How to Knit the Knit Stitch

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As if its name weren't a dead giveaway, the knit stitch is the most basic of knitting stitches, and a must-know for all aspiring knitters.

Step 1: Position work
Hold the needle with all the cast-on stitches in your left hand, and the empty needle in your right. Position your work so the cast on-stitches are at the bottom of the needle, and the yarn trails away to your right.

Step 2: Slip needle through loop
Slip the point of the empty needle through the topmost loop on your left needle. The tops of the needles will now be forming an "X".

Keep your stitches toward the top of the needles, but don't let them slip onto the point.

Step 3: Wrap yarn
Hold the crossed needles in your left hand and, with your right hand, wrap the yarn under and around the bottom needle in a counterclockwise direction. It should now be positioned between the two needles and trailing to the right side again.

Be careful not to wrap the yarn around the left needle.

Step 4: Catch yarn
Taking the right-hand needle back in your right hand, push its tip down with your left index finger and carefully bring it forward, catching the yarn sitting between the two needles as you do so. The right needle should now be on the top of the X with the yarn looped around it.

Step 5: Slip off loop
Move the left needle down, so that the loop now at the top of it slips off--but don't let the new loop on your right needle fall off while you're doing this. You have just knitted a knit stitch.

Keep your needles close together as you work--If you pull them apart, you'll end up with a long messy string between the two needles.

Step 6: Complete first row
Hold both needles with the fingers of your left hand again, repeating the steps to knit as many stitches as you cast on. When all your stitches have moved from the needle in your left hand to the needle in your right hand, you've completed your first row.

Step 7: Continue knitting
Swap the needles so the one with the stitches is back in your left hand and the empty one is back in your right hand. Continue knitting the stitches from one needle to the other as your pattern requires.

Did You Know?
Knitting became a full-time profession in 14th century Europe--and was an occupation dominated by men.
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I learned from this video about two years ago, now I make blankets, scarfs, fingerless gloves, hats and purses.


You guys are complaining about how bad it is but the didlike bar is invisisble. it is invisible because no one disliked it. This video totally solved my problem and now i know how to knit.


this is really easy it took me one kniting claSS toget this stich down! and im only 13 years old!


your needls are really big compaird to mine it makes it easy the way your doing it to so we can actually see what your doing but u normally wouldnt do it like that it shure would make a big scarf!


@chocolatecake666 I had the same problem and I figured out why: the first stitch on the needle looks like it's 2 stitches but it's actually one... you should kinda pick 2 stitches at a time when starting a new needle, then continue with just one.


Someone showed me how to knit last week, and this series of knitting videos from howcast is a good review for me. However, if I were just starting, I'm not sure they would be useful - I am looking at someone across from me, and thus have to reverse what I am doing relative to what I see.


Very helpful, thank you! What do you do at the end of a row, with the slip knot?


No matter how close together I keep my needles, I always end up with the long messy strand on my first row. Ugh.


Trying to figure this out, so hard. It might be cuz I am using thinner yarn than she is, or it's just cause I am a beginner trying to knit a dog. Lol. Hope I can figure it out because I bought a book and a bung of yarn to go with it...


Too late!! Ughhh why didn't you tell me to not pull the needles apart sooner? Haha now I'm stuck with a long messy string between the two needles and I can't get rid of it. @_@ Otherwise, this was very helpful. :)


why do my knit stitches look like purl stitches? What am I doing wrong? please help


i am confuse at step 4

i need help!


k when she opens her mouth like that she looks like a chessy cartoon charator.


I have done this EXACTLY how the video said and everytime I end up with this complicated knot between them. WHAT THE FUCK AM I DOING WRONG?!?!?!?!


if everyone is commenting saying i can knit then put up a VIDEO
so u can FRICKEN prove IT ughhh and if u cant u cant KNIT simple as THAT


0-0 Thought it was called garter stitch?
Ha guess I've learned nothing ever since I started knitting in 2nd grade xD


Who else still can't do it? *shamefully raises hand*


this bloody thing won't work! D:< It keeps coming off! I GIVE UP!


stop switching the camera angles up so fast!!! O___O


whoever disliked this must have got frustrated like I did...
