Bart Ehrman's strongest objection to the Resurrection | Highlight

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Bart says that a historian could never show that Jesus rose from the dead because that's the least probable explanation to what happened to Jesus, and historians must choose the most probable explanation.


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I watched the 2nd Licona vs. Ehrman

Ehrman conceded in this debate that Jesus port-mortem appearances are a fact of history, but was unable to provide a naturalistic explanation for these appearances.


How dare you claim that Ehrman "knows deep down" that his objections aren't valid. That is so incredibly dishonest.


Every objection to the resurrection has gone through the fire and never made it to the other side. Moving on


Yes, Mike the resurrection is at the pinnacle of belief in God.
But, unfortunately this tower of belief is actually a house of cards - supported by no actual evidence.


So, as a historian, you now gotta prove God exists and can raise the dead. Then we can consider your explanation.


The real best objection that Bart Ehrman has to the resurrection is his version of the stolen body hypothesis which goes like this:
- 2 of Jesus's family members raided his tomb and stole the body overnight perhaps because they didn't like that Jesus was buried by Joseph of Arimathea and not with his family
- They were caught by guards with the body and killed
- All 3 of them were thrown into a communal grave which explains the empty tomb
- On sunday the women followers of Jesus came to his tomb to try to put herbs and species on Jesus's dead body but they came to the conclusion that it was stolen so they were sad
- This caused them to have visions of the risen Jesus and then told stories about it
- The disciples too had visions of the risen Jesus

The gospel of Matthew mentions that there were guards at Jesus's tomb so if anyone tried to rob Jesus's tomb they would get killed by the guards and fail. If they slept on duty they would also get into deep trouble so this makes Bart Ehrman's hypothesis already improbable. I can imagine Bart Ehrman would respond by saying that the guards were fabricated by saying that they are mentioned in no other sources apart from the flimsy, hugely embellished gospel of Peter and the gospel of Matthew but this is an argument from silence. Also there are no signs of legendary embellishment in the gospel and they are reliable accounts so there were guards at the tomb. Bart Ehrman's hypothesis did not happen or it's at least the less likely than the resurrection.


The greatest person who can shatter the athiests and men like Bert is this Mike Licona. God bless.


Please name me one secular, university level scholar who uses miracles as historic evidence of the past? I await your answer....🤔


thats true Sir. Bart Ehrman first critique the relaiability of the Bible and then later on claimed to be Historian and no longer believes in God and thus in Miracle.. I thought its only the relaiability of the Bible that he doesnt believe, then reject everything. hopefully He will have encounter with Jesus to stop him from persecuting the Bible


All the little hopeless atheist mad in the comments 💀💀💀


This applies to Mohammed flying on a winged horse and Joseph Smith's Golden Plate revelation through the angel Moroni, yes?


The biggest objection to the resurrection is that Jesus isn't here. If Jesus were physically raised from the dead back into an imperishable body, then he would still be here walking among us. He's not, therefore, Q.E.D.


Saying a resurrection is a miracle and miracles by definition is the least likely explanation, therefore we can’t know it is just begging the question against the resurrection.


I find it interesting that Ehrman isn’t even used in the video, it’s simply Licona speaking to a friendly audience about someone else’s position.


There MAY be evidence that god exists
But I think these proofs do not inform us whether this god corresponds to the Judeo-Christian concept of god
Is there a god that created the universe…. And in all the universe is paying particular attention to particular animals on a planet that is less significant than a particular grain of sand?


The walking on water example was so cringe that I couldn’t even laugh


This is why I no longer believe. This sort of reasoning


I’m afraid it’s Licona who is mistaken. By the same analogy it’s true that Mohammed rode on a flying donkey. Surely if God wanted a donkey to fly he could have made that happen.


If Jesus died on the cross and resurrected on the third day

Why he disguised himself beyond recognition and appeared only to those who already believed in him?

He appeared to Mary as a gardner.
He disguised as a stranger even to his followers. The two of followers stayed with him the whole night without realizing that he was Jesus.

Even after resurrected was he affraid of Jewish religious leaders and Roman authorities who prosecuted him?

Was he affraid that they may have arrest him and crucify him again?

Had he appeared to them, they would have believed in him! That would have been better.

But he did not. Because he did not die. That was possibly the one and only reason he did not reveal his identity to them.

If he indeed died and Resurrected, he would not have to disguised, as resurrected person can not be killed again.


So basically if it happened than it’s probable. What a joke
