Turn your PC into a Steam Deck - Steam OS 3 Installation Guide

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With the new HoloISO project, we are able to install an unofficial build of the OS that runs on the Steam Deck (Steam OS 3). In this video, we take a look at Steam OS 3 running on a variety of devices, as well as go over the installation process. You will have the best experience possible installing this on a system with an AMD GPU.

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The Steam OS on the slimmer AYA Neo Air gonna look so cool!


Man, this is awesome news for us living in countries where Valve is unlikely to sell the Deck anytime soon...
I really really wish I could just straight pay up and buy one officially, even with the extremely high importation taxes I'd had to pay if it was coming from the US or somewhere else where it's being manufactured, like say China, but without that option, I ended up setting a wait limit for myself... if Valve can't release it somewhere I can get until my next big overseas trip, likely to happen within a couple of years or so, I'll likely get one of the alternatives and go with it. This is made even better if I can just install Steam OS and test it that way.
Pretty awesome that Valve is making improvements on running Steam OS in other system this way.


This would have been super helpful 72 hours ago 😀 Great stuff Taki!


very cool stuff man. the future of portable gaming is looking sweet :) love the channel


Finally, been waiting for this video for a LONG time.


Very cool! Would love to see Linux and Windows head to head benchmarks.

Really curious to see how much overhead the proton layer over a range of games.


I know that they will bring back the "Steam Machines" idea after they have polished Steam OS 3 a bit more.
So I'd keep an eye out for an official build in he coming months.


For anyone with a Onexplayer, you should know a few things.

You can't do this without a USB hub, a usb keyboard, and a USB wifi or ethernet dongle of some sort. (I don't have the keyboard or dock from Onexplayer to test, so I don't know if those things would work)

You'll need the hub so you can plug in the keyboard, wifi dongle, and USB flash drive (containing the ISO) at the same time.

You'll need the wifi or ethernet dongle because the inbuilt wifi module of the Onexplayer isn't recognized during the installation process.

You'll need the USB keyboard because you WILL need to type in commands during the process, something you can't do
with the available hardware of the Onexplayer itself.

On a side note, back up any data from the USB flash drive that you are going to use for this process. Flashing the ISO to that USB stick WILL remove any data from it entirely.

I haven't gotten past the wifi step, as I don't own a USB wifi dongle. If I do get past that step, I might update this comment further if I can find it again easily enough.

Good luck to all you brave individuals who follow through with this guide, and thanks again Taki for bringing excellent information to our eyes and ears.


so...been waiting for about 4 days for someone to make a comparison video for holoiso vs windows performance, and sure as heck there still isnt one out there. Can't test myself as I have an nvidia card for the time being which doesnt play well with steamOS. and gamescope aaaand linux is general. Thanks to the performance overlay on horizon zero dawn though, I definitely can see some interesting results. Even the 4800u version of aya neo doesnt run horizon that well on windows. Dang. Thanks for the vid.


I haven't purchased any retro handheld yet, but man your videos are interesting! Love your videos Taki! Keep up the good work!


The automatic controller detection isn't too surprising, gamepad support got baked into the Linux kernel a few years back iirc, and Valve probably extended that using their experience with Steam Input.


Very awesome! For when and IF Gamepass app show up on Linux I will totally switch to Steam os on my desktop. :)


Totally gonna try this on a fairly old laptop to see how it handles. Been trying to nail down a Linux Distro for gaming and I like that this will at least be user friendly to get a feel for Linux before I jump down the rabbit hole.


It would be really funny to see the OS on a Nintendo Switch


man when i heard of steam os 3 for all devices i instantly was thinking about all those other Handheld PCs :D


One thing's holding me back from windows handhelds are how unintuitive the UI is, and this just nearly solves all my problems and makes x86 handhelds a much better deal


Finally! i can install this on my aya neo pro!


I thought the steam deck ran on arm architecture, not x86. Today I learned! Pretty nifty project tho haha


Linux handles drivers in a unique way. In that it essentially doesn't and asks developers to submit the source code for the driver so the kernel team can merge and maintain it themselves.

This means that out of the box, depending on kernel version, SteamOS should run on everything from Intel and AMD. Only exception is team green.


The possibility of installing this operating system on other devices is great. But the Steam Deck is really very cheap and powerful, I think it will be mostly used on the Steam Deck. Still, it's a big step for Linux Gaming :)
