NASA panel to investigate UFO sightings

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The first public meeting of an expert NASA panel into UFO sightings has been launched in Washington.

The 16-member panel was formed last year to examine with the team planning to release a report into their findings next month.
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Another square on my conspiracy theory bingo card. One more I win. 😂


Another distraction. Start talking about the WHO pandemic treaty. Since 1947 SILENCE MEANS CONSENT. Dont let the Australian representative sign that treaty. The media wont talk about it, Albo hasnt mentioned it to the public. If it is signed in November without our consent we are finished


Oh there last trick fake alien invasion


Meanwhile bio weapon THEY forced on people doing IT'S job slowly but surely you are being led to war THEY want you looking up AND seeing NOTHING 🤪🤪


They've been in orbit 24/7 for decades, but this committee will figure it out. UFOs have been military or mistaken identification. Bigfoot, Nessie and ghosts aren't real either.


The existence of the flying crafts observed by military personnel and individuals worldwide, commonly referred to as "unidentified" objects or phenomena, is not a work of science fiction but a thoroughly documented reality. It is noteworthy that these phenomena were anticipated and openly discussed by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Eternal Leader of the Nation of Islam, as early as 1932, even preceding their appearance in 1942 during the notable "Battle of Los Angeles." The Nation of Islam demonstrated remarkable foresight in acknowledging and addressing the UFO phenomena well before society as a whole had even begun to question their existence. This revelation has profound implications, as it has been concealed and kept hidden from public knowledge.
Elijah Muhammad, despite having only completed the fourth grade of formal education, imparted knowledge to his followers that surpassed the teachings of college professors. In January 1987, he began enlightening us about a remarkable celestial plane resembling a wheel. According to his account, his teacher, Master Fard Muhammad, directed his attention to a formidable-looking plane in the sky—a half-mile in both diameter and width—constructed in a manner akin to the vast universe itself. This circular aircraft reportedly contained within it 1, 500 smaller wheel-like planes. When Elijah Muhammad shared these extraordinary details, it provoked a range of responses within the community, with some embracing these teachings while others remained skeptical.


Any species that has the capability to travel through space would take one look at how we treat each other, our violence, wars, the the damage we have done to our planet and not waste their time, just barbarians on earth.


What did we learn? Answer=ABSOLUTELY NOTHING NEW


Why? This is absolutely laughable and that NASA, of all places, is investigating the complete nonsense just blows my mind.


These objects control gravity so they also control time (measured: gravitational time dilation.) When something is faster than sound without pushing the air into a sonic boom it’s displaced through time. It exists in a quantum superposition where our limited perspective can’t measure it’s true location in time. The universe has a limit of observing 0 time progression objects (velocity time dilation of light, etc). While the universe also progresses into the future. An observer though can’t freeze in time through gravitational interaction because without that gravitational interaction the object would experience no gravitational time dilation so the observer wouldn’t freeze in time in the first place, and the observer can then exceed that 0 frozen limit seeing more time progression of the universe than the universe itself is capable of with it’s limits, meaning future information, and returning into a universe that couldn’t yet experience that same future, so the future becomes changeable.

ET aliens are hostile, they observe us suffering, and cause us harm. They use technology to travel here, so they obviously wear camouflage with technology similar of your phone that has a front screen, and a back camera, take a photo and see through your phone, with face tracking, auto brightness, auto zoom, parallel reality software to track and display images to many faces on the same sign, etc that all you will see is a shadow, a glare on their technology, or what’s behind them displaced if your face isn’t being tracked. They are hostile, and the governments should shoot down all ET alien technology out of the skies/seas without hesitation. They control our future through having future information. Faster than light is time travel. Never help these hostile invaders, and always distrust them. I had close encounters, and they ruined my life. They have future information, and change the future, they use people, and they cause harm. After seeing them then your house will be what people describe as haunted from all the objects that have a gravitational pull that is quantum entangled with our limited perspective since quantum entangled particles can react to another entangled particle at faster than light, fans freezing near orbs of scattering light which can also safely travel through objects, time slips, at 3am house creaking, and things moving without a visible source sometimes near one of those spheres of scattering light. They have ruined my life, and I’m suffering because of them so I’m expressing my anger now. We are a failed species who will likely become extinct before we can time travel our future technology back, and ET aliens harming us is the proof of our species failing, and aliens want to cover it up so you get goofiness in the government. Metal balloons, whole aircraft carrier fleet sees the tic tac object reach mach speeds instantly, but radar data was stolen, or confiscated then missing, etc. Always distrust all ET aliens, and governments should seriously be defending us from them by shooting alien ET technology down without hesitation because they use Earth as a zoo very carelessly causing humans harm. Aliens have already observed many extinction events on Earth, and we are probably just another failed species who become extinct before we will time travel our future technology back also.


Yep, anything to make a bigger government.


I wouldn't trust a US government agency as for as I could throw it. But hey.... that's just me


NASA always cuts the feed when UFO’s pass by the ISS. Look up Secure team. There is countless flybys from UFO’s documented on this guy’s channel


More distraction & funding stream.


They got paid, using public funds, to play these silly games? If I was a US taxpayer I'd be very annoyed by yet another example of pointless waste when there are so many real problems to address.


They should set up cctv departments to monitor the sky's morning noon and night. ♻️


Get ready for the great deception. Jesus will return but the first one won't be Him, it will be a fake.


Project Bluebeam incoming. Don’t fall for it!


Im getting tired of these aliens teasing us, like enough foreplay whip it out already.


Just weather balloons and swamp gass. Nothing to see here, folks.
