10 Laughably Bad Iridescent Add-Ons from Dead by Daylight History

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Hey everyone, today we’re discussing some of the worst iridescent add-ons we’ve had throughout DbD history. For add-ons that are meant to be the best, these are really quite bad. Let’s get into it.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor's Army - Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance - An Jone

Intro 0:00
Iridescent Photocard (4.6.0) 0:12
Death Throes Compilation (4.6.0) 1:05
Carburetor Tuning Guide (4.1.0) 2:12
Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript (6.6.0) 2:59
Iridescent Brick (4.1.0) 4:00
Iridescent Umbrella Badge (5.0.0) 4:54
Bonus: Iridescent Pendant (4.4.0) 5:51
Iridescent Family Crest (3.4.0) 6:03
Father's Glasses (5.3.0) 6:46
Black Box (1.8.0) 7:22
Hellshire Iron (3.6.0) 8:16
Outro 9:05
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I think the reason why so many of these are restricted by seconds, meters, or otherwise is because of the devs' fear for backlash. Iridescents should make a killer scarier and it's sad that that feeling isn't as prevalent with these.


Iri add-ons need to massively change how the power works in a way that is viable and fun, too many of them have the boring effect of just exposing the survivor imo.


Old Father's Glasses DID have its use. Ironically with old Mother Daughter ring. Those two together were incredibly broken since not only did you have the speed, but the blood tracking was miles better than the scratch marks since it was way more accurate. And since Mother Daughter ring removed scratch marks, and people ran Iron Will religiously back then, you kind of needed the Glasses to find the survivors if you weren't running Stridor.


Just a note for the carburetor tuning guide, It's been bugged for years now where the movement speed reduction is more than its meant to be, making it impossible to catch up to a survivor using it


Unrelated to the list but 7:43 is probably one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen in this game


Black box when Freddy could force the obsession to stay asleep was actually really good especially with the slowdown chains


I would argue that Iridescent Family Crest is actually a good add-on. Nowhere near deserving of being Iridescent, but if you don't want to run a large number of detection perks, it's extremely helpful in finding people while using your power, allowing you to actually get value out of it when you otherwise might not.


Dad glasses lets you see blood pools. The mother daughter ring removes scratch marks. If you dont have good headphones, didnt bring stridor, or are using it to counter certain perks, it was supposed to be paired with spirits other iridescent addon. As someone who started on console, i dont think dads glasses deserves laughably bad labeling.


Not going to lie you underrate the hell out of some of these addons. Death Throes comp is used by many of the best tricksters out there, and family crest is just fantastic. It's practically an on-command infectious fright, and can substitute out for several aura perks in lieu of more slowdown.


Ok I want to correct one thing, the death throes compilation is actually a good addon, it’s not an awful effect to get a reload especially on maps with bad locker placements. There’s a whole play style centered around it that makes him more consistent.


Yo the current iri compilation for trickster is a sleeper one tbh. If you can hit your knives (which admittedly I cannot on controller) you can just never reload


Top 10 worst iri addons

Number 10: All of them 💀


I would definitely wanna see a video about what killers or survivors you wanna see added into DBD!


Actually didn’t mind the Black Box when it’s effect made the obsession prema-sleep. Its effects were pretty powerful and had interesting interactions when combined with obsession perks like Rancor and/or STBFL or even Remember Me and considering how bad (or unhealthy) his other add ons were at the time, pretty solid. Especially when you consider that his teleportation cool down was based on how many survivors were in the dream state. This add on at it’s worst was essentially a straight buff to his base kit while also ensuring at least one survivor was an easier chase because they always were susceptible to your snares or dream pallets.
Not as good as the paint brush or “forever Freddy” add ons but more customizable and easy to use and get value from.


I mainly just think the rarer the add-on, shouldn’t mean the most powerful. I personally believe it would be more fun/game changing if the rarer the add-on the more drastic the change is to a killer’s power. but balanced. like idk, wesker having three short and quick lunges. or no stealth ghost face but way better stalk, (or waaay longer stalk but you can’t snap him out, or maybe even more downsides to not being able to snap him out). I always felt a good example was one hatchet huntress, or a good example but bad execution (in fairness) is infinite tier 3 myers.


Honestly old Black Box wasn’t too bad with old Freddy. Having one person always be asleep and you don’t need to wait 7 seconds just to hit them was really nice, and I like the concept of the add on more than its current iteration. I wish it would come back as a yellow add on or something for current Freddy.


Iridescent Umbrella Badge and Jill's Sandwich are a great combo for Nemesis. Your can just focus on his survivors with your tentacle and when they use the vaccine you can see where they are and go kill them. It has even worked when I was across the entire map on red forest.


I really like the trapper one who opens randomly a trap on the map. I think this addon is fun and adds spice to the game without being oppressive


I miss old iridescent button having a massive range for feral frenzy as well as destroying pallets when vaulting was so much fun.

Edit: now all it does is just destroy pallets and doesn't make your terror radius the entire map. Which was why I loved using it alot


The family crest for oni can actually be fairly decent in my opinion. It allows you to find survivors during blood fury, when they are trying to hide. It also can’t be countered by distortion. Still not great, but still usable
