The 10 Most Unique Perks in Dead by Daylight!

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Hey everyone, today we’re looking at some of the most strange and unique perks in Dead by Daylight, a bit like we did with the add-ons. These perks in general don’t get much use, but it’s always really cool to see them used in game. Let’s get into it.

Music used from YouTube Audio Library:
The Emperor's Army - Jeremy Blake
Clean and Dance - An Jone

Hope you enjoy!

Intro 0:00
Blood Pact 0:13
Coup de Grâce 0:58
Autodidact 1:50
Hex: Pentimento 2:38
Fast Track 3:30
Merciless Storm 4:10
Ace in the Hole 4:57
Play With Your Food 5:41
Mettle of Man 6:29
Furtive Chase 7:27
Outro 8:12
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Surprised to see that Blast Mine and Flashbang weren't in this list. Being able to blind a killer with a perk is pretty unique so if you do a part 2 of this list, there ya go B)


This YouTuber has to be one of my favorites.
1. Very fluent.
2. Does his research.
3.Valid hit points.
4. Just amazing voice over, gameplay, and icons of what the things are!


I love Blood Pact. Everyone focuses on the complex Haste effect, but the two-way communication is very useful. Camaraderie is underrated since it's still the only perk that affects the struggle phase. Maybe it should be akin to WGLF. Where you earn a token for altruistic action and that equates to your timer. Just an idea.


4:14 "it isn't good, it isn't even close to being good..."
Demi: *laughs in impossible skill check build*


With blood pact I'd recommend a green key with the wedding ring add-on.
First it'll always let you see the obsession which gives you info and helps you stay close even through a wall or two.
Second, combined with blood pact you have a -200% chance of being the obsession at the start, so you could bring object for that info without being the obsession


I feel a nice way to buff Coup de Grace is by making it have a 60 second cooldown instead of a stack base system when a gen is completed so you can use it multiple times in a trail without having to lose gens to get value


Ever since Empathic Connection came out with Yoichi, I've been running Autodidact with it. It makes injured survivors want to come to you and get healed, and so you get free/easy Autodidact stacks.


I use Blood Pact often when playing as Cheryl. It has a fun mechanic that basically forces you to stick to the obsession. This, of course, is not ideal when you’re dealing with The Legion, where being as separate as possible is considered the safest strategy.

Furtive Chase is one perk that has helped me immensely when I do specific tome challenges. Especially the ones that require you to “hook the obsession 8 times” or more. I could go through several matches, or I could put on the perk and get it done in one.


I think Repressed Alliance is interesting by having a survivor call upon the entity for help.


I probably would've put Stake Out over something like Fast Track. They are both unique sure but Stake Out is both unique and actually can be pretty good. Much easier to activate in my opinion. It works on everything as well. I can go faster in both healing and gens and all I have to do is be in the killer's terror radius. For a certain amount of time. It's slept on too much. Oh and it helps for people who aren't good at hitting great skill checks because you get more points and progression out of it to which does mean something since it stacks up over time.


coup de grace should give you a token when ever you hit a survivor with a basic attack that isnt a lunge. it would make chases more dynamic by forcing you to get close on the first hit and afterwards giving you a way to close the chase.


I played with my friend and she had Blood Pact on and I could see her every where. The killer didn't get the chance to hook her because I had Saboteur and I could see her. It was really


Distraction perks are pretty niche since alot of the time you either need to be in the killers terror radius or use it effectively in chases or hiding. Diversion is fun to watch killers follow fake scratch marks and notifications (not tried it on zombies yet.) Deception being used to confuse the killer that you went into a locker and can make for a funny build with quick and quiet.


I think that a change of monstrous shrine to a scourge hook perk that also allows the basement hooks to be scourge hooks would be a nice change


there was a challenge in archives to hit with coup de grace and this perk was actually pretty good, it unexpectedly helped me a few times


You forgot about Head on and Diversion. Another two unique and quite fun to use perks


I like your list but you missed the most unique perk in the game that came and was the first entity block perk and still the only perk that can prevent survivors From escaping entirely even if the doors are open. Blood warden. Its my personal favorite perk and i run it from time to time. Hex pentimento is my second favorite perk in the game.


Totem rekindle is a complete spit in the face of killers. You can only rekindle a totem once, where as survivors can continuously redo their boons as much as they'd like.


Repressed alliance is my favorite survivor just because of how unique and fun it is. It’s great to counter some gen regression perks like pop or ruin and when paired with blast mine can make some cool plays. I was surprised it wasn’t on the list.


Always loved ace in the hole, chest builds are so situational and rng based but so good. No wonder I play pig lol.
