The London Underground: How 'The Tube' Became the First Modern Subway System

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Living in Austin, TX with a bus system and barely function rail line…when I’m in London and get to use the Tube, I’m always impressed and envious.


I loved the Tube when I lived in London. Didn't need a car and could get everywhere I wanted to go quickly and efficiently. So much better than so many other countries. The UK can be proud of their transportation system. It's still the envy of many parts of the world, even with its imperfections.


It really is wild that the London Underground and the American Civil War were happening at the same time.


I think Simon's just happy to have a topic where he can feel safe from accusations of mispronunciation.


Fun fact, the original southern terminus of the Jubilee Line, Charing Cross, is still an operational complex today, even though it's officially closed to passengers. In fact, the Eagle Eyed amongst you have probably seen it on film. James Bond, played by Daniel Craig, in Skyfall slid down one of the escalators there. It's still used as a film set with a modern looking station


And the funny thing is .. people on the district line from the 1860s are still stuck at a signal failure


Simon Whistler: _Talks about the entire London Underground's history without once mentioning Charles Yerkes_
Jago Hazzard: "Wait, that's illegal."

Anyway, check out Jago Hazzard's channel if you want more (and I mean much, much more!) history of the London Underground. Oh, and Geoff Marshall's too!


I have many fond memories of the tube. My father and I rode it all over London and it started with him asking me to pick a random station. I picked Crystal Palace and I’ve been a fan of the football team since.


I remember one doco about the London Underground. It had two people leaving a pub and then traveling to a particular station supposedly on the outskirts of the city. The crew followed the first guy who turned left and walked 100m to the closest tube station. They went into the center of town, changed trains twice and then finally arrived at their destination. The other guy turned right out of the pub, walked 50m down the street before crossing over the road. He too was now at the destination.
This was done to demonstrate the absurdity of the tube system, that was a direct result of private companies all trying to out do each other and steal patronage.


I think the Moscow Metro would be an interesting topic to visit.


When I am off work, my wife complains that I watch YouTube all day. With all of your channels Simon, she hears your voice for 8 or 10 hours a day.


Awesome topic Simon!
As a native of Moscow, which possesses one of the most extravagant underground railway systems on the planet, and one which I had the privilege of using and admiring so many times myself, I would really love to see a Megaprojects video on it sometime in the future!


I've lived in a rural area of Ireland for the last 14 years, we have only one bus a Tube is the greatest thing about my home city, don't take it for granted guys!


Video Idea: Should try the Parker Solar Probe, some of the numbers on that are mental and I think it’s quite interesting


I worked for them for many years, I remember going into a track /signal relay station in the 90s The relays were in glass boxes with Victorian enamel labels! On the good side you could show your staff id and get a cup of tea at almost any time :-)


What always appealed to me most was the step less travel using lifts & escalators, with some stations having a series of escalators to transfer between lines. London was first, though by no means is the largest, most modern, deepest, or most travelled.


Having grown up in the UK's second biggest metropolitan area, which has no underground system at all, I can't tell you how much I enjoy having the tube available to me now that I live in London! It really is revolutionary and invaluable to the majority of Londoners 👌


Simon, great summation and generally good coverage of the subject, but a couple of corrections:

1. the Metropolitan & St John's Wood Railway never went to Hampstead Village. That map at 10:05 shows the plan, but they ran out of money and only got as far as Swiss Cottage - when the line extended later, it took a different route.
2. The Central London Railway map at 11.37 shows the 1901 proposals for adding turn around loops at each end, which was rejected by parliament.
You should also credit the Wikipedia creators of the maps, by the way.


Can there be a story on the Singapore MRT? It would be interesting to see how a third world country transforms itself with one of the greatest transportation system.


As an American, man i wish we had a Tube. Went to London for the first time 2019 and it was so nice to experience
