems to be more conscious of my needs and hers in return. I am trying to pay attention to. I hope things continue to progress your videos are really helping as well as others


So happy I’m not in my nuerodiverse relationship anymore and am with a man who is kind to me. I’m am sure there are plenty of ASD men who are kinder than my ex though.


You are the least offensive dude around! I was just told by a professional "spiritual" teacher that I'm the sole creator of all my life circumstances and only I am responsible for ALL of it - which might be partially true on some level, but completely disregards the influence of close relatives and the wider community at large.


Mark, I love you! I hope it’s ok I said that. Although we’re safe cuz I’m not in love with you personally but I freaking love this video!❤ you made me laugh and cry. You are an amazing human being. I am just blown away by your knowledge on this thing. Thank you for everything! One more thing. I just love when you drop the f bomb. 😂 It gets me every time. You’re a well rounded man. You should prob delete this video at some point because your empathy is getting some attention from the ladies. It’s like healing balm to the empath. Again, really love all you do! Just had a thought about the water thing. When a plant, or trees need water it will stretch its roots out for it. And after it has a stretched and still no water time and time again. That’s when it will die. Water sustains. A precious commodity in every way. And we have to have it too as humans. Only then we will thrive. And just to let you know the timing of this video is impeccable. It is so significant to me during this time in my life. Thank you again and again. ❤


How much does Attachment theory affect Cassandra syndrome? Someone who is Anxiously attached would naturally be drawn to an Avoidant, which i assume would describe most ASD level 1 spouses? I would think an anxious wife would be suffering more from Cassandra syndrome than someone who is avoidant or securely attached. Thank you for your videos they are very helpful in understanding what part ASD plays in relationships


thank you for this video, it makes a lot of sense


I have Asperger's, very high functioning, but this explains so much... Oh so much


I read so much in your videos about the NT wives real suffering and I did saw myself in the position of being a catalyst to my ex-girlfriend suffering during our former relationship.

Is a tough position to be for both, but in my case, and I believe that in most cases, there is ALWAYS a way out. I ended our relationship, I intended to walk a longer path of self-discover before trying a relationship again - as I see that it was too hard for me to fulfill some of her needs and it was difficult to her to understand why it was hard. So, I need to found ways to improve myself do that it won't be so hard in the future.

How can the aspir partner give something that, in that moment, he doesn't have? Should he fake it? Fake a level of caring that doesn't exist? I believe that there is a heavy toll in faking behaviours if our motivation behind it is too shallow.

So, my opinion to everyone out there, in the small extension of my experience and knowledge, is that we always have some kind of control. We can leave what make us feel bad, we can push and try harder if we feel able to do it, but our changes will always come from within.

I think we need to first understand why we feel as we do first before trying to pressure change into our other half... Hope that all of you who are suffering are able to found an exit to your situation, as a wise person once told me: There's is no thing like a "dead ending" path, as you can always go back from where you came.
