L-Sit to V-Sit Tutorial - l sit Workout & Tutorial (ft. Fitnessfaqs)

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What is up guys!? After a few months fully dedicated to our SM Online Academy and beloved #SMFAM, we are back! What you are about to watch is a tutorial to progress your L-Sit into a V-Sit. We'll highlight the most common areas that need to be worked on in order to achieve this movement.
When you understand the principles and methods that allow us to spot our areas of weakness, you can work efficiently towards them, then you will be able to achieve the skills you desire.

Both the L-sit and V-sit require hip flexor strength, hamstring flexibility to not restrict the range of motion, tricep strength, and finally lat/scapular strength.

Your main hip flexors consist of your iliopsoas (psoas major and iliacus) and rectus femoris. These muscles work to perform hip flexion, or in our case bringing the legs closer to your chest. Compression strength works with a combination of hip flexors and abdominals to bring both the body and legs closer together.

Opposite of hip flexion is hip extension. The hamstrings work to perform hip extension along with knee flexion. When our hamstrings are tight or not flexible, this can restrict our hip flexion. Even though you may have good hip flexor strength, poor hamstring flexibility may prevent you from compressing. The opposite can also be true if you have great hamstring flexibility but lack hip flexor strength this will prevent you from compressing.

In this video, we focus on creating hamstring flexibility and hip flexor strength. These can be challenging areas where you may have different levels of both or excel in only one of these areas. Whether you lack flexibility or strength, by discovering your weaknesses you will better be able to focus your training in an efficient and productive way.

We can work our hamstring flexibility through utilizing a PNF (proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) technique that works to desensitize our nervous system from performing an autonomic contraction. When the muscles lengthen beyond a comfortable range, Golgi tendons located in the muscles respond by producing a contraction preventing the muscle from lengthening and protects the muscles from potential damage. Gaining flexibility occurs when we relax our nervous system to allow for decreased sensitivity of the muscle spindles.

Next, we work our hip flexor strength by moving through different compression patterns. The first movements called pike compression works by bringing the legs to the trunk. The next movement works by sliding the feet back for our trunk to meet our legs. When working compression, there are two ways our bodies can compress: Our legs meet our trunk or our trunk meets our legs. This is dependent on the arthrokinematics or the joint articulation that occurs during the movement.

Find which area may be preventing you from achieving the V-Sit skill and focus more on that area but don’t forget to work the other areas as well so you can advance from the L-Sit to V-Sit Skill!
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Good to see Daniel is mortal after all 😁


I have never seen Daniel struggle so hard in my entire life


8:19 "hahaha... now show me a V sit"


I give Dan a lot of credit for doing this video, for showing his area of weakness and taking on the student role. Even teachers can still learn a thing or two. I need to prioritize the v-sit again!


1:56 - Try Dynamic L-sit [ 3Xreps | 1Xset ]
2:17 - Seated Forward Bend [ 15-20sec | 1Xset ]
4:12 - Seated Pike Compression [ 10reps *each variation* | 1Xsuperset ]
5:16 - Seated Forward Bend [15-20sec | 1Xset ]
7:32 - Standing Forward Bend [10reps | 1Xset ]
8:25 - Try To Leaning Forward And Do L-sit To V-sit
Do this practice as possible you, daily Or 3days in a week.


He has taught Austin dunham, fitness FAQ's. Now he just needs to teach chris heria.


Me: tries to get the V-sit
Also me: expects any Gabo video
Gabo: "I got you covered"


Watching Dan suffering with this routine makes me feel kinda scared to try


Absolutely loved this video, i love seeing Gabo performing movements with ease but whats even better was seeing the real struggle frm Daniel, Because most people struggle and it sometimes can be disheartening when u cant perform a move, so seeing this just shows how real u r. I love Gabo i love the Academy im in, its a family. Can’t wait for more videos. Namaste 🙏🏻


I really respect you guys keeping it true


Daniel is massive for a calisthenic athlete, Gabo and him make a great duo


For a sec, I thought this was a self suck tutorial. 👀😂


Greetings from a calisthenics fan in greece who just started youtube by watching you and Chris back in the day from thenx !


What is up! 💙 Great workout! I always notice that all exercices are chosen so wisely to achieve best results 💪🏻 your V-sit is incredible Gabo! 😍
By the way I want to congratulate you on your marriage! 💙☀️💙 Wish you all the best! Be the happiest in the world Gabi!
Much love! 💙


Me: let's learn v sit
My pelvic : i never let you hold l sit 😢


My reaction was exactly the same as Daniel's i just hate this movement, its as if my body knows it's a weakness and screams at me "don't do this! You are going to be frustrated af!"


I was just thinking to myself "It feels like forever since Gabo posted anything." Then here you are. Excellent as always 🖒


Gabo missing you so much brother. Massive Aloha 🤘🏾💙🤙🏾 MORE please.


Gabo, please can you make a video about the L-sit Pullup with also included the needed shoulder strength and rotator cuff warm up?


The fact that you do not have more subs than Chris Hernia bothers me
