Fix a GE Dryer That Won't Start Or Run | Shows Numbers 0 1 2 | Personality Reset | GE GTD72EBSNWS

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Fix a GE Dryer That Won't Start Or Run | Shows Numbers 0 1 2 | Personality Reset | GE GTD72EBSNWS




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Thank you !! Saved me a headache ! What’s the cash app
For donations ?


Thank you sir! The power went out for a couple of hours during a wind storm. When the dryer wouldn't start I looked in the owners manual under troubleshooting, but it does not have this procedure. I followed your instructions and got the dryer working again. My wife thinks I'm a hero, but it was actually you. And of course, these things always seem to happen on a Saturday night. Thanks again. Jim


This video is a life saver! I had a power outage for several hours due to heavy rain and wind and the GE manual has nothing on this. I was starting to think there was a larger issue, but this was such an easy fix thanks to this video! Thank you for posting this!!!


I'm so Thankful for your post. I've been trying to get my dryer to start for two hours and finally came across your video. Now, I don't have to run to the local laundromat.


Thank you soooo much for this video. We had a power surge this morning and the entire panel was lit up. I had no idea how I was going to fix it. I thought I was going to have to buy a new dryer. You just saved me a ton of aggravation. Your instructions worked. You are the best.


This is the best video on the internet. Period.


You are my hero! All the lights were flashing and the red light to clean vent was on. I cleanered it including all ducts even vacuumed down the inside of the dryer by removing the ducts, after the lights kept flashing. Anyway I figured it was some kind of reset issue. you seriously helped me and saved me time on hold with GE and likely a service call. I am saving your video in case this happens again. Seriously. Thank you. You are doing a major service for people. You are definitely earning good Karma!!


Thank you so much for posting this. When reading in the internet all I kept seeing was “dryer main board was shorted out-have to replace “. Followed your video & good as new. Thank you again


Thank you!! So many things had gone wrong in my home while I was deployed--pipe froze and ruptured in January, molding and damaging everything around it, including (apparently) my dryer. Hoping to avoid buying a new dryer, I changed the control module today, excited to find power restored but concerned to find the cryptic numbers that I could switch between 0 and 4 on the display. Fearing some other problem, I found your video and got it working minutes later. I'm doing laundry now, much relieved.


Due to an airplane crash taking out our power, when we got power back we had this issue, until I found this video I was looking at nearly 200 dollars for a repairman to come out. Instead after this short video I have my dryer back and all is good with the world again!!


I am so glad this video is here! I was able to save the day. While my Mom was on hold asking me to give the model and serial number lol I politely grabbed the phone and said goodbye!


Followed these steps for my elderly dad after a power surge. THANK YOU FOR THIS VIDEO!!!! It works great now!


THANK YOU MUCH!!! This fixed it. Can’t believe GE customer service / tech support didn’t know this….


I don’t have the same dryer but it’s a GE Duet front loader. Last time I dried my shoes in there and when I tried to start it up it would click and the “sensing” would light up. I called a repair man and paid $280 to get it fixed. So I didn’t learn my lesson and I put another pair of shoes in there a year later and the same thing happened. I watched this video and you said to press on the power key until I saw a “1”. I don’t have the same dryer but I went ahead and pressed on the power button for 5 seconds and then the start button and it worked! You are the boss! Thank you 😂


Jim this video is the best. Appreciate your help. I too had power outage last night and dryer wouldn't work. Called GE and their recommendation was to hold power button for 5 seconds to reset did nothing. I followed your steps is working. I expect better from GE. Forget owner manuals I actually spoke to their technical service support and they made no mention of your steps, instead scheduling a future paid service call telling me my computer panel probably needs a fuse or replaced entirely. Thanks GE for worthless advice and fee hungry service model service and parts.


Thank you! Power went out last night and I really needed work clothes dried. You told me exactly what to do!!


Thank you so very much!! Our power went off and on several times today and your fix worked perfectly!


Thank you so much for this video. I thought a power surge had fried my dryers electronics and I was about to go out and purchase a new one. You saved me hundreds of dollars.


You are my hero I fixed my dryer in 1 min👌🏽


This video saved us a lot of money! Thank you very much!
