NASA holds 1st ever UFO sighting meeting

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NASA officials held their first ever UFO sighting meeting, sharing images and video of some sightings. The Department of Defense is investigating hundreds of sightings, though NASA officials say most sightings can actually be explained.
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Yeah, completely scripted. Reminds me of COVID news stories


iPhone 1s have a better camera than, but government with all the tech in the world use a potato 🥔 to record every ufo ever.


Are they here? Maybe, maybe not. If they are then these are not little green men but bot probes. We landed men on the moon in 1969, but have not done so on Mars. We have however landed many bots on Mars. We have bots traveling out of the solar system, orbiting Jupiter, landing on Titan, taking samples from asteroids and comets and passing by Pluto through the Kuiper Belt. Why would a somewhat advanced alien race not use the same technique for exploration?
